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Starting over (AGAIN)

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    Starting over (AGAIN)

    Hi everyone,

    I am checking in...because last night I checked OUT :upset:

    Tonight I came here and saw Hidden Gem's post about the roller coaster ride on Day 6 and the (at times dimly lit) lightbulb came on in my head, Hey, maybe I should do that, too! Come on this board when I am struggling. Talk about what's going on. Let you guys help.

    I don't have my supplements yet (that was part of my excuse for drinking two bottles of wine last night) but I am not going to wait to start over with Day 1.

    Tomorrow will be my Day 1 (not today, because I drank another bottle earlier in the know, to get rid of the hangover Then I slept all afternoon. And now I'm wide awake...but sober.) Anyway, thank you all for being here and I am looking foward to spending more time and getting to know you!


    Starting over (AGAIN)

    I am where you're at

    I am on my 7th day sober after starting over again. I had used this site some months ago and it helped, but once I stopped logging in I lost it. I think the idea of logging in is a good one as we need support in those precarious moments. This is the first time I have logged in since I started over again and I realize how much I missed it.

    I hope it works for you!

    AF again since 3/13/2014


      Starting over (AGAIN)

      Hey Roxy,
      At least you are starting over! You could be starting another bender instead...
      Happy Abstinence-ing.

      : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


        Starting over (AGAIN)

        Hi Roxy-
        I'm not sure if I ever sign off this site!!
        I check in here often and it does seem to help.
        congrats on day 7 Sherry!
        cheers laura



          Starting over (AGAIN)

          Good Luck Roxy,
          I haven't tried I'll be rooting for ya


            Starting over (AGAIN)

            I'm glad I'm not the only one starting over. I hope it works this time. I'm thinking I'm going to pour out all the alcohol in the house. Because for some reason, I can't seem to keep my hands off of it. I don't drink everyday, but when I do I make up for lost time. Why is it that I love that buzzing feeling.....And why can't I just buzz on life....I started this program several months ago. Did good at first, then not so good. I go in cycles. Now I'm thinking of seeing a shrink, who can prescribe meds. I've taken the topa and don't like it at all, but am thinking that I could really use something to help with the compulsion. I can't say that I really crave alcohol, but it's is a really, really, bad habit. And when I've had to much, I wake up aftrer a night of drinking with anxiety big time, which I know is withdrawls. Good luck to everyone out there who is starting over for the umpteenth time or who is just starting. Hope to be keeping in touch more these days....


              Starting over (AGAIN)

              Just Keep on Keeping Roxy. That's all you deserve the good things it will bring. Just remember that. That's what has kept me Keepin' this weekend. I'm almost through my 3rd day AF.

              Huggs and don't beat yourself up.


                Starting over (AGAIN)

                Hey Roxy!

                I agree with just h... DON'T beat yourself up.

                Remember "The Secret"... if you beat yourself up and tell yourself you can't do it... then that is exactly the experience you will attract.

                When the alcohol is out of your system it will be easier to monitor your thoughts and feelings and adjust them to more positive ones - so think of abstinence as a short-cut to a clearer mind, and therefore a way to improve your life consciously.

                You know it's true!

                Love and Hugs

                Free since 26th February 2012


                  Starting over (AGAIN)

                  Aw are so right!
                  I think I need to buy a copy of the Secret and play it every morning. My little pea brain seems to forget so quickly. I need to find a way to really internalize and OWN it.

                  I have been having some lightbulb moments that I am going to post about later...right now I have to leave for work...

                  But I wanted to thank everyone soooo very much for your compassionate support and reminding me not to beat myself up. That is what I do best. I came from a family where the worst possible thing a person could be is alcoholic. The lowest of the low. After watching The Secret I am working hard to create a new, beautiful image of myself in my mind's more about that later! I gotta run for now.

                  Have a great day everyone and :thanks:



                    Starting over (AGAIN)

                    You can do it!

                    Just being aware and posting here, is a huge step in becomming well! Just keep trying. Nothing comes over night and bad habits are hard to break - especially with addictions! I know you can do it Roxy! Our minds have become so terribly altered and our bodies follow along with it. It takes a good while to readjust our thinking and our mind process! Just be good to yourself. And please don't be so hard on yourself. We are only human.


                      Starting over (AGAIN)

                      Aw are so right!
                      I think I need to buy a copy of the Secret and play it every morning. My little pea brain seems to forget so quickly. I need to find a way to really internalize and OWN it.

                      I have been having some lightbulb moments that I am going to post about later...right now I have to leave for work...

                      But I wanted to thank everyone soooo very much for your compassionate support and reminding me not to beat myself up. That is what I do best. I came from a family where the worst possible thing a person could be is alcoholic. The lowest of the low. After watching The Secret I am working hard to create a new, beautiful image of myself in my mind's more about that later! I gotta run for now.

                      Have a great day everyone and :thanks:



                        Starting over (AGAIN)

                        What is the Secret???

