I know I really struggle after day 10 because I feel good about the accomplishment, and an anxious mood or craving can open the door for a spontaneous flip switch, where I turn my back on myself and race to drink (once that first glass is down I don?t have to worry about NOT drinking.
Irie, yes, let's show how well we can get ourselves back up and get going again. I've got young-ish kids and they are already driving me crazy on this day off from school. I am determined not to let it get to me, i.e. drink. Vini, come join us back in the saddle.
UW, CanadianGal, mylife, spuddle (love your avatar), Rups...good to see you here today. Avail...keep it going. ChillGirl, thanks for reposting that article from Greenie. I need to print that out and keep it available next time I have an impulse.