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I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

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    I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

    Welcome Just h, moosedrool (love that name!), momof2boys, myohmy, and rosy (I hope I didn't miss anyone)

    Just h, it sounds like you're in a groove - way to go! I also got monster sweet cravings when I had my first AF days after a long time of drinking every day. And though they say you should try to avoid the sweets, I didn't at first - it was the candy or a drink. The cravings went away after awhile.

    Good luck to everyone

    AF since 6JUN2012


      I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

      Hi I joined on the 1/7/07. So far I have had 3 AF days and 4 days with drinking 2 to 3 glasses of wine. I ordered a CD online on staying sober thru' hypnosis. and I have been listening to same on a daily basis. Iam waiting for the starter kit from MWO ( takes a while from USA to Australia ) and hopefully then it will be easier for me to abstain completely. As I was drinking a bottle and maybe more every day, I feel I have achieved a small step forward. I would drink until I fell asleep in the chair ( or passed out would be more like the truth ) . I do not suffer with horrible hangovers thank goodness , just felt really sluggish the next morning.. Then the super critical self talk would start and carry on thru the day. However , as soon as I had finished for the day I would start again..... foolishly thinking I was rewarding myself for getting through another day. Iam a bit more irritable than usual because there is nothing to take the edge off, and not normally placid to begin with. I feel "awake " therefore generally less tolerant.
      Iam hoping that once I receive the supplements that it will be a bit easier.

      Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement. Makes me realise Iam not alone.



        I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

        hi anke - it sounds as if you are really making headway. i have been drinking up to 1 1/2 botls of white wine a day for 6 years - since my divorce really. i have genuine hope that i am on the road to recovery. please let me know what you think of the cds and starter kit as i figure i probably need some extra ammo to help me really achieve total ABS which is what i need to do. i'm too much of an all or nothing person to go moderation.
        well done so far - i know how bloody hard it is!!!! it's like the behaviour starts becoming part of our core selves and then to give it up is like losing a part of ourself. that is how it feels to me anyway...
        best of luck
        mamma mia


          I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

          Hi Anke,Momma Mia, Pixie:welcome:

          I joined Jan. 6 and am on my first (so far) af day. It is really hard but coming on here helps. I like reading all the posts and encouragement.
          This is a great place keep reading and I would also like to know about supps and cds.
          Keep up the good work.
          :new: :h :h
          "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
          Catherine Pulsifer


            I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

            Thanks Pixie. I guess I was binging harder than I thought the past few months. I'm trying hot spiced black tea with splenda in it. Maybe that will help my cravings. I gave in at work to my carb craving. I bought some tortilla chips and cheese dip. I feel so nauseous. I've been really trying to eat healthy. Yesterday was a huge sweet craving day. So, I'll try hot tea and splenda now and see how that goes. I have made it through Monday AF. Yea! Today was and easy day. Hubby and I had similiars schedules. Funny my ancyness won't go away. I feel odd yet again today. I'm craving a vodka shot right now. I'm fighting it and know I need to go to bed and get some good sleep instead.

            Glad to meet all the other newbies here. Welcome aboard. This place is great. :h Huggs to all of you.


              I'm new here and wanted to say hi.

              :argh: That's been my mood today. I have been sooooo irratable(sp) today. I'm ancy still. As of now, I can't stop shaking my leg. I've been like this for a few days. I'm going to eat a healthy dinner with some salmon. Maybe that will help take the edge off. Okay, moments like these I would drink. I have thought about one for the past few hours when I was ready to yell out customers who just wanted help. I'm gonna I don't know. Thank God my appointment with the psychologist is tomorrow. One more day................then we'll see what happens.

