it just makes me worse
But it's all I can do,
The real bitter truth.
It seems so frightening
That there's no other way.
I've searched for escape
And there's none to be found.
I just want to sleep
Forever and ever.
Wake up in a place,
Which is far, far away.
I'm not that unhappy,
My whole life is fine.
I'm just getting bored
And want to do something else.
I want to be different,
Stand out from the crowd.
I need to be more than that face in the distance.
I can't stand the feeling I don't know who I am.
When I look in the mirror
I want to break down and cry.
Because I'm not looking at myself,
Because I'm now looking for myself.
I'm actually not - This is a poem I wrote when I was 13.
I'm 26 now and am on the better side of recovery
This still fits my emotions at the points when I wasn't doing ok - feeling despair and lost. Wanting an escape.
I'm not sure whether anyone can relate but thought it might be of some use in 'just starting out'.