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Hello - newbie here

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    Hello - newbie here

    Happy New Year to you all.

    I just stumbled onto the site via google and I am hoping in some way to find help through this difficult time I'm having.
    To sum it up: My beautiful wife and I had our second child, Emma, on November 10th, 2006; we also have a wonderful seven year old boy, Max. On January 19th 2006 my wife was diagnosed with stage 5 colon cancer that metastasized in her liver. I lost her June 6th, 2006. She was only 29.

    Since then I?ve been going through about a case of beer every week and a half. My motivation is very low, my self-esteem is shot and my work is suffering (I?m self-employed)?I am sick and tired of feeling this way.

    I?m 4 days AF. My family really needs their dad, and I?m willing to try just about anything.

    Well, I?ve downloaded the PDF and I?m off to work.


    Hello - newbie here

    William, my heart is just breaking for you. If you have a tendency towards drinking I can see where your situation would cause it to escalate.

    This is a great place and you will find a lot of support here if that is your wish. Great job on the 4 days AF. You might find the supplements you will read about in the book and being here will give you the extra boost you need to feel healthier and happier. Please keep us posted on your journey, Okay?
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Hello - newbie here

      Yes, this is just a heart breaking story. I think it's great you are ready to make a change for the better. Read, post and keep us posted on how you're doing. We are a friendly bunch who are ready to assist you in any way we can. Even if it's just to listen.
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Hello - newbie here

        Bless sorry xxx


          Hello - newbie here

          You have a lot of people pulling for you. I am so sorry for your loss and so happy that you've been AF for 4 days. Great job. Keep posting you will find tons of support here.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Hello - newbie here

            Hello Moose,
            I, too, am new here as of today.
            Your story is heartbreaking and I can't even imagine trying to deal with that kind of loss "sans alcohol" but I think you summed it up perfectly when you said your kids need their dad. That is a perfect motivation and it's the truth. I am not a parent (well, not to children, but I am a great dog mom!), so I don't pretend to know a thing about it, except I do know that it is a very important job, so all the more reason to show up sober. It sounds like you've spent some time processing your grief and are now ready to move to the next level. From what I can see, this forum is a very compassionate place where everyone is in this boat together.

            As a fellow newbie, I just wanted to say hi and welcome and best wishes to you on your journey.



              Hello - newbie here

              Wow, you guys are great! I really appreciate the support. Life is a funny thing isn't it..


                Hello - newbie here

                You are a smart guy, you know the kids need you and you knew to look for help. Good Job! That's the first step.



                  Hello - newbie here

                  Use those kids darling and let them help you save yourself... that's what I am doing. without my kids I would have drunk myself to death by now. You are so good, doing something now and not waiting any longer - you must have recogised that it will only get worse.

                  Good luck with your juorney

                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    Hello - newbie here

                    Thanks again folks! I feel pretty good. It's been an intersting night to say the least, though... especially with the football game on this evening. At times it's been hard to keep my mind focused on the task at hand -a cold beer and some chips sure sounded good a couple of hours ago... I would have been done with beer 6 or 7 by now. Instead I've had darn near two quarts of green tea. I can't wait until I wake up tomorrow without that dark mass off pollutiion surronding me.

                    Bring on day 5!


                      Hello - newbie here

                      Dear William.....Yes, hang on to that thought have three very important reasons not to drink, William, Max and Emma...
                      You sound like an amazing guy! Please let the messages here be a boost to what you describe as shot self esteem. To me, a person trying to cope with the things that you are, who is 4 days AF, and sounding as though he's headed down what can only be a healthier path, in spite of incredible personal challenges is an immensely strong, motivated, wonderful individual....
                      William, we are all here to offer ANY help that we can, whenever we can......
                      Enjoy the tea and the football........may your team win, on the box, and especially at HOME..:h
                      Much love...weemelonhead xoxo


                        Hello - newbie here

                        Hi William
                        I can't add to what has already been said, except to offer you my prayers and any help that I can give.
                        You sound like you know the right thing to do for yourself and your young family.
                        My heart goes out to you.


                          Hello - newbie here

                          Hello William
                          My heart goes out to you. Like everyone else I want to offer you my support. I'm fairly new here but can tell you that you have come to a great place here with lots of brilliant people. Hang in there. Well done on 4/5 days AF. x


                            Hello - newbie here

                            Hey Moose! That is great about the green tea. That is what I have done in the past, too, and I'm doing it now, the substitution thing. I've been doing mine with a quart or two of my favorite spring water. I buy the quart, it comes in a nice green bottle, just like the wine, and getting up and down to go to the fridge for more is the same action as I'm used to with the wine, so it's kind of a nice transition into the new habit. I think there is a lot to that. And like you said, the face that you see in the mirror in the morning looks so much less scary:H

                            Today is my Day 2. My face is still pretty toxic looking, but I am choosing to be kind to it instead of yelling at it. I know in a few more days' time, things will start to turn around, and I am looking forward to seeing that softer face with no bags under the eyes.

                            Keep up the good work with the green tea. And keep reminding yourself how grateful your little ones will be, knowing they have a fulltime, in-the-present, clear-thinking dad to raise them:goodjob:



                              Hello - newbie here

                              Welcome Moose

                              Hello William,
                              I can add little to the wise words that others have said. You have made a wonderful decision for yourself and your beautiful children. I first started coming here in July and did 30 days AF. Then my husband was diagnosed with cancer and I fell off the wagon. In hindsite that made the situation worse not better for me. Well I am on day 4 AF.
                              My heart aches for your loss and the difficulties that you must encounter on a daily basis. William needs William back and then he can be all that he wants to be.
                              This is an incredible site for support. Do come as often as time allows.
                              You will find a bunch of wonderfully diverse and caring people from all around the globe ready to support you in your journey.
                              By the way, I love your name "Moose drool", it's so funny.
                              Again, welcome and looking forward to read your posts.:welcome:
                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

