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what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

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    what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

    well, obviously I'm new here. What I would like to know is what level of withdrawal can I expect, a little back story:
    I started partying at 21 like most but the drinking escalated and now I have been an alcoholic for probably 5 or 6 years, I dont drink all day, but I do come home after work and between the hours of 7-10pm, I have between 12 to 16 drinks EVERY night without fail. I mean literally, I have not missed a night in the 5/6 years and only know the number of drinks because I started counting over the last 2 weeks. until recently the only rule to my drinking was "never before 7pm". If it helps i am now 32 years old, 6'2" 250lbs so the question is if I was to go cold turkey what would one expect? however, I am first going to attempt to do the whole tapering off thing i have read about here out of shear fear of the WD symptoms I have read about. so please offer up any advice/opinions on this matter thank you in advance.

    what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

    probably not too severe, no all day drinking usually helps, definitely looking at anxiety, probably insomnia, possibly nausea n a bit of our friend misery but nothing life threatening... probably twitch a bit but thats all...
    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



      what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

      I doubt anyone can predict your WD symptoms, I think they are very unique to everyone. I can tell you I drank at the very least 10 beers a night, usually had a shot of Jack before each one.

      That went on for about 20 years, and to be honest it was starting to pick up, and, on the days I didnt have to work, I could start drinking as early as I woke up.

      I stopped cold turkey, and was very lucky to have no side effects. If you have concern, I highly suggest seeing a medical professional first, for a multitude of reasons.

      I was glad when they told me I should tapper off, cuz it meant I could still drink, but I knew in my heart that would lead me to failure.

      Good luck in your journey, come back often, keep us posted
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

        Withdrawal issues

        All I can offer here is my experience. I was surprised at the withdrawal symptoms I experienced, after drinking alot for years but never every day. I always told myself that I would not have any, but I actually did. Shaky,confusion,irritable, tingling of extremities,etc.
        As a medical person my first instinct would be that your withdrawal could be worrisome. The quantity and frequency you describe is possibly a cause for concern.
        Do you have a trusted physician you can go to and discuss this? Everyone is different, but I don't think I would risk it.
        Well...unless ou have someone around who is aare of what's happeneing and what to do etc.
        Lots of variables here.
        This is a wonderful place for support. Hang in there. It's hard but worth it.


          what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

          Hi Staugy,
          Welcome, and I'm glad you're here. Technically, a hangover is withdrawals. How bad are those for you? If you are worried about potentially dangerous withdrawals you should go see a doctor. They can prescribe you medication to get you through the first week or so. If you are comfortable and in a position to do that, that would be my highest recommendation. Personally, I was never able to "taper off"...for me drink 1 will always lead to drink 14.
          Best of luck to you, and please keep us posted!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

            thanks to all of you for your responses. to answer some of you're questions:

            inchains, nelz, doodoo: thanks, and the more i read I realize its very idividual (the withdrawal thing) and I guess Im gonna stick to trying the taper off thing...

            ann221: I just recently saw a doctor for a yearly physical (for the first time in LONG time) all was good outside of the usual eat less exercise more and blood work was fine. and I live alone so all this stuff i read about withdrawal seizures and shit, really freaks me out!

            K9Lover: i only get hangovers if its a particularly long, bad weekend night, and by that I mean hours of drinking and possible "other factors" involved. but that is vary rare, typically I get hammered (as I described in the start of this post) and get to work the next day with no problem and have been doing that for years, witch is part of my concern, seems like I SHOULD be hungover after 14/15 drinks? right?


              what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

              Hi staguy,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a great place!

              Be sure to go to the health Store here on the site & download the MWO book. It has a lotof info & will answer a lot of your questions. Seeing your Doc beforehand & getting an Rx is a good idea. Is there anyone available to check in on you, make sure you are eating & staying hydrated while you detox?

              Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support
              Wishing you the best!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

                Hey Staugy! Welcome to the site! My situation is about the same as yours. I drank about 10-12 beers a day...sometimes morning to night...for about 5 years. I'm 5 feet, 105 lbs. And I am going through withdrawl right now. The first day felt like a hangover. I didn't eat a thing cause my stomach didn't want it. I couldn't sleep at all the first night. I think I slept about 2-3 hours last night. My insomnia usually lasts about 3 nights. My mind is numbed when drinking, so when I stop it starts working right again and that is why I can't sleep...I can't turn off my brain.

                However, this is a mild case of withdrawl for me. The worst withdrawl I had was huge anxiety, shakes, dry heaving, sweats then chills and insomnia. After a day, all but the insomnia were gone.

                Those are just my experiences though. I think if you go cold turkey you'll be fine. But if something doesn't feel right make sure you call the hospital. Or better yet, have a friend stay with you for a day to keep an eye on you and cook a nice healthy meal for you.

                Good luck!
                "When you know better, you do better"

                AF- February 16, 2012
                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                Goal 4- 3 months al free


                  what level of withdrawal can i expect?...

                  I only drank for 2 years and 4 months and I had the shakes two times after a night of drinking and that was before I quit or attempted to quit. I would talk to your doctor because everyone is different. Some Tapering off works, some it don't. I quit cold turkey and was fine but that was me and it could be different for you. Try the tapering off and if that don't work then get another plan. Perhaps when the quit day arrives, perhaps you should see if you can get someone close to stay with you for a little while just in case.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

