I'm the daughter of an alcoholic Dad. I'm 28 with children of my own now and people keep telling me that there's nothing I can do. Recently we found out that he has slight brain damage due to all of this and, in spite of it, he still binges regularly and my Mother acts like he's just doing what everyone else does.
Am I supposed to just accept what people say to me about him being an adult? Does it not matter that I'm the one who has to watch her beloved Dad killing himself?
I won't go into detail about how his alcoholism has affected me because, with his illness, he is the important one. I'm here to get help for him. Maybe that might help me.
I come to you in the hopes that speaking to people with experience can help me help my Dad. In spite of it all I still love him so much. I just want him to see his Grandkids grow up.
I understand one hundred per cent if I'm not welcome here as a non addict. It's just that I've tried family support groups and talked my feelings out til I'm blue. Now I just want to find a way to act.
Many thanks,