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Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

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    Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

    Mornin' Playland!

    I see you have lots of responses and support since I last posted yesterday evening, shows how much care and support you can get here! That is wonderful and I hope you stick around

    About the Nest, yes, it came seem overwhelming at first but after a few days, you get right into it. Right now, it does have a fast pace to it, but I have joined in other times of the year when it is not quite like that. What I find happens is that you connect with another Newbie or a group of them that are usually starting around the same time and you kind of form a special "pact" as you build your AF time together. You willl find that those members, as you build relationships with them, will be like good buddies and you will see them on other threads as you move around MWO. When I started out in January, I had some of members that were in my starting group so to speak and most of them are not here anymore...not that they went back to drinking but maybe just moved on. But I still post on Newbies Nest daily to offer support and let everyone know how I'm doing. Don't let the fast pace overwhelm you, as you get into it, it's really fun to check in with everyone and soon they'll feel like family! Also, don't be shy about branching out to other threads...I decided to join a few more intimate threads and am finding that very rewarding. Most members have been sober much longer than me but for whatever reason, I feel more at home there. So jump around and land wherever you feel most comfortable! Your own thread like this one is wonderful!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

      Hi Playland!
      Just wanted to jump in and add my ?Hello? to everyone else?s. We?re glad you?re here. Never feel shy about posting, we promise not to judge or criticize since we?re all in the same boat here. My poison of choice was a 12 pack of beer (sometimes more) every single night?and of course that led to some drunken madness that I?m glad not to be a part of anymore. Remember that you?re quitting for a reason (or many). It might be good to write those reasons down so you can re-visit them if you need to. The first few days are the hardest, so if you can just keep busy for 3-4 days it will get easier. I used to take long baths with Epsom salt (to help restore minerals that the alcohol depletes you of), and of course I love to read so that helped too. Like the others said, hop on over to the Newbie?s nest, you won?t believe the support you will find there! Most of all, stay strong, stick close to us, and let us know how you?re doing. Again, welcome!!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

        Hi Everyone,
        I want to thank all of you for such kindness, I'm feeling much more comfortable and at ease here. I am going to post on the Newbies thread, thanks for your encouragement and hints about how to do it.
        So, now that I've started to feel like a part of this group, I realize that I now have to get the courage to make another attempt at quitting alcohol. I've tried so many times before and had so many failures that sometimes it feels almost easier to just keep on being this way. But then I'm also so so tired of how I feel each morning and how much energy it takes to keep up this way of life that I know I have to try again and I think that being part of a community might give me the strength to try again. At least now I drink only at home by myself due to the awful situations that happened in the past. But I know that I can't really give up and have to keep trying. BTW Pinecone your story sounds so similiar to mine, I hope you are doing well.
        I recently ordered Topamax online and have been feeling very hopeful about trying it but today I received a call from the pharmacy and it seems that they require an RX for medications that ship out of India. I don't have an RX because I am in the healthcare field and feel really uncomfortable asking my doctor for the medication due to my job. I know that things are supposed to be confidential by in reality that is not the case. So I suppose I will have to try again on my own but it seems like I have no willpower when it comes to the cravings.
        Well, I look forward to the time that I can be an inspiration to the rest of you as you are to me right now and to new people who are just joining. Thanks and talk soon,



          Newbie Admiring How Kind Everyone Seems

          Hi Playland,

          Have you thought about trying OTC supplements? L-Glutamine, B multivitamins, Niacin, Vit. C, fish oil, etc. There is alot of info here about these supplements. I also like Andrew Saul's Doctor yourself website.

          I find the technique of urge surfing very helpful as well. Lots of info on it if you google that term. Someone on this site very wisely said (sorry I can't remember who) "a craving never lasts as long as a hangover."

          I am doing well, thank you for asking. I am AF for 8 days now, and I have not felt this good in a long time, in many ways. We have to do our own "work" on our own problem, but we are in the same fight together. That's why I came here, to not be alone in it. You deserve what you are fighting for.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11

