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    Hello and Happy Monday Morning to My Way Out!

    I joined this site one year ago - the weekend after Thanksgiving.

    In my last year I have struggled to moderate, to accept that I'm an alcoholic and to deal with the feelings of anger and denial that accompanied that acceptance. I have read numerous books, tried all sorts of holistic and perscribed supplements. I have exercised and I have dieted. I have watched videos and utubes about people who have successfully dealt with this disease. I met with a counselor and a psychiatrist. I talked with my husband and helped him to understand the disease. I lost my father last month. He was a lifelong Alcoholic, and luckily spent the last two years of his life Alcohol and Nicotine Free as he was in a nursing home with dimentia. He was also in a wheelchair due to the fact he fell while drunk and broke his leg very badly. In the last conversation I had with him before he died he said "I know I used to drink....I don't know why I did that....?" And he sounded truly baffled that he had spent his life battling this disease.

    What I have learned during my last year is this:
    1) There is no doubt that I have developed an addiction to alcohol and I cannot moderate.
    2) The days that I have spent in the last year Alcohol Free were so much happier and more peaceful than the days I spent seeing the world through the haze of Alcohol or recovering from Alcohol.
    3) There are lots of success stories and useful tools out there if I choose to use them.
    4) I can live a better life sober.
    5) I don't want to spend the rest of my life drinking and at the end say "I don't know why I did that...?"

    Thanks for listening - this is a wonderful and helpful site. I choose to spend the last 34 days of this year without drinking and then go for another 365 days next day at a time. :h:thanks:


    Thanks My life
    What a great post... we all just keep on learning

    Take Care



      Thanks for sharing my life.



        Welcome back mylife!

        You have made a great decision

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          ONE YEAR LATER

          Hi MyLife! I remember you when I first started out in the Newbie's Nest last January! Well done on kicking it this year. Sorry for the loss of your dad but what a valuable lesson he gave you regarding the drinking and why to not waste your time with it anymore. I often think of myself in later years...if I continued drinking the way I did. What would I have to show for it? Nothing! Being sober is so much better in all respects. Your list could be mine. It's good to see you and I just wanted to say...CONGRATULATIONS! I'm on board for making next year 365 days of AF!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            ONE YEAR LATER

            Mylife -- Thanks for sharing your story with us. Your story about your Dad is sad and thought provoking. Sounds like you have learned a lot in the past year and that's something to be grateful for. I am looking forward to seeing more posts from you too. I will be here with you alcohol free for the rest of the year.


              ONE YEAR LATER

              THANKS life...

              i never thought I would meet someone with very similar life experiences. it is very humbling. My father died when i was 12. vietnam vet. all my family had alcohol issues. i am 42 now and have had a love hate experience with the bottle. ..... glad to know your ok....


                ONE YEAR LATER

                thanks so much for sharing your experiences, struggles, what you've learned,my life.
                i am happy to have you here!


                  ONE YEAR LATER

                  Hi My Life- Thanks for sharing that motivational post-also , I am sorry for the loss of your dad-what he said in the end about drinking is so true..Why did/do we do that?
                  All the best to you this year and next- I'm with you on this journey-I think it's time begin living again.
                  It's always YOUR choice!


                    ONE YEAR LATER

                    My Life - what a thought-provoking and heartfelt, honest post. I'm with you too -- sober from here on out - and it's so much better!


                      ONE YEAR LATER

                      Hi My Life,

                      What your dad said is so sad, and I understand that he really didn't know why. I've been there and it is debilitating.
                      This month I am 6 months AF. I came to this site because I was destitute to stop drinking. I found people here at MWO who helped me. I couldn't afford to buy anything in the MWO store, so someone gave me the CD set which I still use every night, and someone else sent me the book.
                      I know that if I didn't find those people on this site that I would still be drinking. I was really lost.

                      I have so much gratitude for the people here. It is a difficult yet obtainable goal. I tried for 10 years to stop drinking and through my searching finally found the help I needed. I know I will always be an alcoholic, but that doesn't mean I have to drink.
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        ONE YEAR LATER

                        Mylife - Great to see you and read your wonderful post. Im sorry for the loss of your Dad, whose poignant words summed it up perfectly. What wisdom from a suposedly confuse man and what a great lesson to us all.

                        mylife;1216460 wrote:
                        I don't want to spend the rest of my life drinking and at the end say "I don't know why I did that...?"
                        Wishing you all the strength in the world.
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          ONE YEAR LATER

                          Thanks everyone for your warm and wonderful responses.

                          This site is so inspirational - I wish more people with our problem knew about it!

                          I hope everyone has a blessed and peaceful day. I know I will! :l:l

