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withdrawals? pls input

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    withdrawals? pls input

    paul just mentioned there would be wothdrawals further than my clenched jaw.

    i so appreciate any fellow member telling me their symptoms and remedies and how long it lasts. is it safe? i have done so much research but rever considered myself in the withdrawal category...but i guess (honestly ...KNOW i am) . i hope i am safe. i done a lot of research and feel it is safe to do so.
    if it were not - why would our government allow a substace to be on the market that could be life threatening if abused?
    maybe too many (me) have taken this too lightly. i think i am going to be journaling a lot here. even if i die - you'll have some input as to how it goes!! (i DO have a sick...out of defense ..sense of humor) . we must find humor in all situations. lest we face peril.

    thank you again for anyone who writes and tell me of experience and help.

    withdrawals? pls input

    Hi Ute,
    I cannot help you with your question I just want to say Hi!

    : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


      withdrawals? pls input

      Hi Ute,

      I am also really worried about withdrawl symptoms, it all sounds scary. I have not been a day af yet, hopefully tomorrow.
      good luck to you.
      "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
      Catherine Pulsifer


        withdrawals? pls input

        thank you for being here. i just don't know where to turn and am feeling i am alone. i have so many questions and no answers. even here. it IS a journey we must make by ourselves and i think we are always seeking an easy way out. as with anyting we begin - it is so easy to get there! like the extra 5 pounds we gain. yet the return home is lonely and hard. yes, i am also looking for an easy way out and i guess i am only going to get easy as to how much i am willing to work hard. at least there is a way out. thanks fo rbeing here and i wish you the strength and grace that i want fo rmyself. God bless you and stay strong.


          withdrawals? pls input

          Hi Ute and Momof,
          Withdrawals dont always happen. I had none and I drank a bottle of Vodka a day:eeks: .
          Some people experience headaches, anxiety, shakes, sweats, sleeplessness etc and it can happen 36 - 72 hours from your last drink. Some more severe withdrawals include siezures, needless to say the more alcohol abused the more severe the symptoms could be.
          But as I said I had none and went AF cold turkey, but most importantly dont let the fear of that stop you from giving up the drink.You can talk to your doctor for advice on the drugs that will help if your concerned you will have withdrawals and there is a mass of information on MWO on all of this.Check out the health store and read through the posts and you'll find answers for you.
          Please Ute, dont feel alone, 'cos your not here:welcome:
          We're all going through the same journey, some may be coming from a long way back but the journey's still the same and we all are here to help each other along the path.
          Just take a deep breath and make the change
          Good luck, I'm looking forward to reading your posts and following your progress.
          Victoria xoxoxox

