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Walking to the end of the diving board...

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    Walking to the end of the diving board...

    So I think Ive had one of my most honest days with I'm going to stop drinking when I place the period at the end of this sentence. (slight pause)... tomorrow will be and first full day and nobody knows but my sister and everyone in here... Guess I'll just start with that....

    Walking to the end of the diving board...

    Hi swimming and :welcome: to the site, wishing you lots of success on your journey to be AF, this site is amazing and the people on it are a great inspiration and fantastic support.
    Taking it ODAT


      Walking to the end of the diving board...

      swimming the sea;1239715 wrote: So I think Ive had one of my most honest days with I'm going to stop drinking when I place the period at the end of this sentence. (slight pause)... tomorrow will be and first full day and nobody knows but my sister and everyone in here... Guess I'll just start with that....
      Hi swimming the sea and welcome to MWO,try dipping your toe into reading this :goodjob:

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Walking to the end of the diving board...

        WOW, what a visual for your thread title, made me wanna come in and check it out.

        I applaud your choice to stop introducing your body to AL(alcohol), thats kind of like introducing your best friend in the world to an evil 4 headed, soul sucking, life robbing demon, and saying...................Good luck with that! LOL

        This is a great community to draw faith, inspiration, and MANY coping mechanisms from. No one here judges or condemns anyone else.

        Telling your sister was a GREAT idea, IMO you stand a better chance of success if you have some sort of accountability. Even though I have never met a single member from this board, I feel a certain sense of accountability on here. At first I was very guarded as to who I told about going AF(alcohol free). But I soon realized the more people that knew, the greater my chances for success were.......cuz I HATE to lose! He heeee

        You can in fact do this, even if at the moment you feel it is not possible. You dont "need" a drink to sustain life. You "want" to drink for (insert your reason here) I was a 20 year, everynight, blackout drinker, and so far Ive managed to stay sober for a spell.

        Im not any better than you or anyone else, I just finally made the choice to stop destroying me, myself, and I.......and a LOT of other things. You CAN do it.....I promise you it wont be WILL be worth it.

        You will notice many positive changes very shortly after quitting. That should give you some positive reinforcement to continue. Pretty soon, you will be able to cut off the food supply to that ugly 4 headed, soul sucking, life robbing demon, and it will slowly die off...allowing your normal brain to take control of your life again.

        Start by setting a few very attainable goals........1 day......then 7.........then 14 and watch your days add up, break it down into whatever manageable chunks of time you need to get through the day

        Wishing you all the strength, knowledge, and support needed to reach your goals.

        Attached files [img]/converted_files/1749329=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          Walking to the end of the diving board...

          thanks for the pat on the back. Hope everyone is hanging in today/tonight. So far I see alcohol everywhere I go like I never did before. Kinda amazing really....but I'm on my 4th day.


            Walking to the end of the diving board...

            thanks for the thoughts Nelz...and way to go....that's impressive! Checking into this forum really helps.


              Walking to the end of the diving board...

              Congrats on your days AF! You will really like this place even if you don't post, its nice to read other people's post. Who knows maybe you can give some advice to anyone in need of some kind words.
              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                Walking to the end of the diving board...

                Hey, Sea. I too have only told my sister. Even my DH doesn't know. Even though he sees me every day he has not even noticed that this is THE QUIT... he's not the most observant guy on the planet! But everyone on the forum knows and boy are they supportive! I hesitated for a long time to post here. In fact the first time I lurked here I thought it was not for me. But now that I've jumped in with both feet I love it.

                Try Newbies Nest, or you might like the Meds thread - very informative. We're so happy to meet you. It's wonderful that you have made this decision. We've all been where you are - with the unhappiness of drinking too much, for too long. You are on your way. Good Luck
                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                (quote from Bean )

                Goal: Survival

