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Day 2 Looking for Input

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    Day 2 Looking for Input

    I have committed to stop drinking for six months. Have quit before and whenever I start again it builds right back up to the one to two bottles of wine a day.

    Want to know how many are using all the parts of the program. Because I can be sensitive to new medications, I am gradually adding. Taking All One Kudzu and Calms Forte right now.

    Has anyone found a way to have the All One tolerable. By the time I get to the bottom of the glass end of dumping it because it so grainy. Have tried to juice and v-8 so far.

    Using the tapes also. Went under the first time with the clearing but haven't since. Haven't used the overnight tape yet - trying to figure out how to set up with husband in room also.

    It seems reading a lot of the chat, people seem to be struggling and relapsing. Hope I hear some success stories.

    Also how in the world do you get pictures with your names. I am new to any kind of chat room.


    Day 2 Looking for Input

    Hi Cher and welcome!!! The trick I learned that works for All one is to put it in a jar with juice and an ice cube. Shake real hard and the ice breaks up the clumps. You do need to drink it fast though. But if you blend it in the blender such as in a smoothie it will not be grainy and you cannot even tell it is in there.

    Kicking this addiction/habit is a tough one and yes some of us still drink more than we would like, but I think the majority of us here are in a better place than before we found this site. There are many, many success stories, esp. over in the abs section. You might want to read more over there. Although there also a lot of great moderators as well.

    I wish you much success whatever your goals may be.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Day 2 Looking for Input

      Cher, welcome to the group and I wish you much success.

      In order to add your Avatar, simply click on the 'User CP' link above and to the left. On the left-hand side of the screen will be an option to 'Edit Avatar.' Just click on that, and you have the option to either select from a predefined list or can import your own. Then click 'Save Changes' and you should be good to go.

      Cheers and hope that helps,

      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Day 2 Looking for Input

        Welcome Cher.
        It's good to have you on board. This really is a great place.


          Day 2 Looking for Input

          Hi Cher & :welcome:

          The best advice that I can give you is to read and post as much as you can, there is so much information on here that it will keep you really busy.

          Sorry can't help about supps because I don't take them

          All the best, Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h


            Day 2 Looking for Input

            Welcome Cher! I believe we are all successes in our own ways. I don't think I have come across any posting where someone has actually fell back off the face of the planet. And for those who started drinking again, posted their feelings, and ended up hopping back on the horse. I think it is therapeutic all in it's own to get your feelings, fears, failures, and accomplishments off of your chest in an environment where others truly understand and who are supportive. And the advice about supplements and all around good health is super too! (Sorry I don't have any advice about the supps or the CD's for you... I am not on that part of the program.)

            I also feel when I post and if I read what I wrote, it actually reminds me of why I am doing this for myself. Also offering advice and being supportive to others, or reading all of the positive postings does something wonderful to your soul. I haven't felt this positive in a LONG time. My perspective on things have changed from being beaten down and depressed with no hope to being a part of something that is truly amazing with LOTS of hope. These are just some reasons why I stick around. All the best.


