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Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

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    Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

    Hi there everyone,
    Hope you all don't mind me writing on MWO.
    I've been registered on MWO for quite along time and have read loads of your posts and really wanted to write - you're a fantastic group of people, who give one another amazing support and understanding.
    I've drank 1 or 2 bottles of red wine a night for 15 years now (cut down loads when I was pregnant with my 2 children - but, I'm very ashamed to say that I never completely stopped ... and very blessed to say that I've been lucky that both my children are fine) - my last drink was on the night of Thursday 29th December - Friday morning was horrific...shakes, sweats, anxiety...(I'm sure you'll remember the feeling - most mornings have been like that for me over the years)....I nearly went for the wine last Friday morning to try and make myself feel better ..... but my hubby and kids were home - and I thought "what will they think if they see me-although I could sneak the bottle into the bathroom and they wouldn't know"....
    Something changed that morning - not sure what......think I was afraid that if I drank on Friday during the day - I would either end up in hospital again - or I would die.
    I'm on day 6 AF - it's very hard but feel fantastic aswell.
    I've been logging on everyday and reading all your posts - your posts have helped me get through the past 5 days.
    Just wanted to say thanks - and hope that we can continue our journey together...
    Last Drink: 29/12/2011


    AF: 7 days :thumbs:
    AF: 14 days
    AF: 30 days

    Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

    Shelly, :welcome:

    Hopefully while reading the site you discovered the Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence and the Newbie's Nest under Just Starting Out. Those are good places to visit - be sure to scroll through the Toolbox because things get buried.

    Day 6 is great, Shelly - lots of people say getting past day three was their first turning point. Hopefully all the alcohol is out of your system and you can devise a plan for staying sober. The Toolbox will give you ideas.

    Lots of different ways to go about it. You can download the MWO book from this site. Many people use supplements, some use anti craving meds, some the MWO CDs, Meditation, Exercise and a good diet.

    Wishing you luck and sending you peace and strength. Coming here was definitely a first big step and will take you all the way to being a sober person for yourself and your family.:l


      Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

      Thanks so much Unwasted for your reply.
      Will definately be looking at the ToolBox and posting on the Newbies Nest.
      I'm taking Milk Thistle & Kudzu just now and trying to change to a better diet (4stone overweight due to alcohol).....
      It's great to have support and talk with others who know exactly what it's like.....
      thanks again...

      Last Drink: 29/12/2011


      AF: 7 days :thumbs:
      AF: 14 days
      AF: 30 days


        Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

        Hi Shelly,

        I just wanted to say hello and welcome. Great job on your AF time! Reading and posting here has been very therapeutic for me, I hope it can be for you too. I read alot of posts, on here, then go back and read my own posts, and it is like a slow process of waking up from a monotonous nightmare.

        "Something changed that morning - not sure what" That is fantastic! You can protect that tiny little flame, like a match in the wind, and carefully carry it. If you can keep it lit, you can use it to ignite a larger fire. Sorry to go into metaphor, but that is very similar to how it was for me too. The technique of doing this is having a plan. You have already started to have a plan by coming here for support!

        You can have exactly what you are fighting for and we are pulling for you!
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

          Hey Shelly!

          I'm on day 6 too! Feels so much better than day 1 huh? I love how you wrote that something changed for you that morning, cause I also felt that. And from my past experience with quitting (last year I quit for 4 months...the first time I ever tried to stop), it does get a lot easier. If you really want to do this, believe in yourself because YOU CAN DO THIS!

          Join the newbies nest as well if you want. There is so much support on this website. People here seriously know what they are talking about.

          Good luck!
          "When you know better, you do better"

          AF- February 16, 2012
          Goal 1- 3 days al free
          Goal 2- 7 days al free
          Goal 3- 1 month al free
          Goal 4- 3 months al free


            Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

            Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! That is so cool to see people getting just those first few days.....some of the most beneficial in my untrained opinion. Especially getting to the first seven days. Then you can call it a week...............and the first thirty, well then, now you have a month.

            And if you do it long enough, the "routine" of drinking, slowly goes away as you starve that demonic AL brain that we have spent years feeding and listening to.

            So keep it up, do your darndest to get to that first 30........your mind, body, and soul will all stand up and thank you, for not abusing them anymore! LOL

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1748262=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

              I am right behind you. I am almost finished with my second day, hopefully I will carry on. I too overdid the wine after 5. Last night after my ballet class, I drank diet fanta and then camomille tea. So far so good. Hang in there and good luck! Eiti


                Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                Brilliant Shelley - just bloody brill! :welcome: from me too. I'm on day 3 and feeling damn good about it at the moment. Now you hang onto those days Shelley and keep on going. I had quite a few false starts and it gets harder to start again (really not sure why that is but I can vouch that it does) so just keep on going! Be right there bringing up the rear
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                  back on day 1 today. I blame myself and nothing else f or my slip i have not been postiing or reading any posts for a couple of days but i am back at it today


                    Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                    twitt;1238714 wrote: back on day 1 today. I blame myself and nothing else f or my slip i have not been postiing or reading any posts for a couple of days but i am back at it today
                    Good job Twitt on climbing back aboard the wagon. I've been looking for you. The only way you can fail at this is if you quit trying. You must have had close to 2 weeks alcohol free. Definitely an improvement from where you were before! Try to think about where things went wrong and see what you can learn from it. You can do it!


                      Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                      Welcome Shelly! Definitely check out the You need as many tools to help you along the way as possible. Milk thistle and kudzu are good. Stick around and ask for help when you're feeling weak. We can do this together.


                        Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                        Great job, Shelly!! Six days is incredible! That magic moment must have worked for you. So happy you are here. Keep coming back as often as you can.

                        "One day at a time."


                          Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                          Hi from me too Shelley!! You're way ahead of some of us. This is day 3 for me! I have a tool box all set up. I take topamax and amino acids and lots of vitamins too, and eat a very low carb diet to keep sugar/alcohol cravings away. See you here, and in the Nest!! Stick around!!!!
                          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                          (quote from Bean )

                          Goal: Survival


                            Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                            Hey Shelly, just dropping in to say hello and welcome. You?re ahead of me, I?m only on my 3rd day so far.

                            since I?ve only been here 3 days I?m not the one to speak really, but, I still agree that reading and posting (or in my case usually going on endless rants) is pretty therapeutic.
                            I need to learn to find ways of resolving my issues without using alcohol, it?s only a comfort and distraction for the moment, in the long run it only makes things worse.

                            One day at a time, slowly edging my way towards "week"


                              Hi Everyone - Newbie again - AF 5 days

                              Hey Shelly

                              Way to go on your 6 days! I like the sound of something changing that day that you mentioned.
                              That is what happened to me, and we have discussed here the "click" . Inexplicable but somehow you just get it. I think part of it is just a weariness with the endless energy rewuired to maintain all the drinking and it's repercussions.

                              Stay strong and hang out here-it's great!

