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Its not sad not to drink.

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    Its not sad not to drink.

    Mario - you are so wise:l

    I think we all are sad when first starting our sober lives as we still see alcohol as our dependable friend. But as we clear our heads we truely see it for what it is. Some friend! Friends don't steal your money, ruin your relationships and turn you into an arse while plundering your health.

    I work in a bar and you see first hand how alcohol turns molehills into mountains - when I see couples or friends arguing in the bar purely for the fact that they are drunk - it is that that now makes me sad.
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      Its not sad not to drink.

      Mario - what a great post and you hit the nail on the head!

      My last attempts were always sad because yes - like everyone else, I thought I was being deprived of something that made me feel good. I no longer feel deprived - I feel happy, grateful for having the courage to try again and coming back here to a wonderful group of friends.

      It doesn't have to be sad - look at it as a new chapter in your life - hey - there is more to life than the bottle - it's called LIFE!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Its not sad not to drink.

        Aah mario, Your so right we dont need to please anyone but ourselfs, its our choice, Thank you again.

