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    It's sad but I can't remember the last time I went a week without alcohol. I guess nobody said it would be easy, right? I think I've pretty much gone through every emotion I can think of. I've been tired - but can't sleep at night. I've rationalized so many times in my head, that since I've gone x-amount of days without alcohol, that it would be ok to pick up just one cold pack of beer... because I really don't have a problem. I've paced, picked cuticles, drank a small pond of green tea, and walked several miles. I feel like I've been literally drug through the wringer. To be blunt...I feel like SHIT!
    ...And I wouldn't want it any other way. Something deep down inside of me feels pretty happy right now.

    I'm a pretty compulsive person and if someone out there is reading this and is going through any of the same things I am... believe me when I tell you if I can get through 8 days AF you will too.

    Also, thank you all for your kindess and words of encouragement.

    Off to go kill me a day 9.


    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; send these, the homeless tempest-tossed, to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door."



    Go get that Day 9! :happy:



      Hey there Moose. Good work. I've made it almost through my Sunday goal. Then I'm to set a new one. Hubby was home today so it was easy. I was ancy a few times. I crave the taste. I guess only because I've decided to abstain. My head is a mess. I have stress and worries. Hubby has kept my mind busy for the moment. I'm off to see my counselor on Wed. Great work for you. Keep it up. I has to get better.




        You are giving me hope (although today was supposed to be my Day 1, and now tomorrow will have to be...because today I caved again...)..anyway, that being said, I wanted to give you some info about a product that REALLY helps me sleep when I have gotten sober in the nutritionist got me into it, and it is the best stuff. Pharmaceautical grade Pure L-Tryptophan. Tryp. was pulled from the American market after a tainted batch caused some problems. But now it's back, and this particular brand is fabulous. The nutritionist told me to take 2 or I take 5 :-) About an hour before bed.

        Its a naturally occurring amino acid, so it is 100 percent safe. And it quickly gets your sleep on track.
        if you google FTH pure L-tryptophan you'll find sites that sell it. It's pharmaceutical grade, so not cheap...around $58.00 for 120 tabs...probably a wash when you compare it with the money you're not spending on the hooch :-)

        Anyway...that's what I wanted to share. And also to say YAY FOR YOU! You are doing so great :-) Like I said, you are giving me hope.




          Hey Moose,
          You're right, it's not easy.
          I was hoping to go totally AF, but am drinking every 3rd or 4th night. Christmas /New Year was not a wise time for me to start the program, but at least I'm easing off the drink.... quite dramatically. But it isn't easy.

          It is indeed a great feeling of achievement not to drink for a few days... and you're about to enter day nine! I shall use your post as additional inspiration for me to go longer AF. As for you feeling like shit, it's gotta be a better feeling than the hangovers and the previous broken promises to yourself. There are people on this site like Roxy who will be able to help you out. I'm looking for something to get me to sleep too... the hypno cd's tend to do that,but that's not what they'r purpose is, so I'll see ifI can get hold ofsome Pure L here.
          I'll be looking for your report back in on day 12!



            Hey Moose,

            I can remember the last time I went a week – last June – but it was only because I was ill. And as for the time before that – who knows?
            I’m at Day 8 and there have been so many times I’ve found myself rationalizing that it would be okay to have just one beer, or just one glass of wine.
            But I agree with you – I wouldn’t change it either. Because although I feel like crap now, I know if I just hang on it there something’s going to emerge – and it’s going to be the real me, the sober, non-hungover me. I’m looking forward to finding out what she’s like!

            Free since 26th February 2012



              Congrats guys this is great you are doing great bring on day 9!!!! Yahoooooo
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!




                Way to go guys, Moose and Gem I am looking forward to trying to be a week af, you give me hope it can be done. I am still with you Roxy hopefully today will be day 1 af, I am looking forward to reading updating posts on all of your progress. I am going to try and find some pure L as well, sleep would be a good thing.

                Take care everyone, I am off to work.

                :h :h
                "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                Catherine Pulsifer



                  Keep up that attitude. You can do it!:wd:

                  GREAT GOING...Onward & Upward :whee:
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                    Way to Go!

                    Good job you guys! I know the part of feeling shitty! I am on day 10 - with the utmost of struggle this weekend! Talk about a roller coaster of moods! From what I have heard from the long termers - it does get easier. Just tell your 'Addictive Voice' to butt out and keep moving forward! Keep posting and reading!



                      Going on day 8 AF

                      I too have the problem with sleep I feel tired but can't get any shut eye . Just in the morning I feel like I can sleep. But must get up tend to the kids and work. Are you using topa or the vitamins? I am just on the vitamins and hoping to get the cds in 10 days . It has not been easy but my goal is to go week by week and 60 days AF then try mods, I want to give my body a break.This is Day 8 , 52 more to go feel great.

