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A New Beginning

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    A New Beginning

    I'm glad I found this board. I have had a problem for many years now and I knew it needed to be addresses. I quit smoking 102 days ago after smoking for 41 years with the aid of a new drug called Chantix. As a result of this my anxiety level went up and so did the number of daily drinks I consumed. I told my Dr. and she refered me to a Psychologist who specialiizes in treating addictions. He sent me a lot of paperwork to fill out and get back to him before my appt and I printed out some articles I found on this site about Topamax, Kudzu, etc. and included them in the packet. I had my appt with him last Friday. He gave me Topa 25 mg and Tranxene 7.5mg to treat anxiety. I only take the Tranxene when I really need to. He told me to start talking 25mg of Topa a week then increase it 25 each week. I am still drinking but he said at about 200mg I would probably lose the desire to drink or at least drink as much. What other supps would you reccomend I take to speed up the process of moderation? Thanks in advance!

    A New Beginning

    I dont take supps. but I think that L glutamine is suppose to help too.Congrats on quitting smoking,


      A New Beginning


      That is awesome about the smoking - I AM JELOUSE! I quit for many days during my AF stint in December but after the holidays, kind of through it all out the window! For me, the smoking thing has calmed down a bit after being AF for 10 days. I think that doing them both at the same time might literally drive me insane! One thing at a time...

      I don't take the supplements like Topamax or Campral. (Although sometimes I think maybe they would be a good idea!). I have been taking Vitamin B Complex, and the Omega 3-6-9. Both of these really help with your nervous system and are good for stress, and overall health. I am feeling MUCH better these days. I started on these just over a month ago and found through out the holidays while I was drinking excessively, my body didn't withdrawal so badly and rebounded a bit faster. This weekend was a toughy, but made it through.

      I would suggest reading, and posting... I have found so much inspiration here. All the best to you and your New Beginning!


        A New Beginning

        Thanks Daisy and Accountable! I was thinking of getting some L glutamine and some GABA and maybe some Kuszu. I have been taking high potncy B100 vitamins daily for a while now. I'm reall tired of the blackouts and not being able to remember the evening


          A New Beginning

          Do Whatever it takes!

          I also found eating properly (with the exception of my dinner of Nachos last night) really helps too. They suggest you stay away from the high carb foods and the sugars. Apparently a diet that is rich in protien, fibre and the complex carbs stave the appetite for drinking too. Some food for thought. I have tried to eat fish a couple of times a week. My little one loves it too, so I don't have a problem cooking it up for us. If you don't particularly like fish because of the fishy smell and taste, I found BASA a good choice!

          I also am interested in trying the L-Glut. I have heard so many positive things about it.

          I did some reading last night on the simularities of alcoholism and hypoglycemia. They are so much a like! They suggest to follow a diet as if you are hypoglycemic and apparently the people who did, combatted this problem many percent more than others who didn't. I don't recall the website tho.

          This is what they suggested in replenishing/maintaining your body and brain after coming off of alcohol in the way of vitamins:

          Vitamin B Complex
          Vitamin B3 - Niacin
          Chromium Picolate
          Vitamin C
          Pantothenic Acid

          We deplete these when we are consuming alcohol. I wish I bookmarked the site - it made a lot of sense to me and the way I have been feeling lately health wise.


            A New Beginning

            The Doc also told me that alcohol depletes zinc in the body and causes night blindness so I gues that would also bw a good supp to consider...


              A New Beginning

              It also does nothing good for your typing! LOL


                A New Beginning

                Very Valuable Info

                The funny thing is this... For the last year I have been unable to drive at night due to my not being able to see the lines on the road. I thought maybe I was too young for the whole Night Blindness concept but now that you mention it - it makes PERFECT sense! Is it reversable? With the taking of a zinc supp?


                  A New Beginning

                  I didn't specifically ask that but I intend to pick up some zinc at the grocery store later today and try it. I just thought it was old age for me. I will be 59 later this year.

                  So I assume you are going for AF and not moderation. I would like to get it down to no more that 2-3 per day.


                    A New Beginning

                    Mods isn't an option for me...

