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It was gonna happen sooner or later...

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    It was gonna happen sooner or later...

    Yes I did have a setback today. I was feeling good, not even craving, saying to myself "I'm healthy and alcohol free" as I returned from the grocery store before dinner. Then to my surprise...and near horror...husband had poured 2 glasses of wine to go with dinner (leftover turkey deserves wine???).

    I decided to treat the wine as any other part, say side-dish, of the meal. I had 6 sips. 6. I counted every one and by the time I started feeling the first hint of a buzz, I did not like it. And I stopped. When I cleared the table, my glass went to the sink and I poured the rest out. Husband poured himself a second glass, didn't finish it and I poured that out also.

    I am not really kicking myself or anything. My husband enjoys wine and drinks sensibly, so not having wine in the house is out of the question. As PF says, I have to put on my Big Girl Britches and decide how to move forward within the parameters.

    Now there is about 1/3-1/2 bottle in the fridge. I may look for a recipe to use it in, rather than have it hang around. A nice beef stew perhaps?

    After dinner I walked the dog, and thankfully the slight buzz didn't last very long...because I so do want a good night's sleep after all the yard work today.

    I am mostly proud of the way I handled this, but do fear that the genie may have been let out of the bottle. I need to double up my resolve, so this episode does not take me down the rabbit-hole. I think I need another application of butt I can stay close to the nest.

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

    It was gonna happen sooner or later...

    Ok - BUTT VELCRO application - because you are not leaving the nest. :-).

    So - it's about triggers, plans, and how to move forward...

    And nest straps...

    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      It was gonna happen sooner or later...

      You don't have to let it happen if you don't want to.

      There are no reasons to drink, only excuses.


        It was gonna happen sooner or later...

        Thanks PF, SS and Molly...
        I did poke the tiger, but am ready to snug up back in the nest and send that tiger back to sleep...or into oblivion.

        Lots of good sense in your replies to me...thanks so much. See ya in the nest.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          It was gonna happen sooner or later...

          You don't have to let it happen if you don't want to.

          There are no reasons to drink, only excuses.
          SC - I always appreciate your honesty. Please keep it up.


            It was gonna happen sooner or later...

            Wise, wise words on here as always
            AL free since 24 October 2011


              It was gonna happen sooner or later...

              Belle, I know how you feel, i think the further away it is for us, the more we feel we can drink normally but in my experience, if im honest, i know i cant. this has been a hard day for me, day 9 but the sun is going down so it will get better, see you in the nest!!!
              45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
              New day 1- 9 January !
              Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                It was gonna happen sooner or later...


                Unfortunately, most of my "falls" back into drinking started pretty much that way. Someone would innocently pour me a glass of wine or offer me a drink somewhere and I'd think "oh, just one..." And usually I would just stick to one or two for a few days or a few weeks even, and then slowly it would creep back up to my bottle of wine each night, hangovers and depression.

                In my experience with myself, I had to learn that I can't let my mind slip into thinking I can moderate. It just doesn't work for me. I wish you strength and clarity in your decisions. :l

