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new beginnnings

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    new beginnnings

    I looked at this site just after Xmas as I was sick and tired of drinking every evening until I fell "asleep" ...often would drink a bottle and a half of wine. Thankfully I do not suffer hangovers jsut feel really sluggish and ashamed of myself for the lack of self control. The critical self talk would go on the whole day but I would still start agoin that evening. I seem to not be able to stop at one drink . My husband is also critical of my drinking even tho he drinks as well, but admittedly has more control. Our social life involves drinking alcohol with friends and we have a very well stocked cellar with some great wines. I have asked my husband to make positive comments instead of the negative as anything he says to me I have already said to myself Since the beginning of this year I have read the MWO book which certainly strikes a chord. I hate the thought of AA and I also like to think that eventually I can sip just one or two glasses only and enjoy . I bought a hypnotherapy CD and am listening to same on a daily basis. I have also ordered the MWO supplements and am waiting for them to arrive.
    Just with reading the book and listening to the CD I have managed to be AF for 4 days and the other 4 I have had a limit of two to three drinks.
    I really do have the urge to drink and it is not that easy ....yet.... but I know I have to do this otherwise my health will suffer. At bad moments I think that it does not matter if my health suffers. I might as well die of something, excepting Iam only 54 years young with a lot of living still to do.
    This site is great as I do not feel alone and you all seem to be very understanding and supportive.
    Thank you very much:new:

    new beginnnings

    new beginnings

    I looked at this site just after Xmas as I was sick and tired of drinking every evening until I fell "asleep" ...often would drink a bottle and a half of wine. Thankfully I do not suffer hangovers jsut feel really sluggish and ashamed of myself for the lack of self control. The critical self talk would go on the whole day but I would still start agoin that evening. I seem to not be able to stop at one drink . My husband is also critical of my drinking even tho he drinks as well, but admittedly has more control. Our social life involves drinking alcohol with friends and we have a very well stocked cellar with some great wines. I have asked my husband to make positive comments instead of the negative as anything he says to me I have already said to myself Since the beginning of this year I have read the MWO book which certainly strikes a chord. I hate the thought of AA and I also like to think that eventually I can sip just one or two glasses only and enjoy . I bought a hypnotherapy CD and am listening to same on a daily basis. I have also ordered the MWO supplements and am waiting for them to arrive.
    Just with reading the book and listening to the CD I have managed to be AF for 4 days and the other 4 I have had a limit of two to three drinks.
    I really do have the urge to drink and it is not that easy ....yet.... but I know I have to do this otherwise my health will suffer. At bad moments I think that it does not matter if my health suffers. I might as well die of something, excepting Iam only 54 years young with a lot of living still to do.
    This site is great as I do not feel alone and you all seem to be very understanding and supportive.
    Thank you very much


      new beginnnings

      Great job on you AF days and moderating! It sounds like you will be very successful with the program. Welcome and I hope to see you on the boards.
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        new beginnnings

        Thanks for your support. Iam still learning how to post on this site. Have not ever done this before.
        Great to hear from you


          new beginnnings

          I'm also in Australia... there's a few of us here as you have probably worked out. I had never done chat or posting before either (I'm not a pro at it yet either, but I think i've been here just about the longest - so I"m probably a slow learner!!). Exhaustion and tiredness gets us here in the beginning. There are heaps of people here trying all sorts of different things. Read and get some facts into your brain. See what you think you are able to try.. be honest about what you can achieve.

          I came here over a year ago. I dont do RJ's program, but by reading what people were doing I made a program for myself which would work for me and its not too dissimilar to RJ's in terms of it is a wholistic approach. I never thought I'd make 3 weeks sober and here I am at over a year. Its probably one of the hardest things I've done but its also one of the best.

          I, for one, am not going back to that feeling that got me here in the first place.

          Hope its the same for you. Good luck


            new beginnnings

            Hi Brigid

            Thanks for the encouragement.



              new beginnnings

              Hello anke
              well done! This is a great place to come for support and advice.
              Hope you stick around.


                new beginnnings

                Thanks Paul. By the way, have just come ack from an appointment with my Doctor. Unfortunately she is unable to prescribe the Topamax. Any suggestions ? which online service is a safe one to buy this particular drug??



                  new beginnnings

                  Hi Anke, and welcome!!

