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starting over - AGAIN

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    starting over - AGAIN

    I'm starting again to make my life AF. I have made many attempts in the past. This place
    has always been so helpful to me. I need to make this permanent. This double life is
    so extremely stressful. I can't take the disrespect in my 16 year olds eyes when he knows I've been drinking. It really kills me. Aquamarine
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016

    starting over - AGAIN

    aquamarine, I too am starting over. Please let's do this together.


      starting over - AGAIN

      Aqua-I am just about 30 days in...if I can do it, anyone can. Just take it one day at a time or even one hour at a time. What works for me is making sure I don't get too hungry when witching hour hits, keeping busy and keeping away from friends and relatives that are heavy drinkers. I am actually enjoying my alone time . Best of luck to you...YOU CAN DO IT! Start with a one week goal, then 30 days and reward yourself when you reach your goals. Good luck
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        starting over - AGAIN

        Dear Aquamarine,

        If you will to make it through this time, you got to do something different. That?s what I did and I am 11 days AF. I am Day 2 in this forum so please forgive me if I sound a little na?ve.

        I don?t know if you?ve tried this before, but I wrote down all the reasons, all 15 of them why I just had to quit. I also kept repeating phrases to myself that motivated me i.e. ?I love my family more than alcohol?, ?One day at a time?. All of this advice I got from friends of this forum. I have tried to quit many times before. But each of those times, it was just an internal resolve. I wasn?t strategic, I didn?t preempt failure.

        Now, I tell myself that if I go back, I know I am going to drink a lot more, and each time I go back, it?s going to be harder to re-start.

        Time heals all things, and in time your 16-year-old is going to see the difference and will not only respect the way you handled this challenge, but will learn something huge from you as well.

        So, come on, Aquamarine and all the rest out there, We can do this!
        ?By improving yourself, the world is made better. Be not afraid of growing too slowly. Be afraid only of standing still. Forget your mistakes, but remember what they taught you.?

        - Dr. Benjamin Franklin

        Alcohol Free Since 21 November 2011

