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Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

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    Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

    Hello to you all.

    Ive been drinking now on a daily basis for over 20 years. Usually about a bottle and a half of wine each evening.
    About three months ago I was told I was at risk of diabeties as I was overweight so I joined a gym and started to get active. I also eat much more healthily. Ive lost 21 pounds and feel good. The thing is, even though I do all this exercise and eat really well I still keep drinking which doesnt help with the fitness. When Ive tried to stop in the past I just cant sleep at night and this is what really bothers me. I know its time to stop drinking now so Im looking for help, encouragement advice and support. No one knows about my little habit other than my wife who never nags or gets on at me. Feel free to reply on here or email me or whatever. Thanks so much.

    Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

    WELL DONE on your first sober evening, that is a HUGE start!!

    Stay close to the boards, post and READ READ READ!!

    Here is a link to the toolbox thread which is a wonderful place to start.

    Welcome to MWO Erik!!
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

      hey Erik, the first couple of nights are tough. but it gets easier. It was the hardest part for me, going to bed sober. I will tell you though NOTHING beats getting up in the morning headache and pastey mouth free... and the feeling of "hey i did it"... let us know how it went..

      AF since Sept 2013...


        Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

        Erik, welcome!:welcome:

        It's funny that you should bring up sleep -- that's my biggest issue too, but the exact opposite of yours. When I was drinking, I would wake up at 3 a.m. ish and not be able to go back to sleep. I don't have to tell you how horrible not sleeping on top of drinking makes one feel. When I quit alcohol my sleep did a 180 degree turn. I now sleep deeply every night. Really, it is nothing short of a miracle. My husband can't believe it, and neither can I. I used to feel dreadful every single day because I didn't know the extent to which alcohol was disrupting my sleep. Every single day was virtually ruined - overcoming headaches, feeling exhausted. Now, every day is joyful.......I wake up totally rejuvenated.

        So, after all that rambling..........I want to say that I truly believe that if you can remain stopped for a period of time, that your sleep will correct itself. I've done a lot of research on it, and disruption of sleep is one of the hallmarks of drinking.

        Wishing you the best! :lilheart:


          Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

          yes i think so too... it can corect itself.. and yes i was up everynight between 3am and 4am as well.. i wonder why?? i would make sure i had a couple of glasses of wine left over and drink them then... how horrible.. ughh i don't miss that at all.
          AF since Sept 2013...


            Going to bed sober tonight for first time in years.

            Erik, that was one of my biggest fears, too, and a big contributor to why I kept on drinking (added to fear of withdrawals).

            All I did was just go to bed and just *wait*...and *wait*...until I managed to get some sleep (think I got a decent stint of sleep on the third night)...and I just kept on waiting, braved the intermittent 'non-full' sleeps, until it started to normalise itself.

            Oddly, like Unwasted, I now have the opposite problem - I sleep like a bear in winter!

            Anyway, Erik, you have nothing to lose, just look at the bigger picture, it might take a lot of time to get back to normal, but time flies past pretty quick (nearly three weeks AF and it only seems like yesterday...)
            [I]Quit drinking nightly at home (8 yrs) at the end of Feb. One night out 8/4/2014...I am ALLOWING myself to drink when on a night out, just cos I want it that way.[/]

