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The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

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    The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

    Let's imagine our intrepid corporate drone, Mr. X, working in the afternoon when he's reminded there's a retirement gathering at the nearby pub for someone. He reluctantly goes, much preferring to go home but stops in out of courtesy. He laughs, talks,socializes, has one beer and goes home. Of course he is the kind of person who does not THINK about alcohol, worry about it, obsess about it etc since he is not addicted to it.
    At home his wife has prepared dinner and opened a bottle of wine-a rare occasion. He has a glass with dinner, enjoys it, goes about his evening and goes to bed.
    Insert me, or maybe you, into this scenario. First of all I would have been in the pub for who knows how long. If I even made it home and dinner was prepared and wine was there I would be thrilled. MORE ALCOHOL --YAY! it would be out of the realm of possibility for that bottle to NOT be empty that night.
    SO... this is the way it is. Either you do or you don't have this issue. I guess there are people on their way to the way I am, so it's not all black and white-there is some gray I suppose.
    Last night I had a similiar situation. Going away gathering at the pub by my office-I did not go. Also a big music jam with my group-I did not go. Just not ready, and only I can know what I may or may not be ready for. It's entered my mind that I'm isolating but I don't think so. I'm in a mode of big change so all my energy goes into that.
    No smokes or drinks in over 2 months so I'm guarding that and myself carefully.
    I accepted long ago that I'm no Mr. X, and never will be. I no longer envy those people. It's my obligation to myself to make myself better.
    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.
    P.S. My upstairs neighbor is blasting music and it is starting to really get on my nerves.
    I guess I'll have to go up there. I hope they are the violent type.

    The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

    I was never a Mr x either,
    Thought I was.
    But I have now over the last few years accepted that fact and I am very happy now that I have.

    Be carefull with your neighbours there Ann 221 ;-)

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

      Hi Ann & Mario

      I am winding down after a busy day. My children's birthday party was today. Was supposed to be outdoors, but it rained and then moved the venue to grandpa's place and I was worried that the cakes wasn't good enough (baked it myself) etc...
      But what actually exhausted me was to be surrounded by heavy drinkers. My previous safe to get blasted people!!
      Out of 15 adults there were only 2 true Mr.Xes. They said no because it is only 11am and I gladly adopted it, but what I found interesting was to see the justification game the alkies played. My own mother who said “Oh, if you insist!” Haha!! – for the 3rd wine after the 11am warm-up beer. And because she accepts in a light hearted way it gives permission for the other to go on with the 4th or 5th. We know! We did that too. Just sooooo interesting to WATCH!!
      People noticed I didn’t drink, but asked me about my smoking and not drinking.
      With that just want to congratulate you on 2 months quits with both.
      No Mr. X, but starting to embrace it.
      12-20-2012 AF
      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


        The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

        Ann, I am also steering clear of most socials and my own family (basically everybody) at the moment, because I feel I cannot handle it and want to be more comfortable physically (no withdrawals please!!) and mentally.
        I have started to accept that I cannot handle AL. Like an allergy or disease and I need to adapt my lifestyle, but I am not totally there yet. But a great post like yours now where you imagine yourself in that situation! It makes it very real! I know I have NEVER thought about AL in a “normal” way.
        12-20-2012 AF
        Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


          The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

          I have seen those people, but I always knew I wasn't one of them! I have to be vigilant with reminding myself that I will never become one "somehow." I have played that game in the past..."Maybe I am like Mr.!" Nope, it never panned out!

          I like to think I am starting to finally make peace with that realization. I am happier and more rewarded by being AF. That isn't to say that it is always easy, but I wouldn't trade my reality for another one.

          Good thought provoking post Ann!
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

            Good post. Mr x is using alcohol as a beverage. We are using it as a drug because of our brains. You cant change your brain. Its not going to waken up some day and start seeing alcohol as a beverage.


              The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

              Brilliant Redhorse!!

              Beverage vs Drug!!
              12-20-2012 AF
              Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                The (imagined) life of the normal drinker

                Hi Ann!!

                Great post and comparison!!
                Years ago i was Mr. X but that time is completaly in the past...not actually very long time ago which scares me how fast women from very normal and almost non-drinker can become AL addicted...
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/

