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need support

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    need support

    Hello- I ran across this website after pouring my vodka down the kitchen sink. Need someone to talk to.

    need support

    Hi Tut and Welcome

    Good on your for pouring the vodka down the sink. I don't know what time it is there but it is morning here so I have to get the kids ready for school. It is quiet on here this time of day. Hopefully someone will be along soon.

    Have a good read of the site........lots of motivational stories from people just like us. Have a look throught the toolbox.......lots of tips to help us beat the demon.

    Take care



      need support

      Thank you Ella. I am in is 4:30pm. I am nervous about getting through this. I have read quite a bit on the site and the toolbox. I am sure that I will be dependent on support through this network of caring and understanding people, people who have been and/or going the same exact junk that I have. What a difference that can make!!




        need support

        Welcome, Tut,

        You're not alone, my friend. Everyone here's done what you've done, felt how you've felt, and have had enough, too.

        Why don't you post in the Newbies Nest? That's a good place to tell your story and get acquainted.

        Whatever you do, stay close and these good people will help you.

        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          need support

          Hi Tut

          I'm glad you are here. Everyone on here will rally around you to give you the help you need. Believe me it is not a daunting task and perhaps not quite as difficult as some would have you believe. You took a good step by throwing your Vodka away and you have decided that you want a better way of life than you currently have. Lots of us have been through that and succeeded. However you do need to have a plan to get through those first days because the little monster in your head is going to do everything to make you want to have a drink. You will find that he is quite persuasive and will give you many reasons why you should go back to your old ways. The longer you go without the Al then the weaker he will get. I personally get a buzz out of making him suffer !

          You might think that I am talking stupid, but to beat this you have to outsmart the villain which is AL and play the mind game. Others on here will probably agree and others will have other help and advice for you. For years, I was a drunk who lived for my wine. It was the most iportant thing in my life. I am now 37 days AL free and loving every day of it. The little monster is still in my head, but he is only a shadow of his former self. He is broken and withering away, but he is still dangerous because he knows that if he can persuade me to have just one drink then he will own my life again. Good luck with your first few days AL free !


            need support

            Hi Tut,

            Juja is right about the newbies nest, just start posting away. You are welcome here, and this place is all about support, as I was very lucky to find out! We all have alot in common!

            I found that the fear and anxiety diminish greatly after the first few days/week. Just make sure you get enough sleep and good food to eat.

            Distraction is an awesome technique. I also found "urge surfing" and the "witching hour" concepts very helpful. Also just having a snack when the urge to drink will help.
            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
            AF 11/12/11


              need support

              Pinecone;1224131 wrote: Hi Tut,

              Juja is right about the newbies nest, just start posting away. You are welcome here, and this place is all about support, as I was very lucky to find out! We all have alot in common!

              I found that the fear and anxiety diminish greatly after the first few days/week. Just make sure you get enough sleep and good food to eat.

              Distraction is an awesome technique. I also found "urge surfing" and the "witching hour" concepts very helpful. Also just having a snack when the urge to drink will help.
              This right here is most awesome advice..........I would add try to stay very hydrated, and see about starting to take some vitamins, that get depleted by abusing alcohol.

              Plenty of good people here and support, stop in often, post, read, and learn
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                need support

                My husband is EXTREMELY upset with me. I had thrown away an empty bottle of my secret stash in the kitchen garbage....he saw it. He didn't know I had been keeping an extra bottle. The last time he discovered my stash he handled it/me gently......this time is he is so very angry!!! What can I do ??


                  need support

                  Hi Tut
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    need support

                    Obviously hadn't finished that post! As I was saying, hi Tut! :welcome: from me too. Get yourself tucked in - lots of really lovely folk here and great advice. I'm sorry you're having a difficult time with your husband but you're doing the right thing. Stick to your guns if you can and do try the newbies nest. Hope to see you around. Big hug :l
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      need support

                      I am certainly no expert in the field but Id offer this advice. Explain to him of your desires to start living life, and by that I mean living alcohol free. Believe me, at this point, sober about 7 months, before being drunk every night for 20 plus years, the sober life is better. Everything about it is better, health, little more money, feeling much better about who you are as a person......yada yada.

                      Let him know that you will need a support system, and he will be an asset to you if he will walk along with you, and be a pillar of strength, you probably stand a better chance of winning this battle.

                      I hope others can add to this with some more suggestions. I wish you all the strength, wisdom, and support needed to stop drinking. It wont be easy, but it WILL be worth it.

                      Here is your welcome to the club star!

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1729665=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        need support

                        Hello TUT and welcome
                        I am fairly new here too... Day 12 AF it feels great, still have the slight shakiness , learning to control the anxiety triggers and cravings.
                        There is great support on this board. One thing why would your husband be mad if you emptied out the bottle, thats a good way to a great start to sobrierty. I know as well as many others on here, I share this alot, I went from drinking a 12 pack of beer to a gallon a day Rum drinker.. yuck just thinking about it.
                        So it can easily catch up to anyone. If you need support PM me or just post on here , great people!


                          need support

                          Welcome aboard Tut! I hope you work things out smoothly with your hubby. I'm sure he will be relieved to know that you poured the vodka down the drain and did not drink it and that you are seeking help at a fantastic website (MWO!) that has helped so many others kick the drink, combined with supplements, will power, lifestyle change, and commraderie found here.

                          As Pinecone, who by the way celebrates her wonderful 30 days of sobriety today, said, come on over to the Newbies Nest and introduce yourself. We have a fantastic bunch of "nesters" who post daily and it's like an extended family. We are all here for each other and we are here for you. Well done on taking that first very crucial step in getting rid of the booze. Now, take a deep breath, make your plan and set your AF goals. Best of luck to you and I look forward to seeing you on the boards!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            need support

                            Tut, just wanted to welcome you and also post a link to the Toolbox in case you haven't found it. Be sure to scroll through the pages because things get buried.


                            I hope you're able to be honest with your husband and that he can be empathetic when he sees you're sincere about trying to get sober.

                            Sending you peace and strength.

