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A New Beginning

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    A New Beginning

    Hi Folks,

    I woke up this morning (1/1/2007) determined to turn my life around and am so glad I found this site. I am 52 years old, and have been a 'problem drinker' for at least 25 years. I have had minimal success in the past - have tried AA and was alcohol free for about 10 months.

    2006 was a very stressful year for me and my drinking accelerated to a point that was out of control. My elderly mother became very ill and passed away 5 months ago. The hospice and grieving experience transformed my life and I have been battling mild to moderate depression since her death. I know that I have to move on and I am sitting here this morning, determined to make a change.

    Reading through the posts has been enlightening and I will be purchasing the program's materials later today.

    I look forward to developing new friendships along the way!


    AF since 7/13/2010

    A New Beginning



      A New Beginning

      Hi John & :welcome:

      Nice to 'meet' you ............

      This place is really supportive since finding it 2 months ago, i'm drinking much much less ........

      Paula :h :l :h


        A New Beginning


        I'm new here too. I am pretty nervous about controlling my drinking. I usually have 3-4 glasses of wine each night after work. Sometimes more... My mother was (she passed away 8 years ago) a raging alcoholic. My main fear is that I'm turning in to her.
        Today is day one for me to be alcohol free.


          A New Beginning

          New Year - New Start

          Lots of new folk here - Welcome to everyone.

          I am on day 5AF, can't quite believe I managed if through NYEve.
          BUT feeling really positive today and determined that this year will be much better than last.
          Woke up with such a clear head and full of plans.

          Wishing everyone here lots of luck and care


            A New Beginning

            Changeling ... :goodjob: 5 days is brilliant......

            Iamgoingtodothis, :welcome: I'm on my 1st day too, would normally have a glass in hand by now (6.15pm) ....

            Keep posting if you get tempted, theres lots of people around that will help and support you.

            Love & Hugs to All, Paula :h :l


              A New Beginning

              Welcome John and I.G.T.D.T.....(you have a longer name than me!!!!!)
     are going through a terrible time sweetie,..a lot of people with depression (me included) use alcohol to 'self medicate', but as we all know, this compounds the problem, and never eases thoughts are with you. I send you strength, and a wish that you may find some peace of mind....
              This site CAN help...I am now on 25 days AF after 20 years of almost continual, HEAVY drinking!! It can be done my friends, and it can be done enjoyably, if you use all the stuff on offer here. There are so many different ways to help you stick to this decision, from supps and meds, to the reading, exercise, and of course...the will find all the advice and support you need and then some....a nice place to start inspirational reading is on the long term abs forum....those guys have a wonderful way with words,
              Much love The melon x


                A New Beginning

                Welcome John. Also Day 1 for me too. I've been around here for about 4 months and just got serious about getting this under control.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  A New Beginning


                  Thanks, everyone for your kind words of encouragement! I know I have a difficult road ahead of me and it is reassuring to know I am not alone. Now, when I am driving home from work, instead of planning my first drink for the evening, I'll be looking forward to reading your posts!

                  I am at ground zero and can only move up....

                  AF since 7/13/2010


                    A New Beginning

                    Welcome John!
                    So sorry to hear about your Mom.
                    This this a wonderful place and very addictive! I too look forward to reading all the posts every day.
                    Since starting in November I have cut my drink down by half and am now working on cutting down even more.
                    Happy NEW Year, its going to be a good one.


                    : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                      A New Beginning

                      Just wanted to say hi john, i'm new too and the people here are lovely, best wishes xx


                        A New Beginning

                        Hi John,

                        I am new here too and have had 4 AF days - unbelievable for me!!

                        I feel so lucky to have stumbled across this site and all the wonderful support - you are not alone, and everyone here is great.

                        I too have lost my Mum, many years ago, but you never forget or get over it, and she is with me every day and know she would support me in this.



                          A New Beginning

                          Hi John, welcome on board.:welcome:

                          Times of stress and bereavement or illness are very difficult to cope with.
                          We drink to hide from our feelings but then in waking moments the problems come back worse than ever. Many of us have found lots of encouragement and help on here. Read, read and read. There are many brilliant guys on here ( and gals too of course) Good luck in your quest.:h

                          Enough is enough


                            A New Beginning

                            Hello the posting and reading are really helpful. I felt like you felt when I first showed up here and here I am 11 days later with more energy than I have felt in years.

