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Happy to be here!

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    Happy to be here!


    I am very glad I found this site. Alot of the stories sound eerily familiar! I have tried to curtail my drinking for years, but nothing structured, just my own B.S. None of my previous efforts worked for any legnth of time (although I was able to quit for about 6 months a few years ago).

    The cravings and the compulsion (addiction) is scaring the heck out of me! I can wake up in the morning and all day long tell myself I'm not going to drink. Then I find an excuse to run to the store and buy more beer! I actually take a whole series of actions that I made promises not to do! That is amazing and terrifying to me!

    I have to face my drinking problem now and get back to my real life. I have a wonderful family and life that I am not being really present for. I am such a stubborn person that I tried to do this all by myself so many times. I now wonder if I was just trying to make it not actually work (infected thinking). Gaah! It's not even slightly fun anymore. I am now ready to admit that I cannot do this by myself. You all have an amazing support thing going on here. If there is room for one more, I would really like to (need to) stay for a while.

    Thanks again to everyone for all the previous posts, you'll never know how much you helped me. :thanks:

    5 days AF so far. My goal is total abstinance.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11

    Happy to be here!

    Pinecone, just wanted to welcome you and give you a link to the Toolbox - you can get ideas on how to make a plan there. Be sure to scroll through because stuff gets buried.

    The Newbie's Nest is a great place for support. Here's a link:

    We've all been where you're at, so we can relate to exactly what you're saying. 5 days is a great start!

    Best to you.


      Happy to be here!

      Welcome Pinecone - great name!

      I also got to the point where drinking wasn't fun any more, far from it, and that's when I decided to do something about it. I think support is essential to beat this so I hope you stick around.

      Best wishes.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Happy to be here!

        :welcome: Pinecone!
        This is a great place to get the support you need and where most of all you will find people who completely understand what you are going through. Alcohol addiction can be a lonely place as we spend huge efforts trying to show the outside world we dont have a problem.

        The toolbox is wonderful! Make a plan for all these difficult trigger times like when you usually go buy beers. Change your routine, go do something, meet a friend or come here and ride these witching hours. Wishing you much strength.

        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Happy to be here!

          Hi and :welcome: pinecone, your story sounds very similar to mine, I too have a great (immediate) family life and have been trying for years to quit with only a few successful periods, this site and the people on it are amazing, I cannot believe the support Ihave received here and I truly hope that one day I can give something back to everyone! Good luck on your journey and hope to see you around the forum xx
          Taking it ODAT


            Happy to be here!

            Welcome Pinecone!! Looking forward to hearing from you!
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Happy to be here!

              Thanks to all for the welcome! It means alot to me.

              Unwasted: I am making a plan this time. I have always been interested in Buddhism and Eastern philosophy too. Have you read Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki? It's a little gem of a book, you might get a kick out of it.

              Marshy: thanks for the support. I thought of the name when I was bitter about all my previous efforts coming to nothing (worth a pinecone). Just today, I realized that pinecones have seeds in them but they need support and the right conditions to grow.

              Chillgirl: Thank you, I am learning alot from this site and all of you.

              Mauritiusdodo: Yes! We have to take out a loan for this support to be paid back later.

              one2many: thank you
              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
              AF 11/12/11


                Happy to be here!

                PC - I just ordered some books that were recommended. That was on the list of 20 books, so I'll have to get it in my next round of books! I've actually just located a group meditation location and will meet some people on December 10. I'm really looking forward to expanding my horizons and learning how to live in a more spiritual way.

                I am getting a lot right now from the Tao of Sobriety - it's helping me change the craving voices in my head!

                Best to you!


                  Happy to be here!

                  Thank you, I'll look into that book!
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    Happy to be here!

                    Welcome aboard Coney! Many great people, tons of great info, you have come to the right place. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Happy to be here!

                      Hey Pinecone

                      Welcome! 5 days? That is great! You've found a good place for support.
                      I think you will find that the more AF time you have the clearer your head will be.
                      I 'm no expert with 42 days but I'm feeling pretty good.
                      Don't beat yourself up. You deserve a good sober life; you are worth it.
                      Drunkenness is just not appealing to me anymore. I hope you come to the same conclusion.
                      Smoking and drinking are so hard to stop- but it can be done!
                      Take good care of yourself.


                        Happy to be here!

                        Hi Pinecone and Welcome to the Wonderful World of MWO!!!

                        I saw your posts in the Newbies Nest also and meant to say hi over there. Good for you for admitting you have a problem and coming here for will find great support here. I, too, remember reading posts when I first discovered MWO that were eerily familiar with my story...and then I jumped right into the forums and found out that I was not alone. That, in itself, is a very powerful draw to MWO and to stay have so many people supportive of you that you don't want to let them down. Good luck on your new journey and stay strong. Just take it one day at a time, really!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Happy to be here!

                          Welcome to you Pinecone.

                          Stick around. Plenty of info and inspiration here.

                          All the best on your journey. You can do it.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Happy to be here!

                            Hello & welcome Pinecone!

                            MWO is a great place, glad you found us!
                            If you haven't already be sure to download & read the MWO book. It has a lot of good information about the program.

                            I saw you found the Newbies nest, that's great!
                            I've been hanging around there for nearly 3 years!!!!! It's a great place to get started, lots of support!

                            Wishing you the best!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Happy to be here!

                              Thank you all. 7 Days of wonderful AF clarity. Your support means alot!
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11

