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    Just starting. Have not had trouble but must decrease drinking from 2 bottles of wine down to 1 to 2 glasses. looking for a way to do that. Tried AA for 1 1/2 years. Just didn't feel right to me.


    Welcome Courtney. I think it would help if you could elaborate on your drinking. Is it 2 bottles of wine every day? There are some folks that do moderate but most try and find it too difficult. I cannot moderate. I do wish you the best. I'm sure some mods will chime in and provide advice. Again, I think a bit more information from you will help. This is a GREAT community. Best of luck !
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read




      So....if you have not had "trouble" then why do you want to reduce your drinking exactly?



        Hey Courtney

        I'm in NC too. I didn't mean to sound harsh with my previous question.
        This is a great place for support, and everyone here knows how it is.
        BUT I must say that IMO the idea of drinking a glass or two of wine after being accustomed to a couple of bottles, which is drinking alcoholically, is not possible.
        People addicted to alcohol drink to get drunk, whether it's a conscious thought or not. As you may have heard-one is NEVER enough.
        It's not for me anyway. I don't want A beer, I want 10 or so. Lots of people here are the same way. I'm certainly not saying what you can or cannot do, and I've come to realize that attempts at moderation are part of the process.
        You are free to do what you want of course. I'm just saying that you may find that one or two is never enough. Then again you might not. I was addicted to alcohol so my opinions are colored by that knowledge.
        Whatever you decide-stick around. I wish you well and hope you can achieve all that you want.



          Hi courtney,

          Welcome to MWO! You will find lots of good information here so be sure to do lots of reading.
          A good place to start is with the MWO book. You can download it right from the Health Store here on the site.

          You may be able to return to moderate drinking after a 30 day period of abstinence. It seems most cannot, I am one of them. I actually changed my thinking about that as I approached my 30 days & realized that for me, abstinence was the only way to go. It's actually easier than counting & planning when you will drink. I just don't think about wine anymore & that's a miracle for me because I was a big consumer as well.

          Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread & see what the others are doing

          Wishing you the best!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



            Courtney - welcome to a great place. Like others who have already posted here, moderation wasn't for me. I was able to do it, but like being sober so much better. I never thought I would say that, but after struggling for over a year to figure out a way to keep alcohol in my life, I realized it wasn't worth it. My take on it from what I've learned so far is that once you've had a problem it's very difficult to moderate. Alcohol is poison to our bodies - we've just been brainwashed into thinking that a certain amount of it is okay.

            Sending you peace and strength.



              I have been sober for 19 hours. Granted I do not get drunk, but there is a numbness that I like when i want to avoid issues. I want to do this, hopefully I'll get through today. Last night I had two glasses of wine. Tonight it will be ice tea. Good Luck to you! and me



                Courtney - If you have been regularly drinking 2 bottles of wine a day I would recommend you complete 30 days totally AF before you even consider trying to modderate. 2 bottles a day was my level before I quit and there is no way on earth I could have switched down to 2 glasses. As soon as I had a taste for it, that was it!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996

