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How many times a day?

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    How many times a day?

    How often do you think about alcohol in a day? I feel as though the minute I decide I am not drinking that day that is all that I can think about whereas if I know I am going to drink and have some in the house I don't think about it at all, I think AL has become my safety blanket in life or something?!
    Taking it ODAT

    How many times a day?

    I guess I still think about it pretty frequently. Something I am finding helpful is: Instead of wrestling with that difficult promise, just observe my feelings about it. Is urge surfing helpful to you? I am also trying to realize which internal dialogues in my head are "infected." At least for me, there are wolves in sheep's clothing, they want to set me up for failure to get what they want.

    I'm pulling for you Mauri, we are all in this together.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      How many times a day?

      Agreed Pinecone,

      I dont know if I can quantify the amount, but its quite a bit. Its almost possible NOT to be reminded of it with neon signs in liquor stores, billboards, beer trucks........yada yada.

      Even though I still think about it a lot, its getting a little easier to surf the urge.....tell myself I dont drink and then re direct my thinking.

      It was much harder in the beginning, I wish you strength to keep up the battle!!
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        How many times a day?

        Hi hunni,
        I used to think about it from the second I woke up to tge second I went to bed. It was awful. I don't think it's a safety net at all it's just the addiction talking. Al is far from a safety net.. It's the thing that pushes you off the building in the first place.. It's our family who act as the safety net when you fall but sadly if over used the net frays if you get what I mean.
        Just remember al is a liquid.. It's no more then that. Don't let it ruin you anymore.


          How many times a day?

          Hi All
          The thought of having a drink hasn't come into my mind in over a year. Others drink around me, I see it in the stores, it is something I don't find attractive or want to do. It is not part of my lifestyle. Al is something I just view as something I don't care for. Never thought i would be able to say this. This has come along with some good AF time. Its as if I am a non drinker and didn't have a problem. Will have a problem if I ever pick up a drink that I know.

          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
          AF 5-16-08
          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
          AF 5-16-08


            How many times a day?

            I think about it every morning, every time I drive by the liquor store, every evening, and when I get bored, but luckily I don't really crave it anymore. For that I am very grateful -- but I am looking forward to forgetting about it altogether! If that ever happens...
            AF since 9/20/2011


              How many times a day?

              mauritiusdodo;1209955 wrote: How often do you think about alcohol in a day? I feel as though the minute I decide I am not drinking that day that is all that I can think about whereas if I know I am going to drink and have some in the house I don't think about it at all, I think AL has become my safety blanket in life or something?!
              That's the power of addiction. Our brains want a fix. Our brains panic if the fix isn't clearly coming. Our brains calm down once the decision to drink has been made. I know - I went through it for many years. A sense of calm would come over me while I was at work, the minute the happy hour plans were in place.

              On the flip side, many people taking antabuse report the opposite. The pill is taken, and the desision to drink is taken off the table. Is that a consideration?

              The good news is that the thoughts and obsessions and cravings don't last forever. I don't really ever think of actually drinking anymore. I don't crave it. I'm in school to be a drug and alcohol counselor, so the topic is in front of me a lot. But it's not a big deal like it would have been a few years ago.

              YOU CAN DO THIS.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                How many times a day?

                When I was trying to quit - but really had not given in to the "I will never drink again" - i thought about it every hour to every minute if it wasn't available. Or how much I needed to have in the house to get me through the day and night but not too much because I would drink all of it.

                UGHHHHH. Those were terrible days. Once I REALLY quit each day got easier and now at 9-1/2 months sober I go many days without thinking about it. I do not crave it at all. I went to a wedding and party with drinking and had soda and had a great time. Did not even consider about drinking.

                Enjoyed waking up and not being hung over, full of guilt and having to make phone calls to apologize for my comments or behavior.

                Change your thinking. Once you REALLY decide your done - it makes it much easier. It's when you think you can start and stop and start and that doesn't work for alcoholics.
                February 4, 2011 - My AF life began

                "My young children thank me for not drinking....what other motivation do I need?"

