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Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

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    Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

    Hi, I'm new here and have been reading and trying to get a sense of how things work here, the "threads" and all, i've been rather confused but am finally less so. I'm very touched at how kind you all seem and how encouraging and non-judgemental, it has helped me overcome my shyness about starting to post and so I want to tell you a little about myself and promise to write shorter posts in the future. I've been a survivor all my life and have not reached out to other people very often, but I'm not being successful at stopping drinking so I'm finally posting here. I drink every night, wine, for about 20 years, sometimes a little, most times just passing out to sleep, it just has to change. I have tried hypnotherapy in the past which worked extremely well at first but then kind of wore off, it was "heaven" that month that I didn't drink and had absolutely no cravings, and it gave me hope, but also terrible disappointment every time I fail again and it hasn't helped since the first time. Right now I'm waiting for medication which I have ordered online and hope that it will help alot. So, thanks for being here and I will let you know how things are going.

    Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

    Welcome playland! Glad to have you here on MWO! I am also a past wine guzzler...almost 2 bottles of red a night. And I also told myself I had to stop. I never tried hypnotherapy...the only thing that I have tried so far that is working is coming here every morning and night to participate in posts and read others' and not allowing myself to be around AL. I have promised myself I will not drink and I'm enjoying my sobriety too much to give in to cravings.

    When you are ready, the Newbies Nest thread is a very wonderful place to start on MWO. Pull up a twig there and stay awhile. Nice to meet you and I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

      Thanks so much BlondeAFAmbition for your encouragement and it does help to know that other people are going thru this and that success is possible. I know I sound very upbeat (which I am) but I am also very miserable in this nightmare land of seemingly never-ending Alcohol. I'm going to come here every day also and pray that every little step that I take will help in the end. I really love seeing people here from all over the world, I'll try to help others however I can.


        Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

        Hi Playland! Don't be shy, we all have alot in common. Posting here is knid of cool. It's like a diary with alot of authors about their experiences. Reading it has been helpful to me so far. Stay positive, we are pulling for you!
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems


          Thanks, it feels so nice to know that other people really do care and yes writing and reading is really healthy and I guess somehow it's like therapy. I'm already less "bashful".:thanks:


            Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

            Hi Playland, and a big welcome to you.

            If you haven't read our 'Toolbox' yet, here it is

            There is a wealth of info/strategies/inspiration here to assist you on your way.

            Best wishes on your journey.


            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

              playland;1210309 wrote: Thanks, it feels so nice to know that other people really do care and yes writing and reading is really healthy and I guess somehow it's like therapy. I'm already less "bashful".:thanks:
              Well, my poison was a different flavor, I drank the cold, gold, and sudsy brand....LOL

              I also abused it nightly for almost 20 years as well, but hanging out in here, surfing the net, and learning all I can about tips to quit, has really helped.

              Just do what I do/did, walk in here and act like ya own the darn place.....we dont mind!

              I need to tweek my Nelz seal of approval....I think it should be a new members welcome here's to you setting goals to live AF, ask/post away my friend, I wish you the strength needed to battle the beast. You can do it.

              Welcome aboard
              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1708782=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                Oh, thanks Neiz, I keep seeing that I should join the "newbie's nest" but how do I start posting there? It's a confusing thread, goes backwards to forward, does that make sense or am I just confused.


                  Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                  Hey Playland

                  Welcome! Glad you are here. This is a great
                  support place.
                  I used to drink a lot but seem to finally have a grip
                  on sobriety. It is hard but you can do it!
                  All of us have wild stories of drunken nonsense.
                  Remember that you deserve a good life, free of all
                  the awful stuff that comes with drinking.
                  It really is freedom. I never thought I would get
                  Keep coming back. You can also send private
                  messages to individuals too if you like.
                  Take good care of yourself.


                    Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                    Thanks to everyone so far that has written, for some reason I didn't think anyone would reply to me, gee I must have low self esteem, but not really, maybe up and down. Anyway, going to skip another glass of wine and go to sleep instead. At least I sleep some when I drink and I'm terrified of the sleepless nights when I don't drink. Sleep isn't good with alcohol but worse without it but hopefully it gets better. I'll be back tomorrow.


                      Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                      playland;1210318 wrote: Oh, thanks Neiz, I keep seeing that I should join the "newbie's nest" but how do I start posting there? It's a confusing thread, goes backwards to forward, does that make sense or am I just confused.
                      Anywhere you feel like saying hello is fine......I think you mean the thread got "threadjacked", when people, like me, go off on a tangent about something completely unrelated topics....

                      Its a pretty happy go lucky kind of board, you'll do ok
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                        playland;1210318 wrote: Oh, thanks Neiz, I keep seeing that I should join the "newbie's nest" but how do I start posting there? It's a confusing thread, goes backwards to forward, does that make sense or am I just confused.
                        LOL - the Nest is confusing - it's so busy and so big - and it posts so fast - that it feels like Grand Central Station. But there isn't a better place to go when you are new because there is never more than 4 hours without someone on -as the nest has active members that "follow the sun" - so whenever the monkey chatter hits you - roll over, pull up the iPhone - and hit the nest. Someone will be there with the butt velcro and a safety harness.

                        It's saved my quit too many times to count.

                        A good way to start is to go the nest - go back 10 - 15 pages - read from there forward - and you'll have recent activity covered - so you won't feel so lost...
                        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                        AF - August 20, 2012


                          Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                          Hi playland,

                          Just wanted to say hello & welcome to MWO!
                          This is a good place, it saved my hide, really! I was a big wine drinker too but that's in the past. I quit & you can too.

                          Be sure to read the MWO book if you haven't already. I just downloaded it right from the Health store here so I didn't have to wait.

                          About the Newbies Nest - it's a great place that I still post in daily for nearly 3 years now! Just go to the thread & click on the 'last page' & post there. Just introduce yourself & make yourself comfortable

                          Wishing you the best!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                            Playland, just wanted to say welcome - you have found a good place with so many supportive people. I just wanted to mention something to you about sleep. I too had major sleep issues. Originally I didn't understand how connected they were to drinking. I just thought I had issues. I started researching it and saw just how related the two were. Finally I got it. Now, when I don't drink I sleep wonderfully. I still can't believe it, really. I never thought I would sleep like this. I've had two long bouts of sobriety over the last year - one 30 and one 45 day period. Long story short, I am committed to AF now, and quitting drinking COMPLETELY cured my sleep issues. After a year of trial and error, I finally get it. Hope it works the same for you - I think it takes a few days/week to get the alcohol out of your system, but be patient. It will happen!

                            Sending you peace and strength.


                              Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

                              Hi Playland - you'll see me at the nest, too! I don't know if I'll ever leave... Do what prairie said and you shouldn't be too lost. Just don't worry about "knowing" people yet - post whatever feelings pop into your head - temptations you might be having - struggles -

                              Molly, please pop back over to the nest - betcha nobody will blast you now-

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

