I have reverted to drinking around 2 bottles of wine every evening and I have completely had enough, I am so sick of not remembering going to bed and feeling terrible in the morning, it is not as if I even get a buzz out of the drink anymore I just don't seem to get drunk now and I know what implications that has because 2 bottles is an awful lot
I think that the main reason I drink is stress relief, I have a teenage daughter who I don't have much of a relationship with anymore (she lives with us) and that is upsetting me and a son who is two and three months who has always been extremely demanding which I find difficult to handle, he hasnn't been diagnosed with any behavioural problems but he is extremely hard work, I feel like I am just existing, I have very little time for myself and I have been trying to start a new business and getting more and more frustrated!
I had a dream the other night that I had a complete nervous breakdown and ended up in hospital and to be honest I wish I would because I wouldn't have to cope with anything anymore and I would not be able to drink either
thanks to anyone who has read this I am going to try and sort myself out although I have no idea how, at the time of typing this my son is swinging on the chair and whinging I am so sick of everything, I love him to bits but I feel like having him has ruined my life :upset: