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A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

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    A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

    Hi all

    I'm just quite perplexed at something that happened at the weekend.
    Despite deciding NOT to drink on Friday night, I did.. I had a bottle of red wine and ate as well, some olives, cheese, crackers etc so I didn't starve myself.. ended up going to bed at a reasonable time...

    Woke up Saturday morning early, felt good had a carrot juice, went to the market etc etc...
    Although I wasn't happy at having had that bottle of wine, physically I felt fine - 4 AF days preceding that with lots of healthy food, supps, sleep etc.

    What happened next is quite disturbing for me because suddenly in the afternoon again I wanted wine. I had it. The same on Sunday.. I just didnt stop

    Is this the booze brain that people talk about?
    Does this mean I am a binge drinker?
    Does it mean I cant moderate AL
    Why did I sabotage myself when I was feeling so much??
    Suffice to say I woke up on Monday, hungover, sweating and feeling revolting

    Be great to hear some thoughts!!

    Take Care

    A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

    im the same patrice, i think its booze brain as i did not really want it but got to that stage of the day and i thought oh a wine wld be nice so off i went to the shops and bought wine. WTF was i thinking. i woke up the same way as you this morning and now the cravings are sooooooo bad. i so need to go and buy vitamins etc this weekend.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

      I know Available!!

      It's hideous and I really dont know WTF I was thinking either... I was feeling so good by Friday and I completely sabotaged my feelings of happiness???


        A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

        yes i did all last week for some reason. no idea why we want to feel like shit lol. would be so nice to be "normal" in our idea of drinking but it appears that we cant moderate at all. well i know i cant as much as i would like to. its not as if i even enjoy getting pissed or anything associateed with it.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

          That's exactly what happened to me Patrice. The first day back drinking was a nice two glasses with dinner but by the end of that week I was guzzling glass after glass, not even enjoying it and chucking it down me so I could pour another glass and get the bottle finished. Habit I suppose. One question, does anyone know where to buy the L Glutamine (in Aus), I went to a couple of health food shops but it wasn't there with all the vitamins. Today has gone well so that's great - hope the same for you Patrice and Av and everyone else trying to establish those early sober days again.


            A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

            lilla;1212409 wrote: That's exactly what happened to me Patrice. The first day back drinking was a nice two glasses with dinner but by the end of that week I was guzzling glass after glass, not even enjoying it and chucking it down me so I could pour another glass and get the bottle finished. Habit I suppose. One question, does anyone know where to buy the L Glutamine (in Aus), I went to a couple of health food shops but it wasn't there with all the vitamins. Today has gone well so that's great - hope the same for you Patrice and Av and everyone else trying to establish those early sober days again.
            Usually it's in the sports supplements because weight lifters use it to not have stiff muscles after a work out. It also moves ammonia out of muscles so it you replace AL with working out as a habit - then you need it for that as well.
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012


              A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

              thanks so much for the quick reply, just sent you all the best in the nest. Good luck today


                A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                I hear you all. Same thing happened to me. Last night I found myself having glass after glass and ended up dumping the lot in the kitchen sink as it occured to me that I didn't even like the taste. I, painfully, have started to believe that moderation is not going to work and I am not even a huge drinker. I, rarely, have finished a whole bottle of wine alone but it's the consistency and unwavering nature of the urges that scare me. All the best intentions go right out the window when the alki-brain takes over. Luckily, I don't have a hangover this morning as I caught myself in time but WHAT WAS I THINKING?

                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                ? Lao-Tzu


                  A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                  This is a great really curbs the thought of trying to have "just a few glasses" with Thanksgiving this year. I hear you all about why the modding thing does not work (thank you, especially Mollyk).

                  Tipp, well done on tossing out the rest of the wine. I, too, remember drinking glass after glass (well, let's get real, "gulping" was more like it, not sipping!) and thinking, wow, I don't even LIKE the taste of this wine. Yet, I'm drinking it like it is the last drink on earth. Been there, done that. Now, let's move forward everyone! No more AL! I know, easier said than done and it is a daily struggle for most of us.

                  Patrice, Lilla, Available-Like Mollyka said, at least you have realized the concept of not modding now instead of getting further into it and having something terrible happen. Just review your plan or make one NOW if you don't already have one. Get over to the toolbox thread and get some inspiration. The important thing is that you are here...stick with us, ok?

