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eeek! My first work at home day!

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    eeek! My first work at home day!

    Hi everyone,
    Today is my Day 4, and my first work from home day since being AF. This has been a huge trigger to drink (because I find my work so damned boring and would rather "play" than face the boredom). I can honestly say, it feels like the craving is more mental than physical though. the supplements help A LOT. I took an extra dose of the Kudzu here at lunch time, so the craving is only half as strong, being only mental, as it would be if it were also physical.

    So I am going to ride it out. Just wanted to air it here in case anyone has any insights they'd like to share.


    eeek! My first work at home day!

    Hi Roxy,

    Think of all the positive things that you will gain from not drinking.

    Pleeeaaase Stay strong, YOU CAN DO IT..... You will be sooo proud of yourself if you get through this.

    I have found recently that if I am tempted, but dont give in, about an hour later I get a huge RUSH of happiness, it's like i'm so proud of myself for winning .....

    Hope that you get it too....

    Love you xx Paula :h :l :h


      eeek! My first work at home day!

      I work at home Roxy and hate my job so the idea of drinking is always in my face because drinking is much more fun than my job. Well really it is not but it seems like it somedays when I am painfully bored. Don't give in if you are trying to abstain. You will be so proud of yourself later.................
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        eeek! My first work at home day!

        I am trying so hard to be GRATEFUL for the privilege of working from home on some days. How many people would give their first born for that, not having a two-hour each way commute, etc. I had a therapist tell me one time that when this I'm bored, hate my job would rather drink mindset kicks in, it's my five year old child running the show. That is certainly what it seems like. Drinking during the day, esp a work day, really feels like I'm getting away with something that no one else can do. But like you said, it's really not that fun in the end. If I do it, I'll end up sleeping the day away, then waking up in time to buy another bottle so I can sleep the night away and in the meantime be trashing the small shards of self esteem that have started to emerge these past few days. So I'm not gonna do it.

        Thank you for checking in and for your thoughts. Nice to know I'm not the only one in this boat!


          eeek! My first work at home day!

          It's good to hear that the sups make a difference.... That's waht I wanted to hear.

          Hang in there!!
          Control the Mind


            eeek! My first work at home day!

            THank you Paula!
            Yes, I am not going to cave in. I am trying to be The Observer here, just watching myself, not getting sucked in.

            I am going to head to the gym in a bit...that oughta take care of things :-)

            THANKS for the support and encouragement :thanks:



              eeek! My first work at home day!

              Good job Roxy - stay positive. Just think, if you can get through this, it is one less obstacle you have to face in changing the behaviours associated with drinking!


                eeek! My first work at home day!

                I have found one other thing about abstaining from alcohol: YOU HAVE TO GET USED TO IT AGAIN

                I find it weird to be sober in places that I always used to intoxicated in before. It takes adjustment. But as long as you acknowledge this period of adjustment, you'll be OK. You just have to get used to being in places (like at home during the day) and being sober. Soon enough, being sober in these environments will actually become normal again.


                  eeek! My first work at home day!

                  It's funny you should mention that Matt
                  I was just making my favorite dinner and having fond memories (make that partial memories) of the last time I made it, standing at the stove cooking, drinking my wine, drinking, drinking drinking...barely remembering the meal. But cooking with wine has become so NORMAL, like you said...tonight's weird.

                  Another thing I noticed this week was how little I REALLY "NEED" to "run to the market". I have been to the market once this week, versus 7 times per week (sometimes twice a day) when drinking. Always buying the wine, and food to go along with it so it wasn't so obvious, food that got thrown away because I never really needed it in the first place. I suspect I will be saving a lot more money than just what I spent on wine


                    eeek! My first work at home day!

                    he he... wow that's so true!! Those "runs to the shops"... my local grocery loved my business! Now he only sees me once a week, when I stop in to buy food only...

