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Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

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    Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

    Hi everyone,

    Well I made it to Day 6 AF (and not smoking too). I have my supps to get me by and if I'm feeling a bit low or in the danger zone, want to know something or just want to catch up, I come and talk to you guys.

    What's happened to me is this: huge mood swings from anger to depression and back again. Huge overreactions about absolutely nothing. Overwhelment at the hugeness of what I am doing. Frustration that I'm not already three months down the track.

    I'm completely irrational and I know that even as I am screaming at my poor boyfriend. To fix it all, I am going to try the following strategies: 1) I've bought some melatonin, 2) I'm going to go do some exercise and 3) yoga and meditation. So I think I should be fine with those.

    My question is: where the hell has all this come from? Is this normal? Is this a chemical thing, is it my brain recovering - or is it my mind, is it years of repressing emotions? and more importantly... how long does it take to go away????
    Free since 26th February 2012

    Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

    All I can say is Yes. I just screamed at my family for no reason. It is a brain chemistry thing. I would like it to go away NOW....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

      Hello Gem,
      I'm feeling a lot like you this evening and I to am on day 6 - well, day 7 now. I felt great yesterday (Thursday) but today I've just been in a foul mood and can't seem to chase it away. Boy, did I want nothing more than an ice cold beer to take the edge off a little. Having said that, and even in my bad mood, I feel pretty good about myself for not caving in. So CONGRATS on day 6 - nice work! Let's go kick day 7's arse now.


        Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

        GO GUYS!

        Kick that next day's arse right now!!!! Hard.


          Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

          Yup...I was a behaving like a psychotic dick (see post, my yukky weekend in my story....WOT a jelly!!), and truly felt like I was going to give in....BUT, I didn't, Blondie sent a post about having to start over again from day one, and the more I thought bout it..the more I know that I AM NOT going to go back again...
          It does get better, you still have good and not so good days, but hell, you have them if you are and always have been a non drinker...the thing is to just 'have a bad day' I didn't kill me, (although i am just great at giving out advice AFTER i have been through it....I thought it very well might be the cause of my early demise at the time!!!) and I was CHUFFED to bits the next day, when I had a very clear melonhead..
          it's a bloomin rotten feeling when it comes, but it won't be like that every day. Now I know what to expect, even when I have a down day, i know that it is only one day, and it feels Soooooo good to be sober,

          Ditto the Tawnyfrog...GO GUYS....... PROD BUTTOCK!!!!! xoxo


            Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

            The cigarettes alone would make you feel like that xx


              Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

              Hey Gem,
              Feeling any better? I hope so.

              Well it's 12:10 est... on to day 8.


                Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

                hang in there gem. huggs to you.


                  Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

                  Hi, Hidden Gem,

                  I wanted to congratulate you for hanging in there on your roller coaster:goodjob:
                  You should feel very proud of yourself!! And reading your post has given me hope and inspiration to get back on the horse.

                  I drank two bottles of wine yesterday and this morning I felt so crappy, that I went and bought another:upset:

                  My excuse is that I am waiting for my supplements. But I know that even when I have those, it's going to take some effort. And yesterday I didn't even try.

                  So tomorrow will be Day 1 again.

                  And Day 7 for you! :goodjob:



                    Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

                    Hi everyone,

                    Good job gem and moose. I am with you roxy, tomorrow will be day af for me too, I hope. Was doing pretty good this weekend only 2 yesterday , 3 today. I guess that is still better then 5 or 6.
                    I will join you for day af tomorrow good luck.
                    :h :h
                    "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                    Catherine Pulsifer


                      Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

                      My Friends,

                      Roxy and momof2boys,
                      Waiting for my supps and book and tapes too.....keep in touch...hope to join you very shortly, Love, My


                        Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

                        Hello all,

                        Drat, I wrote a longish post in response to all... and it has gone.

                        Oh well! Thank you very much everyone for your messages of support, I couldn't do without ya!

                        Coming to the end of Day 8 here... the rollercoaster is still very much in working order, but I'm not screaming so much anymore...!

                        Free since 26th February 2012


                          Rollercoaster and it's only Day 6!

                          Ahh... The Rollercoaster Ride...

                          Yes, I am feeling it too. Just let the ride go on. We are going to experience MANY a MOOD during this process. Our brains and body have grown use to the chemical toxification. Try to occupy your time with something constructive. (Easy for me to say - but understand it is hard to do!). Hang in there! You can do it!

