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My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

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    My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

    Hello. I have been here on and off for a little bit but mostly I lurk and read. Today will be day 6 for me. I really do feel good overall but when I wake up in the mornings I still have a little headache and my face is still swollen. I just thought I would feel at last 85% better. I have been drinking lots and lots of water.... And eating ok. Exercising my butt off. But it isn't happening. I am taking this day by day and I have tallied all the benefits of not drinking which I know outweight the benefits of drinking... I just need some insight on why I'm still feeling bleck...... Any words of wisdom would greatly be appreciated.


    My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

    Cliffs notes version: You have probably been abusing your body for quite a while. Its not just gonna snap right back in place. The timeline is different for all of us, but you are on the right path.

    Your body is on the mends, and trying to rid itself of AL.....wishing you good luck on this journey
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

      How long does it take for the AL to actually leave your body? I thought it was like 36 hours or something like that?



        My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

        Hi Shiner!

        Congrats on your 6 AF days :goodjob:

        As much as we would like to just snap into instant health & just doesn't happen that way. It likely took a long time to get you feeling so lousy in the first place. I remember wanting to feel instantly fabulous - didn't happen. We all heal at our own rate.
        Be sure you are taking some good vitamin supplements (especially B vits) in addition to the healthy eating, exercise & H20. We deplete our bodies of lots of nutrients when we abuse AL & it takes time to heal & feel better but you will

        Keep up the great work & drop in the Newbies Nest thread again!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

          Morning Shiner.

          I have been told that the full effects of AL leave your body somewhere between 90 - 100 days. However most people seem to feel better within the first 30 days. Many programs really stress getting to 90-days however as the full thought process is more clear after 90-days -- difficult for some of us, but not impossible! There are many here who have done it.

          Good luck with your journey!


            My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

            Shiner;1240904 wrote: How long does it take for the AL to actually leave your body? I thought it was like 36 hours or something like that?

            Dont have a definitive answer for that, we are all different. Just keep staying strong and you will start to notice small changes in your mind, body, and soul. Those little changes add up to big changes overall.

            And yeah, I forgot about the vitamins.....and hydration, great advice
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

              Thanks everyone... I know it will take time...



                My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

                Hi Shiner! Good for you with your success so far. You also may notice you take two steps forward, then a step back - then nothing for awhile - then giant steps forward again. This is not a linear journey. Are you using any meds or sups?

                Another thought - alcohol acts as a sugar in the body. And you may be missing that. Try to eliminate as much sugar in the form of fruit, grains, cereal, bread etc., and of course real sugar in your diet, to get your blood sugar regulated, and nice and low and slow. Go more towards protein, good fats and salad veggies. This will help you keep cravings at bay. As others have said this process towards feeling 100% may take awhile!! Hang around here and you can track your progress - we'll all learn from you too!
                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                (quote from Bean )

                Goal: Survival


                  My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

                  Good job Shiner. I am an herbalist and would highly recommend milk thistle and dandelion together. They both have a very positive influence on the liver and gall. Dandelion in particular will help reduce the water retention and is naturally high in potassium. Bonus.

                  I think someone mentioned fresh lemon in water-great too. This helps the liver but also pH balances the your system(this is a good thing). You can also just eat a wedge of lemon with each meal and this helps digestion.

                  Keep a rockin!
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                    My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

                    Hi Shiner
                    It does get better over time, but we all have good days and bad days, even the non drinkers. Everyone has given you good advice, and I have none to add except to congratulate you on a job well done so far and wish you very success moving forward.
                    Give yourself a little reward for a job well done so far. Perhaps a lovely walk in the fresh air in a park. Give yourself permission to just enjoy the moment and put everything else on hold.
                    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                    November 2, 2012


                      My name is Shiner and I'm a lurker

                      Shiner;1240896 wrote: Hello. I have been here on and off for a little bit but mostly I lurk and read. Today will be day 6 for me. I really do feel good overall but when I wake up in the mornings I still have a little headache and my face is still swollen. I just thought I would feel at last 85% better. I have been drinking lots and lots of water.... And eating ok. Exercising my butt off. But it isn't happening. I am taking this day by day and I have tallied all the benefits of not drinking which I know outweigh the benefits of drinking... I just need some insight on why I'm still feeling black...... Any words of wisdom would greatly be appreciated.

                      Hi shiner and well done so far, make sure you check out the tool box in the monthly abstinence thread, good luck and keep posting,it does help.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