                  Just want to echo the others and say again that this is a wonderful, wonderful place. As I am/was a bit of a rookie when it comes to computer skills, just thought I'd share my little piece of advice. After you click on "community", you can then just click on "New Posts" under the lower blue toolbar (between "calendar" and "search" which will show all the new messages posted since you last visited. It was a huge "DUUHH" moment for me, but I'm sure glad I figured that out. Saves me a bit of time... although I could still spend half my day here!!

                  take care,


                    new beginnnings

                    Thanks a lot Olly. Iam still trying to find my way around. I am having a problem with the chat site and wondering how to get the aussie flag next to my name in the column. I will keep persevering.
                    This is a great site. Very supportive and encouraging. Lots of stories...sometimes funny , at others downright sad. Can relate to a lot of them.

                    take care



                      new beginnnings

                      Hi Anke,
                      I'm in Australia too... and I'm a newbie as well!

                      I was also drinking a bottle and a half of wine per night... plus hanging out with a group of mates whose idea of a good time is to make sure you can't remember how you got home. So I understand.

                      Like I said, I'm new myself but this site has helped me get to Day 10 AF... something I have not managed since I can't remember when.

                      Good luck!
                      Free since 26th February 2012


                        new beginnnings

                        Dear Anke,
                        Another Aussie here. If your doctor can't get you Topo off script, ask for Campral which is on PHB so only costs $15 or so.
                        I only joined a few weeks ago,
                        Eventually you'll come across Katesm. She's been very helpful to me, as have many others. She's also in S.A.
                        I also have some wonderful wines in our cellar, and several wonderful single malts. But my health, and desire to not drink myself to sleep every night and the myriad reasons why I came to MWO now take priority. I've been on Campral and the MWO supps for a couple of weeks and I've cut down dramatically. Going 3-4 days AF, then only 2 drinks, then another 3-4 nights. So I'm happy with progress so far.. Your situation pretty much mimics mine. I agree with you about AA... not for me! The longer you are not drinking the less power it has over you. Also be aware of your self talk, and say things to yourself to reinforce that you are sober. Saying stuff like "I have a drinking problem", or "I am an alcoholic", or the classic cop out "I'll try not to drink" is reinforcing it on yourself and your sub conscious. Oops, didn't mean this to be a lecture! Anyway, welcome, and stay in touch.

                        You'll find lots of support here, so stick around and enjoy the i


                          new beginnnings

                          Oops left a bit out. Enjoy the company. I hate my keyboard! Gotta get a new one.


                            new beginnnings

                            Hi, yes it would be quite easy to down a bottle of wine or more every night wouldn't it. I'm on my 4th AF day but have a social engagement tonight - do't know how that's going to go. My partner is is happy with one or two drinks and no more and doesn't reaalise the extent of my drinking. I have ordered the CDs. How have you found them so far?


                              new beginnnings

                              Dar Anke,
                              I replied last night but as you can see from the posts, the system was corrupting data.
                              I can't remember all I said, but here are a couple of things. I'm Aussie as well. Sth Coast NSW
                              If your doc can't get Topa off script, then ask for Campral. That's what I'm on. It reduces cravings.
                              My story pretty much mimics yours. I also have a great wine cellar, plus many single malts.Drat!
                              AA definitely not for me.... public confessions that you're an alcoholic.... just reinforces it in your mind. Which brings me to the last thing. Start changing the wording of your self talk. You end up believing /becoming what you say to yourself. So, for example, instead of "I'm a heavy drinker"which means you're constantly reminding yourself that you are, and so your behaviour pattern wants to continue that way, think "I'm an abstainer" Let's take the power away from alcohol and like RJ says in the book, think of it as you would butter.
                              Lastly, you'll come across Katesm soon. She's also in S.A. somewhere. She's been very helpful, as has Mike up north, becca, and so many others. You've come to a great place.

