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    This is my first post. I discovered MYO last summer, bought all the supps, the CDs and the Topa...didn't stick to it. Continued to drink.

    Tried again a couple of months later, again only dabbled for a week or two, still drinking. Then, around Christmas I started reading the forums, really reading them. Getting to know the people and their problems, trials and tribulations. Joys and heartbreaks.

    Something struck a chord. For the first time in 20 + years I felt I wasn't alone. I've had more AF days since then (that's to say SOME!) than I can remember. It's not easy, but knowing you are all going though it too and even being able to come here and read about it is such a relief after searching for so many years.

    thank you so much


    First Post

    Welcome Pebbles. I am glad you stuck it out. This is a great place to make you feel not alone. Hope to see more of you around here.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      First Post

      Hi Pebbles & :welcome:

      You really have come to the right place, the members here are soooo supportive, please stick around
      and keep reading and posting.

      Well done for taking such a positive step.

      Lots of love & hugs, Paula :h :l :h


        First Post

        Hi Peebles. I'm glad you're here. This is a great place.


          First Post

          Welcome aboard! Hope to see you around..
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            First Post

            Hi Pebbles!
            Welcome Back. Glad you are here!
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              First Post

              Well, Paul B, that made me laugh and pop back in!

              Paul B - first of all I have to say that over the past few weeks (or maybe even months!) I've been really amazed and inspired by your progress - you are awesome, pal!! I've been lurking around, reading every day but too uncomfortable to post again since the horrible time with "you know who" (no, not Voldemort!) when everyone got so upset - older members will know who and what I mean - I felt so bad about all the hurt that happened, I just snuck away - but kept up to date with you all. Many, many congrats on all the successes and the hard times so many of you have overcome. Anyway, never mind all that - Paul.... Peebles is a small town in the Scottish borders.... Pebbles was Bam Bam's sister in the Flintstones -:H But thanks for tempting me back again - and at the moment, I am "AF" and A OK. :thumbs: to everyone!

              The Terror


                First Post

                Thanks for such quick replies. This site is so supportive. I've never seen anything like it.

                I'm quite excited for the future now I hope I've found the missing link. I've wanted to gain some control for such a long time, but never known how. Just wanting too has never been enough. This site has some incredible advice, can't remember who said it, Pansy maybe, "White Knuckle through 5pm to 8pm" that's me right now...but now I know I can manage it. Just !


                Paulb - It's Pebbles..not Peebles...even though I did live in Scotland for 3 years and love it there!


                  First Post

                  Pebbles, sorry for calling you peebles pebbles.
                  Glad you're back Tartan.


                    First Post

                    Hi Pebbles and welcome!

                    Just laughing at the white knuckle comment!! I'm in the middle of mine, 8.30pm and normally on glass of wine number 3 or 4 by now have a free house too as hubby away so normally would LOVE evenings like this! Am on my 4th cup of coffee and kitchen has never been cleaner!
                    Will be very happy in prud in morning if I make it thru this evening will be day 4 with no alcohol, a record for me .. I'm hoping for a lovely clear headed day tomorrow with my beautiful son ..
                    Anyway just to say I haven't been a member for long at all and have not posted much but intend to a lot more over the next few months when I start the programme .. I'm proud of myself for seeking out this site and admitting to a problem and so should you be .. it won't be easy but we are all here for each other ..
                    Be strong Pebbles.

                    LOL xxxx


                      First Post

                      Hi Pebbles and welcome!

                      Just laughing at the white knuckle comment!! I'm in the middle of mine, 8.30pm and normally on glass of wine number 3 or 4 by now have a free house too as hubby away so normally would LOVE evenings like this! Am on my 4th cup of coffee and kitchen has never been cleaner!
                      Will be very happy in prud in morning if I make it thru this evening will be day 4 with no alcohol, a record for me .. I'm hoping for a lovely clear headed day tomorrow with my beautiful son ..
                      Anyway just to say I haven't been a member for long at all and have not posted much but intend to a lot more over the next few months when I start the programme .. I'm proud of myself for seeking out this site and admitting to a problem and so should you be .. it won't be easy but we are all here for each other ..
                      Be strong Pebbles.

                      LOL xxxx


                        First Post

                        Toby - hiya! My white nuckle time here as well - but kitchen is a tip - fancy working your magic on it? Hubby, brother and next door neighbour all have gone down the local - not little old me though - oh no, I am studying hard on my PC - har, har!! I am wasting time on here, more like - but...... I AM NOT DRINKING - WHOOPPEEE - and hey, ho, they will feel like "you know what" or even "you know who" in the morning, but I will be fresh as a proverbial daisy - so ya boo sucks to them and hurrah to us Toby!!!

                        Thanks for the welcome back Paul - why did I stay away so long?!!!
                        The Terror


                          First Post

                          Absabloodylutely!!!! Its that the feeling when we wake up tomorrow morning with no headache/awful thirst/feeling of shame! You know what even if I feel like a glass of wine tomorrow evening with dinner with my hubby so what I don't care the biggest thing is me not drinking on my own which I have always done and preferred to be honest! Jees I can really see what the whole '1 day at a time' motto means now ...
                          Would love to clean your kitchen!!!!!


                            First Post

                            Well Done All,

                            Keep posting to pass the time,

                            Love & Hugs, Paula xx


                              First Post

                              Hi Pebbles
                              Welcome back! Great to see you here. Just take it one step at a time - and we are here to hold your hand a long the way!
                              Over 4 months AF :h

