hi all...what a fantastic site, found purely by accident. Believe it or not i had decided to give up habitual drinking yesterday morning (2 hours before i discovered this forum): Anyhoo my name is dave (56)
living with partner (soon to be married):upset: in scotland. I've got a full time job, so in my working day does not involve alcohol...my problem has been slow but progresive over the years. In my 20's..30's..and early 40's drink played no part in my life other socialy. Around that time my 20year marraige fell apart, and i suppose i turned to whisky to numb the pain. Not to excess as i was running a successfull small business.
But when i got home in the evening, a few large whiskies helped:This over the next few years become the norm. Anything up to a half bottle a night, and through time i needed this to sleep: The real problem developed over the last few years. While working still no problem, but during the day i began to think about the rewarding drinks i could look forward to that evening. Not on my own by this time but that did'nt make any difference to way of thinking. So a couple of whiskies and a shared bottle of veno with my partner. One for her....the rest for me...I began to resent her when she asked for a second glass. I went to the shop to buy a couple of bottles....just in case she forgot...I did'nt get drunk..nor did i have a hangover as such...But i convinced myself that i would'nt be able to sleep without it. I began to have stomoch problems (the drink) but on my day's off i found that a couple of drinks in the morning helped...If on my day's off i woke at 5 in the morning with my funny tummy i would nip down the stairs for a couple just to get back to sleep...This is more or less my story till now BUT now i intend to something about

This is my second day for many, many years without a drink of alcohol...(on holiday this week so this should help get a good start) Yesterday was'nt to bad, although i was on this site most of the day, which helped)
It was going to bed with a clear head that affected me the most. I experienced night terrors for the first couple of hours. Then i must have got to sleep...the next thing i know it's morning..AND FELT I'D HAD THE BEST SLEEP FOR YEARS

Anyway early day's yet but i feel more possitive than i've had for years...............