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Posting to stop myself!

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    Posting to stop myself!

    Hi all,

    This is my thread to stop my little plan in it's tracks, last night (after a stressful day with my DS and having a hard day getting him to go to bed) I announced to my DH that I would be having a drink tomorrow ) I thought (naively) that I was free of cravings since none have struck me in the 4 days I have managed so far and I now know that this is my first one! I was justifiying it by saying ' well I have done really well on my diet this week and I can't NOT drink and NOT eat

    WTF????? I am so mad with myself I am NOT going to go back to day one again just because it is Saturday and I usually drink myself into an oblivion!!!!!

    I WANT to live a sober and healthy life and not have my happiness depends on something that costs me ?5 or more a bottle and makes me feel like crap!!!

    I CAN DO THIS!!!!

    I am going to paint my hand with henna this morning (something symbolic not decided what yet) to remind me that this is my plan

    Thanks if you read that I just need to have something in writing to look at when I feel weak :blush:
    Taking it ODAT

    Posting to stop myself!

    Hey, hey!! Of course you can do this!!

    The benefit in being AF comes after months. Not days. Most people feel great after they quit, because your body don't have poison in it, but the really good stuff comes after the slight depression and your mind adapted to not drinking.

    4 days was my folding point in the past too. Felt great after not drinking 4 days. I'm now almost 2 months and don't feel awesome, just sober... but this time I am sticking around for the real AF benefits!

    Consider it please...
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      Posting to stop myself!

      Dodo - the 1st weekends are very challenging, we still associate AL with rewarding ourselves after a hard week. It takes time to change that habitual thinking but soon you will see it for the insanity it is. Concentrate on how fabulous it will be waking up hangover free on a weekend, these wonderful feelings still give me great satisfaction. Play out in your head how you would feel if you drank, how crap it would be dragging yourself through another wasted day, with no energy, a thumping head and the self loathing that's goes with it.

      Keep busy at your usual drinking time and treat yourself instead to something nice to eat, a long bubble bath, something to tell YOU that you are worth it! Also if you struggle early evening, come here, someone is always here to encourage you. You are doing great, for?a!

      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Posting to stop myself!

        thank you both
        Taking it ODAT


          Posting to stop myself!

          Hi Dodo, weekends are always much tougher for me too, I reckon it's a mixture of the end of the week, 'I deserve a treat' thinking and more free time on my hands which is never good when struggling. Have you thought about having something planned for the tough cravings time of day/evening such as a swim of visit to the cinema? Somewhere where AL isn't available, giving you a distraction. Visualising exactly how I will feel the next morning, and for what, is a good incentive for me personally. The other thing to consider is the whole reward concept, we need to realise pouring AL down our throats and all that brings with it isn't a reward it's a punishment. Try thinking about rewarding your body by not drinking, I know that sounds daft right now but I bet you are feeling physically better after 5 days AF than you are when drinking. The other thing is to come and post your thoughts here when struggling, personally I have even guilty of sugar coating mine, never a good idea.
          Well done on you AF time, you CAN do this.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Posting to stop myself!

            well I have done really well on my diet this week and I can't NOT drink and NOT eat
            Hi Dodo this stood out for me ,when i got hungry i craved drink more ,i'm sure you have seen HALT wrote here before .....hunger, anger , loneliness and tiredness i could trace a lot of my craving to this so for me i would forget about the diet if it makes you hungry or at least put it off for a while
            AF 5/jan/2011


              Posting to stop myself!

              dodo. you are doing really well and you really do deserve a reward..... THE REWARD IS YOURS ALREADY.... BEING SOBER. if someone said you can have a treat, a reward of feeling awful, ill, miserable,depressed,out of control... would you think they were mad.. of course, but that is what you will get if you 'reward' yourself with alcohol. surely that is a punishment.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Posting to stop myself!

                Hi, Dodo.

                Yesterday, for the first time since I got sober really, the thought of a drink crossed my mind. So I recalled what got me here this time--DUI. Also recalled all the bad days I had while drinking. I can't go back to that life. I know how hard it is for you starting out, but keep coming here and posting and remember those bad times. Let me know if you want to chat at anytime today. I am here all day!

