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Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

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    Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

    Juja;1208045 wrote: CB and lil,

    Been where both of you are numerous times, and all I can say is don't stop trying, and don't go MIA on us. You are definitely not alone. We need each other, failings and all.

    Glad you posted. Welcome, always.

    Juja - you're lovely! Read lots of your posts. Thank you! I'm glad I posted now - was really hard as was feeling like a big fat loser! Gonna pick myself up and start all over again.

    Lil & AV - you girls doing so much better than me. Have to say I had a good night on 3 glasses of wine - LOL - but unlike you two, I got the taste and hooked myself up with a bottle at home all to myself. Followed it the next day - like now - with another. I'm not going to give up giving up though. You've both helped me more than you know so thank you too x
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

      Goodness me - can't keep up with the posts now! Thanks Ann221 - feeling big time supported
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

        AV - yes, taking residence in the naughty corner! Hopefully not for too long but best try and retract my head from my backside first - lol x
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

          Cant i must say we are not better than you at all. we are all individuals and i had my kids with me on the weekend, looking and thinking god she has had 2 glasses will there be two bottles. no, i had a cup of tea with my daughter and went to bed. there was wine in the fridge that i could have snuck into my room but i did not want to see the disappointment in my daughters face in the morning. There was no look of disappointment and we went shopping and did all the things i cld not be bothered to do when i was so hungover i cld not function. All the wine is out of the house now. cant believe all weekend there was 2 bottles in the house with some left over. normally it is 2 a night but no more, definitely no more of that.
          We can do this guys and its all the more fun to do it with this site. WE are not perfect but pretty damn close i think. Thanks anne for your words of wisdom, what u said is so true and gold stars for us trying i say
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

            AV - I'm with you. Not gonna give up quitting. Since I've found this site I've had more AF days than AL days and I'm happy with that. I always hid my drinking so this site makes me accountable. That's why I find it embarrassing I think - having to come and fess up to all you lovely folk who are doing so well. I WILL BE ONE OF YOU!
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Too embarrassed to visit the nest!


              don't be mad at yourself... AL is insidious.. your fine and then your not.. it sneaks up and grabs you by the neck ... I have only just found the nest and so thankful for it.. just like everyone has said, no judgment.. it is a place where everyone just wants the best for you


                Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                Thanks Herbie - it's a little bugger that's for sure - AL that is. This site feels like a life saver for me. Hope you're ok and doing well
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                  Hey y'all -

                  Look -
                  1). We are the last people to judge.
                  2). Any AF days MORE than what you had before is better than none.
                  3). We all fight it.
                  4). I'd be a big fat liar if I said I didn't hope I could to Mod.

                  So - don't run. Don't hide. Come back. :-).
                  That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                  Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                  AF - August 20, 2012


                    Too embarrassed to visit the nest!


                    The Nest is the safest place to be so just jump back in & be sure to buckle up your nest belt & apply the butt velcro for extra security

                    You know what you have to do!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                      yes CANT i agree i have not had so many AF days either and that makes me proud too. the fessing up is hard and being disappointed in oneself is hard too but god feels so good to not be a rolling drunk everyday of the week i think. I dont feel like a drink either and that monkey is not on my shoulder saying well u had one have another. Though pulling my head out of my arse maybe wasnt such a good idea as if it was up there i would not have drank ha ha.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                        Lav - you're such an inspiration and the "mother" of the nest (avec Byrdie) that I didn't want to face you guys or let you down (that's what it feels like now - this accountable thing). Was feeling VERY sheepish about coming back in. I want to make you proud - is that weird????

                        AV - you're a funny girl! Guess my head's so used to being stuck up my backside, it's a little shy to come out and face the world. I have to create a new habit where I say, AL "kiss my arse"
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                          Hey Can'tBelieve! Sorry I am late to the game here but I am playing catch up on the threads. I was reading through this post and all the supportive responses and feeling lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group of people, such as YOU! The first thing that comes to my mind is, "wow, that is great that she came back here to post and let us know what is going on". Because, I have tried to quit several times this year myself. Did really well for a while (as in 70 days AF) then slipped and instead of coming back here right away, I felt ashamed and couldn't face coming back. A couple of months went by and I came back and did pretty well again, but slipped after a few weeks. Again, I strayed from MWO and Newbies Nest, which I now make a daily habit . This is my third very serious attempt at quiting and I know that MWO is instrumental in keeping me from drinking. If I ever slip up, which I hope I do not, the lesson I have learned is to come back here ASAP, just as you are doing, and get back on the horse. We are all here to support you...we BELIEVE in you!

                          Hope to see you in the nest tomorrow morning for a new day!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                            All things are possible

                            Keep trying and remember the bad stuff.
                            That's what is keeping me sober; just a suggestion
                            Maybe it will work for you. I just think about the
                            last time I was drunk and the look of disgust
                            on the face of the restaurant manager who was throwing
                            me out. 38 days ago. I'm far too embarrassed to
                            ever go back there, but that's ok-it's kind of like
                            a sports bar soon don't need to be there anyway.
                            Keep trying guys! I have to admit that when I tried
                            before I didn't work very hard at dispelling thoughts
                            of drinking when they came up. Now I just picture
                            myself standing, swaying, waiting for a cab and trying
                            to "chat" with that guy. And btw I got my neighbor
                            to drive me back over there to get my car and drove
                            home really drunk anyway.
                            So for me there is no "one" or "two". There is no
                            "Hey let's stop for a drink" . Nope-no such thing.
                            I cannot moderate, I acknowledge that. As I've
                            said here before-for those of us addicted to alcohol
                            moderation is the denial of our reality.
                            So...all we can do is keep up the good fight.
                            At least we are seeing and admitting what we are
                            up against, and that counts for a lot.
                            Also-my wino sister called me and yammered drunk
                            for a while earlier. I no longer want to be that person.
                            Take care and hang in there!


                              Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                              CantBelieveI'mStillAtIt;1208013 wrote: Messed up again. Did 7 days - felt great, most days so far. And then I went out! All the nesters doing great - just can't face posting there. Don't really know what I'm doing posting anymore. I keep f***ing up. Suffice to say last night turned into today and I'm down the rabbit hole - again! Really not sure why I'm saying this - booze talking.
                              It took me numerous attempts to stop drinking cantbelieveimstillatit,They were always half hearted attempts i realise that now,Eventually i hit my rock bottom and went for it for real.You don't have to wait for that you can do it by making your plan & goals now in advance,failing to plan is planning to fail.go for it again you know you can do this.:good job:

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                                Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                                Hiya CB, PF. Avail et al
                                Well I also went all last week without AL but blew it at the weekend.. clocked up 3 bottles of wine, felt like shit, got nothing done, the usual story as with us all.
                                I'm glad we are all continuing to try, I'm not giving up trying that much is FOR SURE....
                                So today, no drinking... I won't think about tomorrow just yet but today no no no

                                take care everyone.. great enduring support here