                  Be strong today all those on Day 1 and Day 100!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                    PS, I feel one should always supply the link for the toolbox if mentioned so here it is:


                    A good refresher for those starting on Day 1 and those of us who need some help in general. Good luck one and all!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations


                      It's called alcohol addiction. The brain biology and
                      physiology are changed. You can google or
                      YouTube a lecture by Dr Strang at U of Wisc
                      about what happens on a cellular level. Fascinating.

                      I reiterate my long-held opinion. Moderation is simply
                      not possible; it's not an issue of choice. It's an issue
                      of chemistry, biology and the pathophysiology
                      of addiction. Noone is at fault for trying this.
                      But it will not happen. Somehow in our minds there
                      seems to be imagining a lovely setting , social,
                      nice people, a nice glass of wine etc. It could happen,
                      But eventually it won't be quite so pretty. Maybe you
                      could try to imagine one of your worst moments.
                      My awful awful behavior (memories) are keeping
                      me sober.
                      The desire for moderation is normal to a point,
                      but eventually you gotta say NO MORE. Face the
                      reality. It is not your fault; there is no control
                      of it. It's normal to strive for what seems to be
                      perfectly ok for others. Who wants to be different?
                      Who wants to be identified as having a PROBLEM?
                      Noone seeks out that stigma! But it's your life!
                      We who are addicted are different-not lesser than-
                      just different enough to be forced to develop more
                      strength and determination than most.
                      Good luck and take care


                        A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                        mollyka;1212380 wrote: In the words of Guitarista in a much earlier post to me, the answers are 'yes, yes, and yes'. Unfortunately this is what I've been banging on about for the last while. Once we allow alcohol back into our bodies after any AF time, be it 4 days, weeks, months (or I suspect years, never been there) it re-activates something, and ALL common sense goes out the window. It's not common sense, it's addiction and imho that is PRECISELY why moderation doesn't work.
                        If you've learnt that, it's a very big powerful lesson learnt relatively painlessly, unfortunately many of us muddle on until a disaster happens, and sometimes then it may be too late.
                        A powerful post, and one that definitely should be copy and pasted into Lolabs thread. Get back up on that wagon girl, and Available too, don't let things go any further --- IT WILL NOT WORK:no:
                        I can only concur!
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                          You might find some helpful information here:
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                            Hi Patrice! I like the thread.

                            Out of the posts I can see that everybody understands what happened to you this weekend. Exactly this is what keeps me away from AL at the moment. For the first time in my life I fear drinking AL again. As if I know to my bones that it would take months or years before I stop again....Not like in the past where I thought of relapse as a mini personal failure.

                            That NEED to drink is as difficult to explain as why some can handle AL and others not. Best said by Ann221 - it's an addiction!!

                            I mostly drank to get rid of that horrid, hollow hungover feeling from the previous night's over drinking and to calm anxiety. I would think just one nice big glass now, and then some water and then only after 8 (another 1/2 glasses) to mellow myself into bed. After the first I would think, ok, water after the second glass and come 8 o' clock I am plastered!! In the end it got so bad that I would start crying at glass 4, because I knew I couldn't handle/"control" it and that tomorrow will suck just as bad as today! Then I passed out at glass 6 (I think...)

                            That was no way of living!! 11 days being AF is not much, but I'm clinging on to it!!! It wasn't the easiest 11 days, but it much easier AF.

                            The thought of modding left me completely...

                            Just did you wanted to spend your weekend?
                            12-20-2012 AF
                            Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                              A question.. would be grateful for any thoughts and confirmations

                              Hey Steady Hands

                              11 days? That is great! As time goes on
                              it gets easier and things get clearer.
                              I'm at day 46 and feel good. I'm like you
                              with the fear. Good lord-I dont want to kill
                              someone driving drunk! And if I drank I would
                              drive. I never used to but it evolved to that.
                              I was pulled over a couple of years ago and by
                              some miracle was allowed to park my car
                              and call someone. Very unusual-ordinarily you go
                              straight to jail. Unbelievable that I've never had a
                              Hang in there! Being drunk is just stupid.

