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Best OTC Detox Help?

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    Best OTC Detox Help?

    Hi All,

    First post after not posting for a few years and not being able to dig up my pw, I'll keep it short and sweet because my mood rollercoaster is decidedly on the downward part and I just wanna slam this laptop shut.

    But are there any over the counter Detox things that people here would recommend? I tried going to a walk in clinic here and the doc lectured me about how maybe suffering through withdrawal would teach me a lesson. Now I'm back here sweating and wanting to crawl out of my skin.

    Been trying Valarian Root and Gravol somewhat, not to any extremes or anything, but I'm really, really trying not to just got out and "ween" myself off since that's a conversation I've already had 1000000 times ya know?

    Sorry for the ramble

    Best OTC Detox Help?

    I used tapering for a week (i know that doesnt work for everyone) and lots of vitamins, L glut, and Livercare, also called LV52. The only WD i suffered were sleep related (I took Calms Forte and still do). I also did lots of hot baths and slept whenever my body needed it. I drank hard liquor pretty much daily (after work everyday til I went to sleep). I have been sober for over 10 months now i and feel amazing. It truly is amazing when i look back at how i was living (well not really living just existing). Today i love life, the good and the bad.

    I know other people will come along to help, this place is amazing. Try the Newbies Nest, they will help you get thru the beginning stages and help carry you thru this journey.

    Welcome and read and post lots. It really helps to keep you focused.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

