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Out of Lurkdom

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    Out of Lurkdom

    Emotional Day yesterday

    Hi everyone and welcome to the new mums.

    My councellor chatted to the Dr attached to the clinic yesterday and he was saying the Dr's here in western australia generally dont prescribe antebuse, opting for naltrexone rather. It also sounded like, even this Dr (who specialises in alcohol/drug re-abilitation) would not prescribe it.

    So here I am driving my car, whilst my councellor is telling me all this, and I start feeling very very desperate and start crying. Anyway, my councellor (bless her soul, she is fabulous), said she would have another chat with him and would call me back later in the day or on Monday.

    Half and hour later, after I had calmed down a bit, I thought BUGGER THIS, and made my way to my GP's rooms. My GP is part is a medical centre and they have a number of doctors who you can see (about 10). They also have a queue and wait system, so no appointments. Two hours later (thanks Angry Birds and android phone for making the time go faster ), I get to see the Dr. I chose a different Dr to the one who prescribed the Naltrexone, as that Dr would not give me antebuse. Anyway walk in there, gave him the splurb about where I am, why I need it etc etc and walked out with the script YIPPPPPEEEE!!!!!

    What amazed me about this Dr, is that he really listened to me (maybe I was his first interesting patient of the day ???, not every day do you get a 40 something woman walking in, saying, I'm an alcoholic, I am having councilling and I need this drug. I know all the risks etc etc, now can I have it pleeeeaaaseee )

    I called the chemist and they are getting the antebuse in for me, should be there on my journey begins next week.

    Will keep you all posted on how I progress

    Have a splendid weekend


      Out of Lurkdom

      Great work Jo.

      I wish you all the very best on your journey. We'll see you on the Underoo's thread anytime you feel comfortable saying G'day.


      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Out of Lurkdom

        Good job on sticking up for yourself! I hope it works for you.
        All the best,
        AF since 9/20/2011


          Out of Lurkdom

          Just a quick Good Morning to the moms,

          BelleGirl -- I was really hoping by the time my kids are as ?old? as yours the morning routine would be a breeze! Seems we?re on a similar life track -- I was nearly 40 when my first child was born. Cheers to ?older? moms!!!

          Lost Soul -- I am enjoying the benefits of motherhood without wine. One of the best things is that I no longer make stupid or unrealistic promises to my kids at night that I don?t remember the next morning -- promises that I never would have made at all if I were I sober! Also, I can hardly believe I?m coming up on 5 months -- I was thinking it was 4. Time just keeps zipping by!

          Mommy -- I?ve never been able to have just 1 glass of wine. That does seem like a step in the right direction, but for me since I drank to get drunk 1 glass would never do. Staying away from it all together is easier. Uggh?
          AF since 9/20/2011


            Out of Lurkdom

            MumOfTwo;1254561 wrote:

            those that can have a couple of drinks every so often, everyone I speak to seems to be able to do that. Why can't I ??

            Jo, we are just 'wired' bio chemically different to most, and that's okay. Some folk can't process dairy, or peanuts. We aren't good with grog. Acceptance of this fact was a big hurdle for me, but you can overcome it.

            Best wishes, Greg.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Out of Lurkdom

              Hey I have been told, it doesn't get easier as they get older, it just gets "different". Now that the kids are older, it is more of a mental challenge all day, not just in the morning. My son likes to stay up very late reading in bed with a flashlight...thus making it so hard to get him up in the morning. I can't stay awake late enough...even get him to stop reading. But he is reading, so I can't argue much with that. And then there is the bickering...are yours at the bickering stage yet? That always had the potential to drive me to drink and handle it poorly. Now I let them bicker and try to block it out.

              I am also familiar with the "promises" made while drunk. I did my share of that also. The worst part was telling them something, or doing something that I barely, or don't even remember...and having to act like I knew what they were talking about the next day. If they had known the extent of my problem, they could have pulled a lot over on me. I pray that I have seen the end of those episodes.

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

