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New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

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    New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

    Hello everyone,
    I am so glad to have found this forum. I am an AA dropout many times over. I have to believe if it were going to be something helpful, it wouldn't be so difficult to "keep going back."

    My goal is total abstinence once and for all.

    Is there anyone here in Los Angeles who has a doctor with whom they are working on this program? I am too ashamed to go to my regular one since I lied to him about my drinking.

    Looking forward to meeting people here and getting the help I need.


    New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

    Roxy, welcome to this community. I live on the other end of the continent and can't help you with a Dr. recommendation. I think not everybody feels comfortable at AA and that is ok. This is a totally different programme. Everyone is so very supportive as you can see from the posts. I too finally had to admit that total abstinence is the only way to go for me.
    Have you read the book yet, do order the CDs etc. It is very helpful
    You have all our support.
    xoxox Lori
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


      New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

      Thank you, Lori
      I just ordered the Starter Pack, the abstinence CDs and the book.

      This whole thing is so scary. I am an otherwise very intelligent, successful woman. I live alone so I have complete freedom to drink as much as I like with no one to bug me about it. Yesterday was two bottles of wine, starting in the morning, which is a "new development", and the thing that made me realize, "HMM! I think there just may be a PROBLEM here!"

      I have tried so many times to quit I can't even count :-( I am really hoping the CDs will help as I feel I am at the end of my rope :-(

      May I ask how long you have been sober? Did you try many times to quit as well?



        New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

        Hi Roxy & :welcome:

        I've tried several times but never even managed one night, I would say every morning that that was it, but by 6pm at the latest I was drinking again. Like you I started drinking in the morning, but even did that for a few months before I found this place. In November i joined mwo and reduced down from 3 to 1 bottles and started sipping instead of gulping ...... I slipped back at christmas, but I'm now on my 3rd day AF

        What I'm trying to say is that I know how you feel, and i'm far from beating it yet, but with this programme there is so much possibility.

        Sorry I can't help with a doc as i'm in the UK

        Lots of love, Paula :h :l :h


          New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

          Paula, thank you so much for sharing with me:l
          It gives me hope to know that there might be a way out. And it's comforting knowing that there are so many other people struggling with the same thing:upset:

          I just emailed a doctor who I found on a google search. From the looks of his practice, he seems like a good place to start.

          I hope the supplements and CDs get here soon!!!

          Are you using the CDs? Did you use the Topamax, etc?



            New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

            Hi Roxy

            Welcome to the boards Roxy! I am in Canada - so I can't offer any help in regards to Doctors, sorry. One thing I would suggest is maybe doing a search on the internet for Addiction Specialists in your area??

            Don't worry about being an AA drop out. It isn't for everyone! I too have been to a meeting or so, and found them depressing and made me want to drink... For some it works well... others, not so well. There are other groups available as I have been reading about that might be of some help?? I am not sure of them right now, but one that comes to mind is "Women for Sobriety." Maybe you could check into that in your area. The internet would be of some help to find out what is available. Or even your doctor could suggest something?

            Congradulations for your decision to get well! Keep posting! :welcome:


              New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

              I used the first CD last night and it was amazing ......

              I actually bought them off e-bay because they were cheaper than here, but they are worth the money.....

              Keep me informed of your progress,

              Love Paula :h :l :h


                New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

                Hello Roxy
                I'm not big on the AA thing but it is good for some people.
                I'm in new york so i don't know any doctors in L.A but there has to be tons of them there.
                I understand that this is a embarrassing topic to bring up to someone, but sometimes its best just to see your own doctor.
                Because this is a person who has some idea about your medical history.
                Believe me i understand you don't want everyone knowing your business but this is to important to think that way.
                You may just want to come clean with him or her....
                We all have our problems and they SHOULD understand.
                Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.


                  New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

                  Welcome Roxy

                  I completely understand the wine in the morning to well. Five days ago ended a 6 day wine bender. Rereading my own posts was an eye opener. I am 5 days AF. And I feel so much better.

                  I have a long way to go, but its nice to know its not alone, your not alone. I am afraid I don't no any Docs, sorry.

                  But I hope this helps! I know there are alot of good people here who can help, they helped me.

                  Take care and hang in there!!:welcome:

                  AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                  Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                    New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

                    Kitkat, GREAT NEWS! You are giving me hope. Five days is fantastic :-) Thank you for the welcome and I will look forward to getting to know you :-)



                      New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

                      Hi, Accountable :-)
                      Actually there is a Women for Sobriety around here. I was going for awhile. It had a very nice feel to it, and I think I will take your suggestion to go back.



                        New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

                        I plan to come here everyday keeps me honest.
                        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                          New here... I need help, Los Angeles doctors?

                          hi everyone,

                          it makes me feel better to know that I am not the only person dealing with this issue in life.
                          Good for you Roxy! Looking for a doctor in your area to help is a good step. I have always lied to my doctors about my drinking and feel really ashamed of that.
                          What is Women for Sobriety?

