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How to start

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    How to start

    Not sure why I drink. I suppose I could make a list. I go through a big bottle of vodka in about 3 days.
    Pretty much till it knocks me out and I go up to bed.
    I have been able to function at work ok but it is a struggle.
    I'm not sure I can quit. What is the first thing I should do?
    Control the Mind

    How to start

    Everyone is different, but...

    once you make a decision, do everything possible to stick with it. It might be good for you depending on how much and for how long you have been drinking to ween yourself off. Stopping all together can be a bad thing. I did it once, and man, I should of been hospitalized! So that is something you should consider before just stopping. Can you see your doctor? Maybe he can help you with this - ie: a plan, drugs, etc. Also coming on here and reading and posting will help you too. It really helps me.

    There is also a starter package offered here that many have found to be a useful tool. Like the supplements, cds, books etc.

    For me, I made the decision to stop. I went through some nasty withdrawals, but managed. I make an effort each and every day now not to buy any. It is tough. But I have made a list of the WHYs I want to quit and repeat them to myself every day. That little voice in my head does pop up quite a bit, don't get me wrong. Ultimately I want a life, one without being tied to a bottle. One that won't kill me in the near future.


      How to start

      Oh, and...

      Vodka was my poison of choice too. NASTY STUFF.


        How to start

        How long ago did you quit?
        Control the Mind


          How to start

          Well first thing you made a great choice to quit the stuff. The best thing that worked for me first couple of days was I was sick and tired of just doing ok. My body was getting worn out and my mind full of anxiety over why I felt the way I did. Now I can honestly tell you you will see and feel a difference shortly if you stick it out.



            How to start

            Good Morning.
            I've been reading these posts for the last few days and soul searching. For over a year I have had the desire to stop drinking, but scared I won't be able to. I''m working up the "guts" to share on this site in hopes of support.


              How to start

              Hi brookhaven, Don't be scared, you'll never know if you can swim till you jump in and try it, and don't worry, you won't drown, there's so many hands here which will reach out to help you...You say you have had the desire to stop drinking for over a year now, well I wanted to stop drinking, and I tried and failed many times over a period of about 10 years, then last year I found MWO and I have been AF now for 102 days, so come on and join us and let this be YOUR WAY OUT....
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                How to start

                Hi Rocky,

                I quit once in December for almost 3 weeks, but then came the holidays LOL. I am on my 12th day - so it hasn't been that long, BUT I am feeling better than I have in a LONG time. My head is clear, I am feeling more energetic, etc. I know you can do it too!


                  How to start


                  Hi Brookhaven. Welcome to the boards. Ditto on what Irishlady said!


                    How to start

                    Hey Rocky, just wanted to see how you are doing, I am taking my supplements and i feel great today, let me know how you are doing and when you are quiting, I am quiting friday.
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      How to start

                      Hello Brookhaven and Rocky,
                      welcome to these forums. If you think you have a problem, you know you have a problem. Please do not feel scared, we are here to help. Just give it a try, if you fail the first time, dust yerselfs off and try again. Rome wasn't built in one day. Most of our problems and lifes and the reasons why we drank are not so dissimular. Like Irish said, you don't know if you can swim, if you don't jump in. So go jump. I have collected all my wine corks over the years and sewn them together. I am standing by the shore ready to throw you a life vest and so is everyone else here on the boards.
                      Love Lori
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        How to start

                        I am going to get the book and read it. I will decise what sups to get etc... Then pick a time to quit
                        Control the Mind


                          How to start

                          Thanks ya'll for the quick support. As usual, I started out this morning silenting promising myself this would be the day I was going to "try to quit".....however, this is the first day I actually took a step to communicate. I did order the book, etc. and now trying to learn all the lingo, terms, medicines and such.


                            How to start

                            Not Sure

                            I am not sure when I am going to start. I think I need to reduce the amount for a week or so, before just stopping. I need a plan
                            Control the Mind


                              How to start

                              Welcome again Brookhaven!

                              Rocky, very wise for you to cut down first. Stopping all together can be dangerous. It sounds like your plan is coming together. Good for you!

