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    Hi everyone

    I've just registered today. Have ordered CDs and supplements - hope they help. Sometimes i can contol my drinking, sometimes I can't - I just can't predict either way. I generally have a few alcohol free days every week. But then I get greedy with it at the weekends. And when I'm greedy, I suffer blackouts, a general inability to walk, talk absolute crap and have massive panic attacks the next day. I drink when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I need confidence, when I want to relax, when I'm with people or when I'm on my own - I'm not fussy! There are times when I don't function well in work because Im hungover. And more importantly I'm worried about the impact on my relationship. My partner and I plan to buy a house togther this year. He has pased comment on the state I get myself into sometimes but he doesn't realise the true extent of my drinking. As much as I love drinking I recognise its messing my life up and I really need to do something about it. Any advice is most welcome. x

    Hi everyone

    Welcome Nicole! Great start getting the CDs and supps. I hope they work for you as well. This is a very supportive place where you will see your story is similar to many of us. I wish you the best!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Hi everyone

      Great Start!

      Good job on recognizing you want to change. And for obtaining the tools you need to help you along. Keep us posted and keep on posting! Welcome!:welcome:


        Hi everyone

        Hey you took the first major steps to get healthier. You know you have a problem and you are moving to things to work on the problem. Welcome and keep coming back. That works for me. I am a binger. I can go with out it at times also. But lately binging has taken over. I would look forward to the times when I could just get smashed and I would lie and all the terrible parts of my personality would take over. I was losing control. It wouldn't be that hard for me to drink all the freakin' time at the moment. I decided that wasn't where I wanted to be and it would endanger my relationship with Hubby. Just read posts and keep posting. You are not alone. That's meant a lot to me when I found this place. You will get support here.



          Hi everyone

          Hi Nicole -

          Welcome! You've found a great place with wonderful people. My advice is to read and read, and post too.

          I know what you mean about your loved one not knowing the extent of the problem. My husband was really blind to it at first - of course I helped a little by sneaking drinks, hiding bottles - LOL!

          AF since 6JUN2012


            Hi everyone

            welcome Nicole, sounds like a perfect turning-point opportunity. congrads!!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Hi everyone

              Hi Nicole.
              This is a great place. I hope that you enjoy the journey as much as I am.


                Hi everyone


                Hi Nicole:welcome:

                This is a great place to be you will find as much support as you need take every day as it comes you can do it.


