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Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

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    Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

    Hello everyone,
    In an effort to "stay in touch" and accountable I thought I would post that this evening is my second in a row without my daily bottle (s) of wine. It has been a challenge today, and I was so very tempted to fall into my pattern of "oh who CARES anyway!"

    I am self employed, and over the holidays have worked a grand total of two days in two weeks, so when today's job cancelled at the last minute, I almost did what I usually do when that happens and that is head out for my first bottle of wine to help me enjoy my day off and not feel the fear of financial concerns that arise when one is not generating income :upset:

    And then I thought back to the movie that I watched for the second time last night, The Secret, which is an in-depth look at the Law of Attraction, and a lightbulb went off in my head, HEY...if I am to believe (and I do) that I attract into my life the types of experiences that are consistent with my low feelings of self-worth, and drinking contributes in a BIG way to my feelings of low self worth, then hmmm....I bet each time I make the decision to NOT drink, to feel GOOD about myself, I am upping my chances greatly of having more positive things (like an abundance of work) flow into my experience.

    So as scared and freaked out as I have felt all day, I have been clinging to this idea, and all of the ideas in the movie, and considering them in relation to my constant self abuse, and choosing self care instead.

    I remember once when I was five months sober and I actually loved myself for a change. I was radiant and peaceful. I have also never had such a great year financially as I did that year. I know it was no accident. And if it could happen that time, it can happen again. I just have to be kind to myself and let it :wavin:

    Thank you for listening:thanks:


    Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

    Wow Roxy!
    That's amazing - I too watched the Secret the other day for the first time. I'd been trying to get hold of the DVD for a long time, and then it just fell into my hands (you can't buy it in Australia at the moment).

    I was thinking of talking about it on the site, but hadn't found a way to word it... I'm so glad that you did.

    What I have found interesting is that the idea of "thoughts become things" (see my signature!).. and therefore, when we are recovering/abstaining/moderating, it would be counterproductive to focus on "NOT drinking," - because the universe does not hear the "not". Which means that we focus on the drinking. This is why, for example, diets don't work.

    So I know I need to find a way of wording my desire to stop drinking which doesn't focus on alcohol or lack of alcohol.

    I was thinking of, "My body is becoming healthier every day." "I am peaceful and have lots of energy."
    However... that doesn't quite sum it up... I think there must be a better way.

    What do you think?
    Free since 26th February 2012


      Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

      Well Done Roxy!!!! I can relate to the work situation as I have only had about three days of work in the last two weeks and I work at home. All good reasons for me to drink. Great job for you!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

        Hey Roxy,

        Good for you. I just got off from work and it could have been so easy to stop by the store for that after work bottle of wine that I'm used to, but I had to tell my self how would I feel tomorrow at work ?
        The answer tired, possibly sick, oh yeah and very mad at myself. My goal is to abstain this month, and right now thats more important than a temporary buzz followed by a long headache.

        What you said makes sense I feel so much better and get so much more done. And things in life just seem easier. It just seems like when I stay sober things just work out better, In work and my personal life.

        Again well done 2 days AF. And I look forward to more of your posts!!!!!!!!:goodjob:

        Take care Kitkat
        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


          Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

          Hidden Gem
          I think your affirmations are perfect because you are stating your goal in the positive. I know at some point along the way I have heard it said that being in a state of GRATITUDE is one of the most "attractive" states you can be in, so I have been saying, "THANK YOU for my permanent sobriety, my permanent peace, my permanent clarity." By saying thank you, it's already affirming that the desire is already so.

          I'm sure it's no "accident" that the DVD "just fell into your lap" at this time...isn't it cool??

          I already love this board and the OPENMINDEDNESS of the people here. I don't mean to bash other recovery groups, but I never felt comfortable discussing anything unless it was "approved reading"...

          From what I have seen of people "like us", we are a very interesting, intelligent, curious bunch. Therefore, we need to be in an environment which encourages investigation into all solutions

          I'm really glad you enjoyed The Secret and I will look forward to discussing it with you as well!



            Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

            KitKat...kudos to you and good job back atcha:goodjob:

            I know how strong that "pull" is. It's just so easy for the car to go in that direction (I assume yours runs on auto pilot straight to the wine store after work like mine does? :bonkers: )

            I'm glad you took the time to think it through. What you said about life being easier without the hooch is so true! I have noticed that same thing with regards to fear. For the few hours that I don't feel it when I'm drunk, there are another 10 that the fear is actually worse because during a hangover I feel as if I have rendered myself powerless and not able to cope...probably because my body and mind are weak, and when they are weak, the fear is MUCH stronger. It's all such a crazy pattern and the solution seems like it should be simple...anyway, i am rambling! I just mostly wanted to say good job and to thank you for your support.



              Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

              Lush, I see you are a Senior Member. May I ask how long? Were you in on the ground level of this place?

              Care to share your process? Did you do the meds? Are you still doing the supplements, etc or is there a time where you start feeling normal without them? I'm just curious...I have no problem taking them if they are going to make this process easier...



                Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

                Hi Roxy,
                Yes, I agree - there are no accidents, and I'm so happy I got the DVD - and happy you mentioned it!

                If there is one thing the Secret taught me, it is that I cannot afford to live my life on auto-pilot - I have to be very careful what I choose to give my attention to, and what I think about.

                Now that I'm not drinking, I know that there will be a big space in my life. I plan to fill it with all the things I never had time to do before - simply because drink was always my first priority.

                Most of all, I'm looking forward to discovering Who I Really Am - something I couldn't do before. And finding out what I really WANT - I've spent my life trying to please others.

                I'd be really interested to hear what happened to others as they became sober - what happens to thoughts and feelings as you clock up more days sober - good and bad!
                Free since 26th February 2012


                  Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

                  Congrats on day 2! Bring on day 3...we're with you.
                  Thanks for mentioning The Secret - I'm going to have to pick that up somewhere. It's kind of like that ole unfailing boomerang...whatever you put on it, it's gonna come back to you. I think with your positive attitude you're going to have a lot of positive things coming your way.


                    Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

                    hey Hidden gem I am in Sydney and am pretty keen to get hands on a copy of the secret where does one look ?. congrats Roxy on Af days it is very difficult to stay on track but I found meds very helpful and yes positive mindset definately helps and positive energy definately reflects back to you. Another interesting dvd is "what the bleep!!" about how the mind works or doesn't more to the point. Moose sorry for your loss. I can't hope to know what you are going through but know we are here for you. Hang in there mate your kids and you need you. I've got three of my own and my oldest is nine and he is my biggest supporter he loves keeping an eye on my drink tracker and giving me daily support. Hang in there guys we can make 2007 our year a good sobber one. Kim
                    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                      Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

                      Hi Roxy - congratulations on Af days. I saw the Secret (you can google it and for 4.95 you can view it online) I saw it and took pages and pages of notes. It makes sense to me that what you put your mental energy into will manifest. Trying to apply the principles all day long isn't that easy. Although it's like any other ingrained habit - if you continue to make the effort to think of the positive - of a healthy body, sound mind, etc. That too, will start to become a new habit. In turn your thoughts will become things. I highly recommend viewing it. Samadhi


                        Day 2 AF - a challenge...wheew!

                        Great Job!

                        Good job! 2 day AF if a fantastic start! I found day 2 and 3 to be my toughest. Not to mention Fridays - UGH! Good going!!!

