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Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

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    Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

    Hi Everyone,
    I got my supplements and hypno tapes yesterday and I think I am really ready. For the past few days I have been contemplating the reasons I want to quit drinking, realizing that there is more chance of success if I am striving towards something positive, versus quitting "because it's not good for me." So I wanted to list those reasons.

    1. I want to stop feeling shame and start feeling respect.

    I finally "get" that drinking is keeping me bound by shame. The more disrespectfully I treat myself with abuse, the more shame I feel, the more shame I feel, the more I disrespect myself by trying to numb the shame. I admit I have been quite dense about this, but it really is as simple as Quit the drink; feel self respect. Keep drinking. Keep feeling shame

    2. I want to be pretty again.

    I have gained so much weight from drinking that I can't wear most of my clothes. But I also don't want to buy new ones because I hate looking at myself in the mirror. Another cycle that I'm betting will resolve itself quite nicely without the consumption of two bottles of wine each night.

    3. I want to be part of the world again.

    Drinking has kept me so isolated because I don't want people to know about it, so I keep everyone at a distance.

    4. I want to live an honest life.

    By making everyone around me believe I have quit, yet still drinking in private, I am living a lie. Another source of shame.

    5. I want to feel joy.

    I spend so much time feeling crappy, recovering from hangovers and feeling guilty, there is no room for joy.

    6. I want to start enjoying my life.

    By all counts, I am a very blessed person, surrounded by people who love me, a nice home, good job, the world is pretty much my oyster if I would allow myself to enjoy it.

    7. I want to thrive.

    "Thriving", at least not at this moment, is not a word I would use to describe myself. Right now I am surviving, and that's about it.

    8. I want my eyes to sparkle.

    I ALWAYS notice when people have clear, bright eyes, probably because they are such a sharp contrast to my dull, lifeless (red!) eyes. One time when I was sober for five months, I remember my radiance. I lost 10 pounds, my clothes looked great on me, my eyes sparkled and I remember thinking I could actually catch a glimpse of a peaceful soul behind them.

    9. I want my soul to be allowed to live.

    Drinking is really killing my soul. I can feel it.

    10. I want to feel peaceful.

    Drinking makes me so sad all the time.

    Okay. So those are my top 10 positive reasons to begin this journey. I feel like I am really ready. I have my supplements to heal my body and the people on this board to help me with my brain Thank you all for being here and I am really looking forward to the road ahead :thanks:


    Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

    Roxy, that list sounds like the one I have been formulating in my head. Thanks for writing it down. I wish you nothing but the best!!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

      Thanks Lush

      Will you write yours down too? I'm you'll have things that I forgot...and I need as many reasons as possible to get this thing off the ground!


        Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

        You are ready!

        Roxy, you are so ready! Go for it girl!


          Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready


          You so remind me of myself that was 9 AF days ago, go for it my thoughts are with you.



            Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

            :thumbs: Sounds like you got the decision made. Huggs your way.


              Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

              I must say that your screen name "Accountable for Me" has really had a profound effect on my thinking that past few days. I finally GET that I am responsible to take care of myself. And I can choose to do it kindly and lovingly by stopping the self abuse, or continue on my path of misery and pathetic wallowing.

              So thanks for your contribution to my mental turnaround. I really feel as if something has shifted inside of me :-)



                Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                Thank you SO much for telling me that! Hearing that coming from someone who is on the path I want to follow gives me hope that this mental shift is genuine. I am actually feeling excited!:thanks:



                  Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                  Hi Roxy,

                  Way to go!! I had my first day af yesterday and have just finished day af. It is really hard, but I think it is really a mind set. You have a great idea of listing why you want to quit drinking, I think I will try that.

                  Good luck I know you can do it with all the encouragement from this sight.

                  :h :h :goodjob:
                  "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                  Catherine Pulsifer


                    Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                    Thank you, h :l



                      Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready


                      I got shivers up my spine. What wonderful words.

                      I feel the same as you... especially with regards to the quit = self-respect, drink = shame. It may not always be that way for me, but that's the way it is for now and so I accept it.

                      Your desires are clear, and you have something very real and tangible to hold on to by setting those. In the past, I've found that it was always too hard for me to sit down and work out what I wanted. I always wondered why I had a problem with goal setting.

                      Now I know that it's because I knew subconsciously that I would have to give up drinking if I looked closely at what I needed to do to change my life!

                      Thank you so much for those reminders. They will help to keep me on track when I need it.

                      Lots of love and hugs

                      Gem x
                      Free since 26th February 2012


                        Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                        I am new and so far just reading and thinking...taking it all in. Your list is great. It's just what I needed to put the drinking in perspective. I'm going to get the book and read it, and keep reading here and then pick my day to start...

                        Best wishes on your journey
                        Control the Mind


                          Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready


                          I have jsut been reading and thinking about picking a day to start to stop. Your list is great! That is a piece that will help me very much. I am going to get the book today and read that. I have been reading this board for a couple days.
                          Good luck on your journey...
                          Control the Mind


                            Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                            Roxy girl, you are so ready. I started way back in July and did 30 days AF then life tossed me a money wrench and I fell flat on my face. Today I am on day 10 of AF and this time I have a much more humble attitude and I am feeling great. The cravings are starting to diminish and my normal sleep pattern is reemerging. Well, to tell you all the truth, I am feeling just great and I want you to feel great too. Doitdoitdoitdotidoit now.
                            xoxoxo Lori
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                              Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                              Roxy......wonderful post full of inspiration....thanks, just wondering....are you doing the topa too?My

