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Red Wine Drinker :(

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    Red Wine Drinker :(

    Hi, i am new to HERE :new: Really hope this website can help me ... I really want to quit drinking red wine I have been drinking wayyyyy tooo much in the past 2 years. Sometimes, i drink like 2L a night ... I think i am functional alcoholic ...Tonight is my day 2 quit drinking ... hopefully i can make it to day 3.

    Red Wine Drinker

    RWD, welcome:welcome:

    Be sure to visit the Newbie's Nest where there's lots of support and advice. Do you have a plan? The Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence has lots of ideas. Be sure to read a lot and post so we can try to help.

    Best to you.


      Red Wine Drinker

      Just wanted to welcome you, too. Stick around, and as Unwated said, be sure to go to the newbies nest and meet lots of others in the same place you are!

      "One day at a time."


        Red Wine Drinker

        Hi from me too! Boy, we sure have been keeping some vineyards in business over the years eh? But not any more!!!! Welcome. Hope you stick around and let us get to know you. Lots of great support here and suggestions, and ideas etc. Have a great, SOBER weekend.
        Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
        (quote from Bean )

        Goal: Survival


          Red Wine Drinker

          Welcome! I hope you have made your day 3. How are you doing? You have found a good place to start and lots of support. Isn't it nice to know you're not alone by a long shot??! My drink was mainly vodka and then I turned to red wine when I was trying to "cut down,." Yeah, that didn't work! But MWO helps, read and post to get through those times when you need a distraction and reminder that you are choosing a new way to cope

          Good luck!


            Red Wine Drinker

            Hi redwinedrinker,

            Glad you found MWO, this is a good place

            Be sure to download the MWO book - it's a good place to start! Congrats on your 2 AF days, that's a great start! Arm yourself with a good plan too.

            Drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support. Lots of folks there just starting out as well!
            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Red Wine Drinker

              I hope uou are on day 3 by now-great support here! Doesn't matter what you drink to get drunk, all that matters is to stop. SOOOO much easier said than done-but worth it.
              Stay strong and keep coming around


                Red Wine Drinker

                Hi Redwinedrinker, I hope you made it to day 3 too. I've been weaning from an 8 year lots of white wine habbit and I'm down to 3 and a half and want to stop completley. Please let me know how you are doing. Maybe I won't be so scared to just end it once and for all than. Keep trying RWD, you are already on your way to recovery.
                AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                STUMPY IS A LADY!


                  Red Wine Drinker

                  I made it to DAY 7 GUYS !!! Thanks for all the support!! OMGGGG, I was so close to get back to my drinking life... I really don’t know how long I can last…  But I promise I will try my best …. Again, thx for all the support!!


                    Red Wine Drinker

                    redwinedrinker;1255119 wrote: Hi, i am new to HERE :new: Really hope this website can help me ... I really want to quit drinking red wine I have been drinking wayyyyy tooo much in the past 2 years. Sometimes, i drink like 2L a night ... I think i am functional alcoholic ...Tonight is my day 2 quit drinking ... hopefully i can make it to day 3.
                    Me too ! Drinking exactly sametime - red wine every evening & of course at Christmas it was a free for all - 'cos you can drink during the day :upset:
                    I NEED to stop - have a plan though .

