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Almost slipped, then read THIS:

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    Almost slipped, then read THIS:

    Great motivator! I was thinking about just one (yea right) patio beer, then I read this:

    Benefits of not Drinking Alcohol for a Month

    Those who make a pact of not drinking alcohol ever again, need to start from abstaining from alcohol for a week, a fortnight, a month or six months and if they can survive this abstinence without losing any control over their actions, they are more likely to succeed in giving up alcohol in their lives. Let us look into what people experience when they don't drink alcohol for a month.

    People have found out that they are less restless and that they can sleep much better. Some people say that they craved like crazy for alcohol in the beginning but can now control themselves. There are still others who started making themselves so busy in their lives that they hardly got any time to think about alcohol. People have also realized that not only do they look better but they also feel better after not drinking alcohol for a month. This is a good motivation for them to quit drinking permanently. Some have also found that they are able to think clearly and take some good decisions, be it at work or at home. Isn't that one of the great benefits of not drinking alcohol? There are many who have started losing the weight that they had gained due to the alcohol consumption. These people also find that not only do they feel less restless, but they also are less depressed and less moody.

    Though it is beneficial to drink a small amount of alcohol, it is not necessary. There are so many benefits of not drinking alcohol. A good job, a good family life, good friends, no alcohol related health issues, clear thinking, positivity, good decision-making are just the tip of the iceberg. For those of you who have tried and failed to quit alcohol, don't forget, it is difficult but not impossible to get rid of alcohol addiction. For those of you who tried and succeeded in letting go of alcohol, great going. And for those of you who are not attempting to leave alcohol, stop drinking alcohol before it is too late. It is difficult, yes, but not impossible. (end quote)

    Here is the complete link below:

    Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol


    Almost slipped, then read THIS:

    People have found out that they are less restless and that they can sleep much better. Some people say that they craved like crazy for alcohol in the beginning but can now control themselves. There are still others who started making themselves so busy in their lives that they hardly got any time to think about alcohol. People have also realized that not only do they look better but they also feel better after not drinking alcohol for a month. This is a good motivation for them to quit drinking permanently. Some have also found that they are able to think clearly and take some good decisions, be it at work or at home. Isn't that one of the great benefits of not drinking alcohol? There are many who have started losing the weight that they had gained due to the alcohol consumption. These people also find that not only do they feel less restless, but they also are less depressed and less moody.

    Great post Anna! All of these things have been true with me. I have lost weight, I sleep better, I stay busier, I am less depressed, and many people have noticed the changes in me.

    For over 20 years I felt that not drinking would be impossible for a person like me. My life revolved around drinking and my constant goal was relaxing with a beer and getting drunk. Well since I changed my focus I realize now that life is better without alcohol. Great post and good luck on your sobriety!


      Almost slipped, then read THIS:

      Excellent post, Anna! Thanks. I was just thinking today about how I am less grouchy since I went AF 23 days ago. I always blamed it on hormones, kids or just things always going wrong.

      Alcohol does me no favors.

      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


        Almost slipped, then read THIS:



          Almost slipped, then read THIS:

          thanks Anna!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Almost slipped, then read THIS:

            Great post - and a great reminder!
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              Almost slipped, then read THIS:

              I need to read this a few more times. I am soooo irritable right now. Is that normal? I just yelled at my hubs for chewing too loudly.


                Almost slipped, then read THIS:

                Great post Anna!!!
                Once more remainder for me to set a goal for 30 days. Of course, "baby steps" at the moment but they can lead to positive life..
                Irritability is very normal for first 5 days for me at least. Later is becoming better but anyway you have to think which situations, which events etc. makes you nervous and irritated and how to avoid this. It' s hard but if you analyze yourself you can find some ways to avoid.
                I' m very sensible to loudness, people on the streets etc., bad eating manners of my boyfriend and his son:H.
                The son is 7 years old and he lives here every second week. He' s very loud, demanding and totally different educated as my daughter who' s already adult..Son is coming to stay this weekend, Friday night. I know that for me it' s a huge trigger to drink and i'm having today only Day 2. So, i have to make a really great plan to avoid my stress and irritability. i think i have to do it now...:H
                Wishing you sober Day!!!
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  Almost slipped, then read THIS:

                  Awesome post! I have experienced some of the more positive effects of not drinking over a 30 day period that the article mentions. And they are so dead on! Thanks for sharing
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Almost slipped, then read THIS:

                    A lovely post Anna xxx
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over

