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Hi - I'm new

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    Hi - I'm new


    I am new here. I just wanted someone to talk to. I am drinking wayyyyy toooooo much, and I don't want to. I don't know how to slow down or quit. Can anyone give me any advice?



    Hi - I'm new

    Hello Danielle
    If you stay with us a while, I'm sure that you will learn many ways that will help you get out of your present situation. This place is a really great help to me. Since coming here about two months ago, my drinking has decreased beyond recognition. There are many people here who will help.
    If you read as many posts as you can, past and present, there are many stories that I'm sure you will identify with.
    I hope to hear more from you soon. :welcome:


      Hi - I'm new

      Hi Danelle:

      Welcome! Roberta's book is excellent, and you can download it too. I also ordered the CD's, and take the supplements that are recommended. There are so many wonderful people here that will help you however they can.



        Hi - I'm new


        I wanted to welcome you to the boards. :welcome:


          Hi - I'm new

          Welcome Danielle. Just keep reading and posting. I have the book on order. It's rough and remember it's not and easy road. If it was easy then there wouldn't be so many people looking for a way out of the cycle. Don't beat yourself up either. Huggs to you. Hope you keep coming back.:h


            Hi - I'm new

            Welcome Danelle!

            As everyone has said this is a great place. And you'll probably be amazed at how many people's stories are similar to your own. Wanting to change is a big step - congratulations. Read the posts, and post when you're ready.

            AF since 6JUN2012


              Hi - I'm new

              I'm new too. Welcome!
              I am going to get the book and read it as my first step.
              I also have starded no drinking alcohal with any meal and then a glass of water between each alcohalic beverage when I am drinking.
              Hoping the book will give me the next steps

              Hang in here, there is lots of help here.
              Control the Mind


                Hi - I'm new

                Welcome Danielle and Rocky!:hug:
                :h :h :h :h


                  Hi - I'm new

                  Hi Danielle and Rocky & :welcome:

                  You really have found the right place,

                  2 & half months ago I was starting drinking at 7am on my days off and as soon as I finished work on my other days, and getting through 3 bottles of red wine a day............

                  I'm now on my 10th day Alcohol free, and feeling soooo much better about myself.

                  No hangovers, no guilt, no worries, no anxiety, .........

                  There is a whole new better world out there just waiting for you to find it............. ( I don't think that i'm usually quite so corny LOL) :H

                  All the best guys, lots of love & hugs, Paula xxx :h :l


                    Hi - I'm new


                    I went to Barns and Nobel at lunch to buy the book... they did not have it. I came back and tried to download the book but there is something wrong with the link.

                    The powers of evil are trying to stop me already and I have not started yet....:durn:
                    Control the Mind


                      Hi - I'm new



                      I know you can get it!

                      Go get it!
                      :h :h :h :h


                        Hi - I'm new

                        Hang in there Rocky! These are just minor obstacles! Try refreshing the page before clicking on the link again. It might work...

                        Imagine, love your avatar!!!! WAY COOL!


                          Hi - I'm new

                          Rocky wrote: I went to Barns and Nobel at lunch to buy the book... they did not have it. I came back and tried to download the book but there is something wrong with the link.

                          The powers of evil are trying to stop me already and I have not started yet....:durn:
                          Barnes and Noble can also order it for you too. I just go my email that my book arrived today.

