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New here, grateful for this forum and want to quit

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    New here, grateful for this forum and want to quit

    I've been 'stalking' this forum for a week or so, and I have decided to let you all know that I'm here! Here's my story:

    About 10 years ago, at the age of 27, I visited an AA meeting. I was dismissed as a binge drinker and nothing more. Admittedly, I was only drinking on the weekends and when I was on holiday, but still, I felt that my drinking was heavy enough to have caused me a heap of problems.

    10 years later, I still only drink on the weekends, but the amount I drink has progressively developed to easily 30 standard drinks on average per week. While the average drinker probably has 18-21 spread across the week, I drink 30-40 in two days. During the holidays, this figure easily doubles.

    That was until 20 Nov 2011, when I finally decided to call it quits. I know that if I didn't stop, it would only get worse, and worse.

    The problems that alcohol has caused me are comparable to what I have read on this forum. I am a classic Jekyll and Hyde. When I am sober, I am a fervent Christian, hold a noble job where I am well-respected, and I am much-loved by my family. When I have had one too many, I change so much, I hate who I am, and can?t bear to look myself in the mirror the next day.

    At first I didn?t want to stop because I felt that life would be too boring without alcohol. I then decided to stop because alcohol was not making me feel good about myself, and causing me to do regretful things. But now, that I am AF for 10 days, which is quite an achievement because I am on holiday, I realise that I am enjoying the holidays with my family a lot more with the haze lifted. Alcohol has robbed me of time ? time I spent lusting for the next drink, time I spent living in a blur, thinking THAT was fun, and the days I spent regretting my post-alcohol behaviour. I feel so deceived, that I am now determined to kick it out of my life once and for all.

    I am so grateful to have found this site. It has been my bedtime reading for the last one week or so, and I have followed some of the advice here. Encountering quotes such as ?I love my family more than alcohol?, and ?Fake it until you feel it?, and ODAAT, have inspired me. I just had to let all of you know how much help you?ve been to me even though we are so far from one another. It is a forum where people have so much respect for one another that it touches me.

    I know that I am going to need this place.
    ?By improving yourself, the world is made better. Be not afraid of growing too slowly. Be afraid only of standing still. Forget your mistakes, but remember what they taught you.?

    - Dr. Benjamin Franklin

    Alcohol Free Since 21 November 2011

    New here, grateful for this forum and want to quit

    Welcome, Aiquit. There is a lot of great advice here and support. Congratulations on 10 days af..


      New here, grateful for this forum and want to quit

      Hello Aiquit and Welcome!

      You've come to a very helpful and supportive place. There is lots of great advice here!

      I wish you lots of strength with your journey!


        New here, grateful for this forum and want to quit

        Welcome Aiquit! 10 days is awesome...way to go!!! Keep it up, the days add up and soon you will be to 30! I am also in my late 30's and I feel very lucky to have found this site and also for the fact that I have smartened up before I hit 40! Just think, we have the rest of our lives to look forward to living with a clear head and out of the drudgery and entrapment of AL. It's so much better to wake up in the morning and not hate yourself, right?

        Nice to meet you and I hope you'll stick around!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