                    FORTUNATELY, mods isn't an option for me. (I was going to say UNFORTUNATELY - but realistically speaking, what is so fortunate about drinking? I ask myself that everyday!)
                    Also, I am THE PRO with the whole 'black out' syndrome. I drink to excess everytime I drink. I have TRIED pathetically to have one or two, but after an hour I got an instant hangover.

                    I am known to the PROS, a binge drinker. I can drink excessively for days on end. My husband, unfortunately is a binge drinker too and that is how we met - binge drinking with friends. ACK!

                    We both are going for the ABS. Although he works in a town far away, so who knows what he is really up to LOL!

                    Being completely free of alcohol is the only way I can do it. I am comfortable with this decision most times. More than not. I have seen what it has done to my life - and it isn't pretty. I am constantly telling my little brain that I am done with this. And keep reflecting on all the bad things that happened when I was drunk. For each day I am sober, I know I am completely in control and aware of what I do and the consequences of my actions.

                    By the way, you are still VERY young. You have a whole life a head of you! Cutting down is a great start.

                    We have spent so much time and energy feeding this addiction. It is going to take a lot of time and energy to stop feeding it. Just keep that in mind.


                      A New Beginning

                      Thank you for being there for me! My wife deserves better and has been very forgiving and understanding. BTW, she is my fourth wife. I just bought my zinc supps. I really hope the Topa works and that I don't have many of the bad side effects.


                        A New Beginning


                        keep us posted. We are here for you through the ups and downs! And let me know about how that zinc is working out for you as well. I have put in on my shopping list for my next trip to the store. Thanks again so much for that info, by the way. I was terribly worried about my eye sight with the driving in the dark. I thought is was so strange. It makes sense now. At least that is what I am hoping it is.... just the lack of zinc.


                          A New Beginning

                          Congratulations!!! Welcome aboard CW.

                          I tried stopping the smoking about a year and four months ago and basically pulled my chair up to the liquor cabinet. YIKES!

                          I did decide to only smoke at that point at home and to try to keep it to 3-5 a day. that count would change when I really drank. Last March I decided to not work on the cigarettes but work on moderating. I bought the book here, the CDs and the supps not on any RX. I have had pretty great success learning what my triggers are. So baby steps. I stopped smoking 8 days ago. (I really need to keep the drinks in check to keep the smoking craving at bay.) Double edged sword. I have been smoking for almost 14 years now and drinking with many excessive nights for about 10 years. I just turned 52 so I am a late bloomer on all these vices but apparently I have an addictive personality!!

                          Wish you the best of health - come post often!

                          I am night blind but was diagnosed with that before doing anything bad healthwise. I burned the rods in the back of my eyes from living in the VI - with foster grants no 100% UV protection for years. Doctor told me light colored eyes like mine will fry quicker than deep brown.


                            A New Beginning

                            :welcome: cwspence,

                            This all sounds so familiar, I also have night blindness and was thinking may I have cateracs or something. I also drink and can't remember most of the night the next day. I talk to people on the phone and make plans with them and when they ask if we are still on a few days later I am clueless and try to bluff my way out. I am undesided if I wll go completely af or just try to cut down. I am like accountable and have a hard time just stopping at a couple.

                            Well thak you for the info on night blindness, hope it is reversable. I do love all the support and information I receive on this site.

                            Once again welcome.

                            "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                            Catherine Pulsifer


                              A New Beginning


                              Thanks for your post MKR in regards to your experience with Night Vision loss. The burned eye thing could be a possibility as well. I am going to see an optometrist and see what is going on. It has been over two years since my last eye check, so this is probably a good time as any to do it. At least this way I will know if it is something super serious or my eyes are just coming out of a drunken haze... I have light coloured eyes as well. Just never know.

                              And you are doing awesome with the not smoking (I am jelouse!) and the moderating! Way to go! Sounds like you really have a handle on it.

                              momoftwoboys - Oh, I soooooooo, soooooo, sooooooo know about those calls and making plans then pretending I know what they are talking about. EEEESH! I can't believe I am actually laughing at myself right now! (But if I don't laugh at myself - who will? Actually I don't want to know. LOL).

