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I'm on day six of being AF

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    I'm on day six of being AF

    Okay, I have been on quite a ride all week. I did my appointment with my psychologist. It was really productive. I told her about my goal of quitting drinking for 30 days and then seeing where to go from there. I had a productive meeting. I also learned breathing exercises to help the anxiety. Today is rough. I've been trying to call my sister and got my Dad. Dad and I are sort in a bad place. His voice touched something off in me. I'm also off today and Hubby is at work. It's going to be a struggle to day..........

    I'm on day six of being AF

    Hang in there JustH

    We're all here for, please keep reading and posting, Just think, if you drink, you will have to start at day one again tomorrow, If you don't you will be on day 7.....

    That worked for me when I was struggling ......

    Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h


      I'm on day six of being AF

      Just h - hang in there. Glad your appointment had positive results. Today may be rough but you've already clocked up 6 days. That's great! Picture yourself at day 30....


        I'm on day six of being AF

        Sorry forgot to say :goodjob: on being on day 6, it might have been a rollercoaster 6 days but you've stayed on it ........


          I'm on day six of being AF

          Thanks Tawny and Paula. I'm hanging in there. By a thread today. Your words of encouragement are helping me. I'm trying to be that little train that could. I think I can I think I can I think I can...........


            I'm on day six of being AF

            I know you can I know you can I know you can I know you can ..................


              I'm on day six of being AF

              Choo - Woo ............ :H


                I'm on day six of being AF

                You can do this just h.
                You know what I say to myself? If you give in, you will be in this same battle 2 months, 6 months, a year from now! But if you keep going, it will just get easier and easier. When is the last time you can say you went a week? For me, it was a while before last October or so! SO push along. You can do this. Think of the long term - think of how good you will feel! YOU WILL DO IT YOU WILL DO IT YOU WILL DO IT !!!!
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  I'm on day six of being AF

                  just h.....PLEASE PLEASE hang in there! Little ol people like me are praying for you and all the others who we look up to for having the courage to DO exactly what we WANT to do.......prayers and hugs are being sent to you .........My


                    I'm on day six of being AF

                    Hey Just,
                    A thread is enough. Tomorrow it will be string. Next week it will be 13mm climbing rope, and next month the mooring rope for the QE11.
                    Breathing meditation is good, keep it up. The good thing is you can do it anytime, anywhere.... very calming as I breathe in I relax, as I breathe out I am calm. A great relaxation technique, and the main forerunner to different meditation techniques.
                    So, day six. That is a wonderful achievement. Keep going.
                    The main thing about the little train is that by thinking he could.... he could! What would have happened if he'd had self doubt?


                      I'm on day six of being AF

                      You are Awesome!

                      Just H, to have day 6 and now striving for day 7, that is a great achievement! You are really doing great by committing to today, then the train can chug along to good health! I know you are awesome! Audacious and Bodacious, as they say here in the south! :goodjob:
                      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                        I'm on day six of being AF

                        Hi Just H.
                        I hope you are still hanging in there :l

                        I don't know if this will have any relevance to you or not, but a funny thought came to me in the shower this morning, the words (or "non-words" as the case may be) of our country's Commander in Chief, shouting, "IM THE DECIDER!" You have to say it with the drawl and you have to enunciate the IM in order to give it full effect. I am not a fan of the author of these pearls of wisdom BUT for some reason they struck a cord with me today and made me realize that I really am the decision maker in my life. I get to choose. It gives me power.

                        You have made a decision to not drink for 30 days. And thus far you have decided not to drink for six consecutive days, so my bet is that you can decide the same for Day 7 :thumbs:

                        I think the people on this board are amazing and I think it's great that you came to the board before you decided to drink. That is my plan as well, so I will look forward to seeing you around here and getting to know you.



                          I'm on day six of being AF

                          Fuck me...............

                          Fuck Fuck Fuck...........I'm pissed at myself. I gave in. I had 3 drinks and then I stopped. I called my Mom. I came clean with her about my slip. I just have had my Dad's voice and face in my head all fucking day long. I can't believe I let him get in my head like this. My Mom and I had a long a very wonderful talk. She told me she still know I can lick this. She said she's proud of me. I'm crying right now as I write this. She told me she doesn't think my Dad had a real problem with alcohol when he stopped. She said she only saw him drunk twice at two parties. She said he didn't have depression to deal with. So she said my path will most likely be different than his cold turkey path and accepting Jesus. I've already accepted Jesus. How many times am I supposed to do that? She said she won't make talk to him until I'm ready to. I told her I love him I just can't even hear his voice. Fuck it all hurts so fucking much. But life can be better. It has to be. The grass is always greener? So, I'm back to a Day ONE tomorrow. Atleast I stopped before I got smashed. Fuck Fuck Fuck. So much for the train tonight. Okay I loathe myself. Not healthy I know. My Mom still loves me. So, that will be enough to get me through the night. Okay 30 days here I come. I'm tired of playing games. Feeling like shit. Hating myself for not dealing with my anger, hate and fears head on. Sorry to everyone. Glad that I didn't go on a total bender though. All I can say is Fuck me. Right now. Tomorrow is another day and my Mom said a prayer just for me. I don't know what else to say except I'm crying and.............I have to go for now............I'll be back on tomorrow.............


                            I'm on day six of being AF

                            Hi Just H,
                            I hope when you come back tomorrow that you will remember to give yourself a pat on the back for posting, even though you are disappointed in yourself. It takes great courage to post when one has taken a small step backwards. Try to keep in mind that what really matters is your intention to go forward towards your goal of abstinence, and then dust yourself off and keep forging ahead.

                            My instinct is always to run away and hide once I have slipped up. I am going to make it a goal to not do that here because this is a safe place for everyone to experience growth and change. I hope you give yourself credit for your decision to change and be kind to yourself as you encounter detours along the path.

                            hang in there and here's a cyber hug for ya :l



                              I'm on day six of being AF

                              Hey just h

                              Another train will be leaving Platform Nine and three quarters tomorrow. You have a reservation.

