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Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

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    Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

    Lori Ditto, I'm day 10 as well, It's amazing how 10 days can change so much .......

    Roxy, Your list is amazing, If I were you I would print it out and stick it to your fridge or somewhere, then every time you get tempted you can remind yourself of all the reasons .....

    Go Girl ....:h

    Lots of love & hugs, Paula xx:h :l :h


      Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready


      I am going to print out your list, it sounds just like how I feel. Way to go I only see good things coming for you.
      Keep up the good work.
      :goodjob: :h
      "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
      Catherine Pulsifer


        Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

        Hi Momof2boys and congrats to YOU too! You sound like you're right where I am. I had a really nice day today and am looking forward to a nice peaceful AF evening I hope your day and evening are going well, too, and thank you so much for the encouragement! Right back attcha :goodjob:



          Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

          Hi My,
          I am not doing the Topa, so far. So far the supps are serving me well. I can honestly say I have not had any cravings since starting them yesterday morning.

          What about you? What all are you doing re supps, topa, etc?


            Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

            :l Lori..HUGS to you on your Day 10!! That is so fantastic. I have a recollection of past times getting sober and right about the 14-day mark is where I remember starting to feel really good, so you are fast approaching that time.

            You mentioned being humble, and I, too, feel very humbled by this difficult journey. But I am soooo trying to not beat up on myself that it's taken this long (I'm 43), and to trust that I am on the right path, and it takes whatever it takes. Today I was feeling grateful to the Universe, God, whoever, for not giving up on me, and the fact that some how, some way, my soul has not yet been completely destroyed during this process. Something has allowed me to keep trying, so that's what I am going to focus on.

            So far it seems to me these tools in MWO are very valuable. It's only Day 2 AF for me, but it has not been the misery that it usually is by this time. So something is different.

            Anyway..sorry to ramble! I just wanted to give you a :goodjob: thumb's up and say hi.



              Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

              hi Gem :l
              I finally realize, too, that every situation in my life that is not working the way I would like it too has its roots in one thing and one thing only and that is the drinking. An AA friend told me once that for those of us who have not truly hit a rock bottom (ie. jail, loss of family, etc) the process can be much more PROLONGED because our 'problems" are more subtle, so it's easier to get away with believing we are fine.

              For me this past few months of starting to regularly drink TWO bottles of wine instead of one has been a real awakening, especially when I look on the drink tracker and see the number "8". That is a LOT of alcohol for a woman to consume. And the fact that I can do it and still function has been even more of an eye opener. So maybe for those of us who don't have a huge "in-your-face" rock bottom (YET!), it takes a bigger number of less-obvious issues to grab our attention.

              Anyway, I for one, am grateful to be experiencing this shift, and to have found a way out that seems very intelligent and logical.

              And I am looking forward to our continued conversations :heart:



                Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                PS...Gem, I keep meaning to ask you what you are doing re supps, topa, cd's...all of it? Just curious...



                  Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                  Hi Roxy,

                  That's so true about the rock bottom. I mean, really we should be grateful that our problems have never reached that extreme, but you are right, it's easy to rationalise away the problems when they are more subtle.

                  Yet I think it's exactly that which has held me back - a constant feeling that things are not quite right, and feel discontented, but not necessarily about anything in particular. I now know it's all because of drinking. Every stupid thing I've ever done is a result of being drunk.

                  I have to say that at Day 11 my last drunken embarrassment has started to fade. That's why I'm making sure I'm back on here every day to remind myself why I'm doing this!

                  Today, my colleagues were going off for a drink after work... it took a lot of strength to say no. In a few weeks I'll be strong enough to join them and stick to the sparkling mineral water, but not whilst I'm so new to being AF!

                  In answer to your question, I'm on lithium for bipolar II (mainly depression), and then since becoming AF am taking L-Glutamine, milk thistle and melatonin (had problems sleeping in the first few days). I'm also using meditation CDs. Oh, and nicotine patches!

                  Every other night, I also write myself two lists:
                  1) Everything I am grateful for
                  2) Everything I want to attract into my life

                  Then for each thing on the second list I sit and really think about how it would feel to have those things happen.

                  It's a bit of a mixed-up, made-up program, but it's starting to work. Today I felt happier than I have done for a long, long time.

                  You sound happy, Rox, you sound as if you've really made up your mind about this and you're really clear on where you want to be. That's a recipe for success! Go for it!

                  Free since 26th February 2012


                    Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                    I need to incorporate your gratitude list/attraction list. And I like the idea of doing it every other night. More realistic.

                    You sound very focused and I am really happy for you. I think you and I may be on a similar plane so I will look forward to keeping up with your progress

                    Re not drinking when everyone else is, the way I have gotten around that for the past few years is going out with everyone and not drinking (because they all think I've quit, so one must keep up appearances) but knowing that I would soon be having my own little party by myself at home I suspect that now that I have committed to NOT drinking by myself and being honest with myself, not drinking with people who are will be a tad more difficult, but not impossible. Instead of coming home to drink, I plan to come home and read this board. There's still so many parts of it that I haven't had time to explore, so it should keep me busy for awhile.

                    I'm glad your Day 11 finds you feeling stronger and hugs to you from across the Pond:l

                    ps, have you ever tried L Tryptophan for sleep?? It's WONDERFUL. An amino acid. I take 4 or 5 at night and even in the early days of being sober find I get a very restful sleep. If you're interested, let me know and i will pass along the exact one I get, which is pharmaceutical grade versus some watered down imposter


                      Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                      Roxy...divulge your secret L Tryptophan!! There are many of us who are interested!!! Thanks, My


                        Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                        yeah I am interested too.
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                          Hi's the link.

                          My nutritionist has me on this stuff. It is great. And safe. I take 3-5 each night :-)
                          Let me know if the link doesn't work, but it should. And this brand is very high potency, the real deal ;-)

                 Tryptophan 120 caps


                            Got my supps and CDs - I think I'm ready

                            Hey, thanks Roxy....I just ordered my first batch.....I can never sleep when I don[''t drink....think that's half my least half! Thanks again, My