                Stay strong!

                "One day at a time."


                  Posting to stop myself!

                  Mauri - the henna painting sounds like a good idea. You know the demon alcohol is trying to persuade you it's okay to just have that one but having a visual reminder to STOP will probably be so much more effective!

                  Thanks for the tip - while I don't have any henna and probably won't paint my hand, I got a wrist band from church that I think I will put on (especially on the weekends) to remind me that I made the decision to stop drinking for all the gazillion good reasons I know to be true.

                  Good luck my friend!
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Posting to stop myself!

                    Good for you for recognizing the 'stinkin thinkin' Mauri!
                    AL will enter your thoughts in so many different ways for a long time to come. Just keep ignoring the bastard & move on with your plan.

                    You'll never be sorry

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Posting to stop myself!

                      Hang in there Dodo

                      Good job at stopping that thinking! I think one of the keys is to realize that ALCOHOL IS NOT A REWARD. It seems like it; it's equated in our minds with fun and happiness when the truth is far from that.

                      Once you get into the groove of not letting drinking be a possibilty it will get better. It has to become something that's not in your list of fun activities.

                      You are doing great. Stay strong


                        Posting to stop myself!

                        mauritiusdodo;1240277 wrote: Hi all,

                        This is my thread to stop my little plan in it's tracks, last night (after a stressful day with my DS and having a hard day getting him to go to bed) I announced to my DH that I would be having a drink tomorrow ) I thought (naively) that I was free of cravings since none have struck me in the 4 days I have managed so far and I now know that this is my first one! I was justifiying it by saying ' well I have done really well on my diet this week and I can't NOT drink and NOT eat

                        WTF????? I am so mad with myself I am NOT going to go back to day one again just because it is Saturday and I usually drink myself into an oblivion!!!!!

                        I WANT to live a sober and healthy life and not have my happiness depends on something that costs me ?5 or more a bottle and makes me feel like crap!!!

                        I CAN DO THIS!!!!

                        I am going to paint my hand with henna this morning (something symbolic not decided what yet) to remind me that this is my plan

                        Thanks if you read that I just need to have something in writing to look at when I feel weak :blush:
                        Truer words may never have been spoken, yes you can
                        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                        DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                          Posting to stop myself!

                          Hi and stay strong from MWO Lady too! You may want to switch to a low carb diet if you are hungry and feeling deprived on the one you are on now. You can eat plenty of meat and lovely butter, cream, sour cream, eggs, chicken, lamb, pork as well as lovely salads!!!! And you won't be hungry! If you want more info try the Atkins forum. Plenty of choices as to which diet you choose - low carb, very low carb, moderate low carb and plenty of others. It may be a help for you when you are already struggling in "the other area." Hope you have a good weekend.
                          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                          (quote from Bean )

                          Goal: Survival


                            Posting to stop myself!

                            Not drinking and dieting at the same time is a big challenge. If your going to crack why don't you eat, don't drink. You are among friends here, Dodo and we are all experiencing the weekend thoughts about drinking. Let's be strong for each other. Why don't you paint an open bird cage on one wrist and two fleeing doves on the other to symbolize the freedom from the imprisonment of alcohol that you have chosen to give yourself.

                            Come back and let us know how you are doing.

                            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                            ? Lao-Tzu


                              Posting to stop myself!


                              Thank you so much for starting this thread! I'm on day 6 and I did struggle this afternoon. I kept pushing the thought of AL out of my mind, cleaned up the rest of the house and then sat down and got on MWO and saw your thread. It really helped....I'm struggling through my first AF weekend in awhile and I was also doing the justification thing....proud of myself for 6 days and then started to bargain with myself that maybe I could just have wine on Saturdays......WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! Anyway, I mixed myself soda water and diet grape juice, made a cheese plate with fruit and I'm over the hump! Going to cook dinner, take a hot bath and watch a movie with the family.

                              On to Day 7!!!!!

