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Hello - newbie here

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    Hello - newbie here

    Again, thank you all for your support and love. I wasn't sure what to expect when I logged in and registered yesterday...but, I'm certainly thanful that I did. I hope to one day return the love.

    Here's the kids and their xmas pics


      Hello - newbie here

      They are beautiful and precious. And lucky to have you as a dad



        Hello - newbie here

        Welcome William,

        So sorry for your loss I have no idea what you are going through, but you have two adorable chidren.
        Hang in there and as you can tell we are happy you found us.

        Not much I can add to what has arealdy been said.

        Take care of you and your little ones, and keep coming back!!!!

        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


          Hello - newbie here

          Awwww, moose your family is precious. You are a wonderful Dad.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Hello - newbie here

            You can do it......

            I lost my very best friend when she was 30. She was also my big sister. She also succumbed to cancer without ever having done any of the things that they say cause it. I was 25 years old at the time and couln't believe that there really was a God as he could NEVER have allowed my sister who had 3 beautiful babies to have them and then die. One of my favorite thoughts is that her husband, who was the father to only her youngest child raised all 3 of her children, sent each one of them to college and managed to hold on to their lives along with his own. He is a wonderful man and I am so proud to know him....we just got together at Christmas with him and my sister's3 children.......I am always in awe of the wonderful job he did! Bless YOU!Oh, yeah....forgot to say......that was almost 30 long years ago


              Hello - newbie here

              Hi William,

              I've been away from the site for 1 day or 2 or I would have :welcome: d you sooner....

              My heart goes out to you, but as everyone says before me, your family are gorgeous, and they have a very special dad.

              I'm sure that you will amazed at the caring and support that you will get on this site.

              Many love & Hugs, Paula :H :H


                Hello - newbie here

                Beautiful kids. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Hello - newbie here

                  Very Beautiful...

                  children! I am sorry about your loss, I cannot imagine. Please keep posting and reading. We are all here for one another through this struggle with the alcohol. You will find an amazing amount of support here. All the best. :l :l :l

